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Leader of the English

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Это урок игра для 10 класса. Цель урока определить лидера английского языка. Игра состоитиз пяти этапов. Каждый этап включает в себя ряд интересных заданий. На первом туре каждый участник знакомит себя на английском языке. На втором туре участники находят синонимы прилагательных. На третьем туре участники находят пропущенные слова. На четвертом туре участники сперва слушают текст затем выполняют ряд заданий. На последнем туре участники за одну минуту переводят слова.

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«Leader of the English »

The theme of the lesson: Leader of the English!

The aims of the lesson:

1. The development of skills to make joint decisions.

2. Development of creative abilities of pupils, training memory, thinking.

3. Raising the interest to the subject, the development of active personality.

The type of the lesson: extracurricular lesson

The methods of the lesson: vocabulary, clarity, heuristic, the tasks for the development of translation skills of pupils and cards, tests

The visual aids: tongue twisters, posters with pictures of animals, puzzles, presentation.


I. The leading:

Good afternoon pupils! How are you today? Today we will define the leader of the English among pupils of 10 form. Our participants are … .

Are you ready for the competition? If you are ready let’s start our competition of “Leader of the English”. Our competition is consists of 5 stage:

  1. Introduction

  2. Matching up

  3. Missing words

  4. Reading skill practice

  5. Who is quicker?

I. Introduction:

The first round is Introduction. Our participants will introduce themselves.

II. Matching up

Now, there are adjectives you have to find the synonyms of these words.

Match the items on the right with the items on the left.

lovely clever

intelligent beautiful

big nice

wrong fortunate

lucky messy

strong large

untidy little

mad powerful

small crazy

attractive uncorrect

III. Missing words

  1. I have a mobile ________ is blue.

  2. I _____ to school every day.

  3. Could you help ___ please?

  4. Sorry, I _____ come to your party, I was ill.

  5. _____ you do your homework?

  6. _____ she like cats?

  7. ____, she doesn’t.

  8. What time ___it?

  9. Have you _____ a car?

  10. _____, I have.

IV. Reading skill practice

Reading skills practice: Films and entertainment – exercises Match the words with the definitions and write a–f next to the number 1–6.




A woman who stars in films.




A famous person.




An award for the best actor or actress in Hollywood.




A beautiful woman who helps to sell a product.




A poster or notice to help sell a product.




To suggest someone for an award.

1. Check your understanding: ordering

Write a number (1-7) to put these sentences about Jennifer Lawrence’s life in the correct order.


She moved to Los Angeles.


She moved to New York.


She appeared on TV for the first time.


At school she played basketball for a boys’ team.


She was nominated for an Oscar.


Jennifer was born in Kentucky.


She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.

Choose the right answer.

1. What sports did Jennifer play at school?

a. basketball

b. surfing

c. hockey

d. tennis

2. What films has Jennifer Lawrence starred in?

a. Titanic

b. Transformers

c. Winter's Bone

d. The Hunger Games

3. What cities has she lived in?

a. London

b. Los Angeles

c. Miami

d. New York

4. What jobs has she done?

a. actress

b. model

c. fashion designer

d. waitress

5. What does Jennifer do in her free time?

a. play hockey

b. painting

c. surfing

d. play the guitar

6. What are her two brothers called?

a. Karen

b. Ben

c. Gary

d. Blaine

V. Who is the quicker?

Translate the words . I’ll read you words you have to translate them. (1 min.)

Our competition is over. Now we’ll count your scores and we’ll define the best English interpreter. Thank you for your work!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Leader of the English

Автор: Каргаева Балтин Муналовна

Дата: 03.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 181588

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