Это внеклассные мероприятие можно провести в 5-6 классе ко дню Матери или к 8 Марта. Праздник сопровождается музыкальными номерами, сценами и т.п. (по усмотрению учителя).
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«Сценарий праздника «Mother’s Day»»
Сценарий праздника «Mother’sDay»
(4 класс)
Цель праздника: привитие интереса к изучению английскому языка
Подготовила: Тимонина Е.В.
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Самарская область
Это внеклассные мероприятие можно провести в 5-6 классе ко дню Матери или к 8 Марта. Праздник сопровождается музыкальными номерами, сценами и т.п. (по усмотрению учителя). До праздника можно провести конкурс сочинений на тему «My mummy» или «My family». Потом лучшие сочинения выставляются на празднике на всеобщее обозрение. (Сочинения выполняются на альбомных листах с фотографиями). Заранее заучиваются стихи, песни и тексты из сценок. Ведущий праздника - учитель английского языка, желательно проводить его на английском языке полностью.
Teacher: Good morning. dear boys and girls, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you! We wish to congratulate you on Mother's Day! Please, children!
Дети отстают заранее и линеечку в центре класса.
Pupil 1: I love my dear mummy! I love her very much! And do you love your mummy? Children (in chorus): Of course, we do! Pupil 2: Who loves Mummy best? “I,” says Fred, "I give her flowers: White, yellow and red." Who loves Mummy best? Pupil 3: "I" says May. “With my dear mummy I always play.” Who loves Mummy best? Pupil 4: "I," says Joe, "She asks to help her And I always do so." Pupil 5: I'm mother's little pet, Yes, that's me And my hair is very black As you can see. Pupil 6: I've two balls, many toys And a brother. And I'm very, very, very Fond of my mother. Pupil 7: Who fed me when I was a child? Children (in chorus): My mother! Pupil 8: Who comforted me in her arms so mild? Children (in chorus): My mother! Pupil 9: Who sat and watched my childish head, When I slept in my little bed? Children (in chorus): My mother! Pupil 10: When sickness made me cry in pain. Who nursed me till I was well again? Children (in chorus): My mother! Pupil 11: Who dressed my little doll so gayly And taught me song and games daily? Children (in chorus): My mother!
Pupil 12: Who rushed to help me when I fell And always had new stories to tell? Children (in chorus): My mother!
Pupil 13: Mother is busy From morning till night Keeping her family Happy and bright! Pupil 14: Help your mother to lay the table With a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother to lay the table Every afternoon! Pupil 15: Help your mother to clear the table, Take the knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother to clear the table Morning, night and afternoon! Pupil 16: Make a basket For your mother And fill it With flowers gay. Then put in a card Just to say: Children (in chorus): Happy Mother's Day! Pupil 17: Each bright flower Is here to say My wish for you Children (in chorus): Happy Mother's Day! Teacher: Sit down! Now we'll watch a few plays. Our children have prepared short plays about animals/one of them is "The Magic Box". Вберлогесидяттримедвежонка. Отец - медведьнесеттелевизор Son 1: Father. what have you got in that box? Honey? Father: No, children! There is no honey in the box. It's a magic box! Son 2: Magic? Why? Father: It's a TV set, Son 3: What is it? Father: Do you like films and plays? Sons (in chorus): Yes, father. ves. we do. Father: But we have to move to our winter flat. So Sons (in chorus); Yes. Father: We can't go to the cinema in winter. Son 1: Oh. Father. it's too bad! Father: But do you want to watch films and plays in winter too? Son 2: Oh, yes, we do. Father: We can watch them on television at home. Isn't it a magic box?! Teacher: Now let us watch the second play. It's also about animals. Its title is "The Fox and the Cock". Лиса. прогуливаясь, видит петуха и говорит про себя следующее: Fox: Oh! This cock will make a very nice breakfast for me! (Обращаясь к петуху): good morning! How are you? Cock: I am fine. thank you!
Fox: Do you know. All animals are friends now. The dog and the cat. the cat and the mouse. We are friends now! Cock: That's very good. That's very, very good! Fox: Yes, we are friends now. Come to my house for breakfast, please! Cock: All right. But I see a dog. Oh. look! Dogs like to eat too. Fox dear, do ask the dog to breakfast too! Fox: A dog? Did you say a dog?! The. good-bye! Cock: Dear Fox, dear Fox! Don't go! All the animals are friends now! Fox: So they are. But that dog doesn't know it! Teacher: Can you say in English the names of the coloures? Who can? Please! Let's play! На столах лежат предметы разного цвета. Нужно как можно быстрее и без ошибок назвать их цвета Teacher: Let's play! Choose a card and write the transcription, please! Ребята берут карточки и пишут на доске слова в транскрипции. Teacher: Do you like toys, children? Children (in chorus): Yes, we do. Teacher: Well then, take a toy and speak about it. Ребята по очереди берут игрушки со стола и рассказывают о них. Tea Teacher: That's all for today. Thank you very much! Happy Mother's Day!