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Олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 8 классов

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«Олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 8 классов»

Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс

Рекомендованное время выполнения – 90 минут.

Уважаемые участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, используя только латинские буквы.

1. Tasks on Listening Comprehension


To marry выходить замуж, жениться

Boast хвастаться

1.1 Mark the sentences as true, false (T, F). (4 points)

1. Helen lived in a big city in England.___

2. Helen was seventeen. ___

3. Helen’s parents were rich.___

4. Helen wanted to get married to a rich man.___

1.2 Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence. (4 points)

1.Helen found the man she wanted to marry in ___.

a) Australia

b) America

c) London

2. ___ years later Helen came back to England.

a) ten years later

b) several years later

c) seven years later

3. Now Helen has got ___.

a) a small house and a large garden

b) a nice flat

c) a beautiful house and a large garden

4. Helen’s husband has got ____.

a) a ship

b) a plane

c) a train

2. Choose the right word to complete the statement. (2 points)

a) walk

b) read

c) write

d) draw

Answer: ____________________

3. Match the two halves of the sentence. Ответ запиши в виде комбинации цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку. (4 points) Например, 1а2d3c

1. Large houses in Britain were built

a) next week.

2.Charlie Chaplin was born

b) hundreds of years ago.

3. A test in English will be given

c) in the fridge.

4. Milk is usually kept

d) in 1889.

Answer: ____________________

4. Do the crossword and write the hidden word. В ответе запиши слово без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания. (7 points)

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Match the photograph with the name. Ответ запиши в виде комбинации цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку. (4 points) Например, 1а2d3c

Answer: ____________________

6. Solve the puzzle. В ответ запиши только разгаданное слово без каких-либо знаков препинания. (3 points)

Answer: ____________________

7. Reading. Find the picture which describes the kiwi best. (5 points)

The New Zealand Kiwi

In New Zealand there are quite a number of birds which are native only to that country. One of the most interesting is the kiwi. It lives in wet parts of the thick New Zealand bush and comes out only at night to find food.

Kiwis are among the smallest of the flightless birds. They are not common, and they are rarely exhibited at zoos. The female kiwi usually lays one very large egg about ten centimeters long. Then her husband sits on it for about eighty days. He also feeds the chick until it is big enough to find its own food.

In the past, kiwis were hunted for food, and they soon became very few in number. That`s why the New Zealand government stopped the hunting of kiwis, even for a zoo.

The kiwi is now the symbol of the New Zealand people. Small children are often called Kiwis. In elementary schools you may see posters on the walls of the corridor with the words: «Be a tidy Kiwi».


8. Country Study (10 points)

1. What is the name of the British national flag?

  1. the Union Jack

  2. the Saint Andrew’s Cross

  3. the Saint David’s Cross

  4. the Saint Jack

2. Who was Nelson from Nelson’s Column?

  1. a famous admiral

  2. a famous actor

  3. a King

  4. an explorer

3. The Tower of London used to be:

  1. a museum

  2. the Queen’s home

  3. a prison

  4. a military fort

4. When do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

  1. 1st April

  2. 17th March

  3. 31st October

  4. 5th November

5. The oldest university in Britain is…

  1. London

  2. Cambridge

  3. Oxford

  4. Edinburgh

6. The British Monarchs are crowned in:

  1. Westminster Abbey

  2. St. Paul`s Cathedral

  3. The Tower

  4. Buckingham Palace

7. The motto of the UK is:

  1. God and My Right

  2. God Save the Queen

  3. Land and My Fathers

  4. In God we Trust

8. The first woman prime minister in Britain was:

  1. Margaret Drabbe

  2. Elizabeth II

  3. Margaret Thatcher

  4. Charlotte Bronte

9. The highest mountain in the UK is

  1. Ben Cheviot

  2. Ben Loch

  3. Ben Nevis

  1. Ben Mcdugal

10. What is the name of England’s national saint?

  1. St. George

  2. St. Andrew

  3. St. Patrick

  1. St. Alex

9. Grammar. Choose the correct answer (10 points)

1. Excuse me, do you speak English? I _______ for a hotel.

  1. look

  2. am looking

  3. was looking

  4. have been looking

2. Mathematics ______ hard. I don`t understand it.

  1. are

  2. is

  3. was

  4. were

3. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It _______ a lot of visitors.

  1. attracts

  2. will attract

  3. has attracted

  4. attracted

4. When the phone rang, I... dinner.

  1. cook

  2. was cooking

  3. had been cooking

  4. have been cooking

5. He works ... and makes good progress.

  1. hard

  2. hardly

  3. good

  4. badly

6. I want to know what ...,

  1. are you doing

  2. were you doing

  3. will you do

  4. you are doing                      

7. I've made ... mistakes now than I made last time.

  1. few

  2. a few

  3. fewer

  4. less

8. Did you read ... English books at school?

  1. little

  2. many

  3. much

  4. none

9. What ... bad weather we are having today!

  1. the

  2. a

  3. an

10. We ... two compositions this month.

  1. write

  2. wrote

  3. were writing

  4. have written

10. Writing task (10 points)

It is a common practice to study a foreign language at school in your own country. However, many people think that the best way to learn it is to speak with native speakers. What is your opinion? What do you think is best way of studying a language? (50-80 words)


63 points

  1. Tasks on Listening Comprehension

    1. Mark the sentences as true, false (T, F).

1 T

2 T

3 F

4 T

1.2 Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence. (4 points)


2 C

3 C

4 B

2. Choose the right word to complete the statement. (2 points)

c) write

3. Match the two halves of the sentence.

1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 C

4. Do the crossword and write the hidden word.


5. Match the photograph with the name.

1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C.

6. Solve the puzzle.


7. Reading. Find the picture which describes the kiwi best.


8. Country Study





















9. Grammar. Choose the correct answer























To marry – выходить замуж, жениться

Boast – хвастаться

Helen was at school in a small, quiet town in England. She was seventeen years old, and her mother and father were poor, and their house was very small. Alice was Helen's friend. Helen said, "Alice, I am going to find a very rich man and I am going to marry him. Then I am going to have a beautiful house and a large garden and a lot of clothes and a lot of money."

Helen went to London and then to America where she found the man she wanted to marry.

Seven years later she came back to England and invited her friend Alice. Of course she wanted to boast about her life. She said, "Alice, I've married a very rich man. I've got a beau­tiful house and a large garden. My husband has got a plane and flies it!"

Alice said, "A lot of people have got planes and fly them." "But my husband does it in his house!"

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 8 классов

Автор: Квач Татьяна Викторовна

Дата: 14.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 457500

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