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Страноведческая викторина на тему: "What do you know about English speaking countries?"

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«Страноведческая викторина на тему: "What do you know about English speaking countries?"»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Поселковская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1»


Участники игры: учащиеся 8 класса

Подготовила: учитель английского языка Потапова Галина Владимировна



  1. The southern and central part of Great Britain is …

    1. Wales; b) England; c) Scotland.

  2. The highest mountain Ben Nevis is in …a) Scotland; b) England; c) Wales.

  3. The best-known river in Great Britain is …

a) the Thames; b) the Severn; c) the Clyde.

  1. The United Kingdom is …

    1. a parliamentary monarchy; b) a federal republic; c) a federative state.

  2. The capital of Wales is …

    1. Swansea; b) Port Talbot; c) Cardiff.

  3. The biggest city of Scotland is …

    1. Glasgow; b) Edinburgh; c) Newcastle.

  4. The citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is

    1. English; b) British; c) Irish.

  5. The head of the state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is …

    1. the King; b) the Queen; c) the Prime Minister.

  6. The head of the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is …

    1. the King; b) the Queen; c) the Prime Minister.

10.The currency in the British Isles is …

а)the dollar; b) the mark; c) the pound.

  1. Where was William Shakespeare born?

a) London; b) Stratford-upon-Avon; c) Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


  1. How many stars are there on the American Flag?

a) 50;  b) 51;  c) 52;  d) 53.

  1. What is largest of the United States?

a) Texas; b) New York;  c) Alaska; d) California.

  1. Which of the following parks is not located in London?

a) Regent’s Park; b)  Holyrood Park; c)  St. James's Park; d) Hyde Park.

  1. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, how do the young 'star crossed lovers' meet their fate?

a) Both drink poison;  b) Romeo drinks poison and Juliet stags herself with a knife; c) Both are stabbed with a knife; d) Juliet drinks poison and Romeo stabs himself with a knife.

  1. … is an English general and politician (1599-1658) who was leader of the army against King Charles I in the Civil War.

a) Oliver Cromwell; b) Peter Pen; c) Robin Hood; d) Cherchill.

  1. … is old English university city.

a)London; b)Oxford; c)Windsor; d)Manchester.

  1. Heathrow Airport, one of the world’s busiest airports is about … km west of central London.

a)10; b)26; c)33; d)77.

  1. Most people remember King Henry VIII only because he had six …

a)sons; b)wives; c)daughters; d)dogs.

  1. … never married and is remembered as a very popular and strong queen.

a) Elizabeth II; b) Elizabeth I; c) Victoria; d) Henry VIII.

  1. The monument of … you can see in front of Buckingham Palace.

a)Prince Charles; b)Victoria; c)Victoria III; d)William Shakespeare.

  1. Queen Victoria ruled for the longest period in the English history, for …

    1. 50 years; b) 90 years; c) 64 month; d) 64 years.

  2. … Museum is a big palace with its rich collections of paintings and other works of art.

a)Charles and Anne; b)Henry and Elizabeth; c) Victoria and Albert; d)Andrew and Edward.

  1. Elizabeth II is Queen Victoria’s …

a) granddaughter; b) great granddaughter; c) daughter; d) mother.

  1. William Shakespeare’ father was …

a) artist; b)actor; c) glove-maker; d) writer.

  1. William Shakespeare married …

a) Anne Hathaway; b) Anne O’Connell; c) Jane Black; d) queen Jane.

  1. Anna and William Shakespeare had got … children.

a) 3; b) 6; c) 9; d) 2.

  1. Most of Shakespeare’s plays were performed in the ... built on the bank of the River Thames.

a) Music Hall; b) Globe Theatre; c) Elizabeth’s Theatre; d) Holy Trinity Church.

  1. … is a place where Shakespeare was buried.

a) Globe Theatre; b) Music Hall; c) Buckingham Palace; d) Holy Trinity Church.

  1. The symbol of Scotland is …

a) an apple; b) a clever; c) a thistle; d) a sunflower.

  1. … is the capital of Scotland.

a) London; b) Glasgow; c) Dover; d) Edinburgh.

  1. One of the best known monuments in Edinburgh is a monument to …

a) a cat Pussy; b) a mouse Grey; c) a dog Bobby; d) a bear Balu.

  1. In Wales people celebrate St. David’s Day on …

a) 23rd April; b) 1st March; c) 31st December; d) 1st May.

  1. … is the national game of Wales.

a) football; b) badminton; c) rugby; d) tennis.

  1. In rugby a team consists of … players.

a)5 ; b)11 ; c)15 ; d)20 .

  1. … Street is the most beautiful street of the New Town in Scotland.

a) Round; b) Princes; c) Queen; d) Green.

  1. The US is washed by the … in the west.

a) Black Sea; b) Japan Sea; c) Northern Sea; d) Pacific Ocean.

  1. The first US President was …

a) Columbus; b) George Washington; c) Abraham Lincoln; d) Bill Clinton.

  1. The Hollywood is in …

a) New York; b) Chicago; c) Los Angeles; d) Philadelphia.

  1. The Statue of Liberty is in …

a) New York; b) Chicago; c) Los Angeles; d) Philadelphia.

  1. The American flag is often called the …

a) Union Jack; b) Old Glory; c) Old Faithful; d) Stars and Stripes.


  1. The British Airways London Eye

  2. Big Ben

  3. Telephone box

  4. London Aquarium

  5. Tower Bridge

  6. The Tower of London

  7. British Post Box

  8. Westminster Abey

  9. The Yeoman Warders

  10. The Ravens’ Master

  11. Madame Tussaud's and Planetarium

  12. Scotland's Flag

  13. England's Flag

  14. Wales' Flag

  15. The UK flag

  16. Double-decker bus

The Houses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace


The Daffodil, national flower of Wales


I: 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6a, 7b, 8b, 9c, 10c,

II:11а, 12с, 13b ,14 , 15a, 16b, 17c, 18b, 19b, 20b, 21d, 22c, 23a, 24c, 25a, 26a, 27b, 28d, 29c, 30d, 31c, 32b, 33c, 34c, 35b, 36d ,37b, 38c ,39a ,40d.

III: 41f, 42g, 43r, 44h, 45i, 46j, 47q, 48o, 49m, 50n, 51 l, 52b, 53c, 54d, 55a, 56p, 57e, 58k, 59t, 60s.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Страноведческая викторина на тему: "What do you know about English speaking countries?"

Автор: Потапова Галина Владимировна

Дата: 17.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 481024

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