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Echo of the War

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Следует отметить, что тема войны была, и будет актуальна всегда. Актуальность этой темы состоит в том, что здесь идет речь не о какой-то войне, которая нас не касается, а об Отечественной войне, где русские люди защищали свою Родину.

В сценарии широко используется национально-региональный компонент. Готовясь к данному мероприятию, проведена большая исследовательская работа. На конкретных примерах показаны мужество и героизм земляков на войне, число погибших односельчан по годам. Особое внимание уделено фронтовым письмам земляка Мулгачёва Николая  Михайловича, которые являются документами огромной силы. При наглядном показе всех 10 писем, у которых уже выцвела чернила, при их чтении, комок застревает в горле, а на глаза наворачиваются слезы. Особую историческую ценность представляет извещение о его смерти, которое хранится до сих пор 87 – летней сестрой Ниной Михайловной. Песнями военных лет, воспевающими мужество, стойкость, героизм советского народа, которые звучат на английском и русском языках на данном мероприятии, без сомнения можно увлечь даже тех учеников, которые имеют малую степень мотивации к обучению. При исполнении песни «Журавли» танцевальная группа исполнит композицию. Голос Левитана - объявление о начале– ещё одно достоинство мероприятия, без сомнения, никого не оставит равнодушным. Конечно же,  использование мультимедийного проектора, презентации о героизме русских солдат, а также земляков на войне, о праздновании 9 мая в сельском поселении способствуют организации интересного занятия. Различные виды деятельности, оформление, музыка позволяют погрузиться в атмосферу военных лет, что пробуждает интерес к предмету.


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«Echo of the War »

Ход проведения мероприятия

Слайд : Звучит песня “Storks” («Журавли») в исполнении Марка Алмонда. Учитель читает стихотворение о войне.


T: Man invents war. Man discovers peace.
He invents war from without.
He discovers peace from within.
War man throws. Peace man sows.
The smile of war is the flood of human blood.
The smile of peace is the love, below, above.

T: Учитель приветствует детей и знакомит с целью мероприятия приводит высказывания Б.Франклина о войне.

Good afternoon, dear girls and boys and our guests! Nice to meet you. Let’s begin our Literature and Musical Composition, devoted to the Great Victory. The theme of the war is very urgent nowadays because it consolidates peoples all over the world. A famous American politician and diplomat B.Franklin once said “There was never a good war or a bad peace”.

Pupil: Слайд Учащиеся сообщают о начале войны.

At 4 o’clock on the 22nd of June 1941 the German fascists attacked our country and bombed cities and villages without declaring a war.

Pupil: Millions of our fellow countrymen heard outstanding Soviet radio announcer Yuri Levitan read out the government’s communication about the Nazi invasion of this country.

Голос Левитана о начале войны.

Pupil: “Today at 4 a.m. the German armed forces attacked the Soviet borders without a declaration of war. The Soviet people are now fighting in the Great Patriotic War against the Nazi invaders. We are fighting for a just cause. The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours!” 

Pupil: “Pravda”, the most famous newspaper in Soviet Union ran an emotional poem by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach that opened with the words:

Pupil: Rise up, beloved Soviet land,
To meet the fascist foe
To stay his strong and evil hand
Go forth, to battle go.

Слайд : На экране появляется плакат “Родина – мать зовет!»

Звучит песня «Get up, the giant country» («Вставай, страна огромная»)

Get up, the giant country
Get up for mortal fight
With German horde uncounted
With forces of the night.


Let noble anger of the soul
Get boiled as a wave
The people’s war the holy war
We’ll fight until the grave.

Let’s give repulse to oppressors
Of all the ardent thoughts
To rappers and to murderers
Let’s say the swear words.

We will not let the darkened wings
Fly over Mother Land
The native country spacious fields
Are not for fiends extend.

T: Слайд Учитель кратко рассказывает о плане Барбаросса.

Planning for operation Barbarossa started on 18 December 1940. Слайд Barbarossa’s operational goal was rapid conquest of our country. Слайд But Adolf Hitler had not achieved the expected victory.

Pupil : 3 Слайдa Ученики сообщают о героизме советских людей на войне.

When the Great Patriotic War broke out all Soviet people began to fight against the enemy. Women and children worked at home front: at factories, producing guns, tanks and planes for the front. Others worked in the fields, producing bread for the front. Even children worked for 12 – 18 hours without days off.

Pupil : Слайд The first months of the war. The first losses of the Soviet army.
We can’t explain feelings of those who lost their dear ones. We can not feel their emotions on those days. Only listening to songs and looking at photos we can imagine their sufferings.

Слайд Звучит песня “В землянке”

Бьётся в тесной печурке огонь,
На поленьях смола, как слеза.
И поёт мне в землянке гармонь
Про улыбку твою и глаза.
Про тебя мне шептали кусты
В белоснежных полях под Москвой,
Я хочу, чтоб услышала ты,
Как тоскует мой голос живой.
Я хочу, чтоб услышала ты,
Как тоскует мой голос живой.
Ты сейчас далеко-далеко,
Между нами снега и снега.
До тебя мне дойти нелегко,
А до смерти - четыре шага.
Пой, гармоника, вьюге назло,
Заплутавшее счастье зови.
Мне в холодной землянке тепло
От твоей негасимой любви.
Мне в холодной землянке тепло
От твоей негасимой любви.

Pupil: Kilometers of long roads to the victory were ahead of us. Ahead we had still the fight for the city of Stalingrad, the fight on a Kursk arch and many other battles.

Звучит стих о войне.

Pupil: Слайд “Who is your father,

My little lad?”

“My father is a hero

Of Stalingrad.

He fought for our country

With-fearless heart,

Was brave in the battle

When taking part.”

“My laddie, be worthy

To have his name!”

Pupil: “My father serves Russia,

And I’ll do the same!

I’ll finish my school

And, later, become

A soldier, like Father,

And march to the drum!

Like him I’ll be brave and

On duty I’ll stand

Proud of my people,

My Motherland!

Слайд Ученица исполняет под караоке песню «Сranes» («Журавли»). Танцевальная группа показывает композицию.

1. Sometimes I dream that fallen hero soldiers,
Forever lost in brutal old campaigns,
Were never buried under mournful alders,
But turned to mystic snowy crying cranes.
Refrain: Since then they wing and wing and cry till now.
We recognize the hearty darling voice.
We pray in sorrow, souls don’t allow
To take the look away, no other choice.
2. The tired flock soars up toward the clouds.
I see a tiny brake in their line:
Someone should exit noisy human crowds.
I realize: one day it should be mine.
3. One day the flock shell raise me to the cloud
And I will fly with others – don’t cry!.
I will put on the cloud as a shroud
and I will hail you faintly from the sky.

Pupil : Слайд Our soldiers were dreaming of someone to love and be waiting for them back in peaceful life.

Звучит стих Wait for me («Жди меня») в исполнении юноши.

Pupil: Слайд

Wait for me and I’ll return,
Dear one, only wait;
When the leaves of autumn burn
Round our garden gate;
Wait through summer’s sun;
Others may forgotten be
Ere the fight is won;
But, when days that endless creep
Bring no word from me,
Still your lonely vigil keep,
Dear one, wait for me.

Pupil : Слайд Mikhail Isakovsky wrote words of a very famous song “Katyusha”, which has always been popular among the Soviet people.

Звучит песня “Катюша”

Расцветали яблони и груши,
Поплыли туманы над рекой.
Выходила на берег катюша,
На высокий берег на крутой.

Выходила, песню заводила
Про степного сизого орла,
Про того, которого любила,
Про того, чьи письма берегла.

Ой ты, песня, песенка девичья,
Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед
И бойцу на дальний пограничный
От катюши передай привет.

Пусть он вспомнит девушку простую,
Пусть услышит, как она поет,
Пусть он землю бережет родную,
А любовь катюша сбережет.

T: Слайды о Мулгачёве Н.М.

Показывая, учитель рассказывает о письмах с фронта земляка Мулгачёва Н.М. Приложение1

Letter writing was the main form of communication with loved ones at home and letter writing helped to relieve boredom. Almost all soldiers begged for their parents, friends, wives and sweethearts to write back. Soldiers wrote many letters during the war and we are lucky that so many of them have been preserved. When we read those letters, he can get an idea of what the soldiers were like and what they thought of while they were away from home. Today I have letters from the front written by our countryman Mulgachyov N.M. His relatives got 10 letters from him. Here is a portion of a letter written by him to his relatives. Приложение 2

2 ученика читают письма под тихую грустную музыку.

Учитель показывает извещение о смерти. Приложение 3

T: слайд In December 1942 parents of N.M. got a notification which wrote that their son was killed heroically showing courage and heroism. He was buried in the field of a battle near the station Gortmishevo.

T: 2 слайда Учитель сообщает о подвиге земляков на войне. Приложение 4

Now I want to tell you about our countrymen at the front. Unfortunately only 2 of them are alive now. They are Bachmisov N. V. and Syusukin N.P. Приложение 5

Ученики рассказывают о победе. Голос Левитана об окончании войны.

Pupil: Слайды Everyone was waiting for the day of victory. At last after 4 years it came to millions of people.

Pupil: The price of Victory was very high. Over 26 millions Soviet people were killed, out of which 13 million were civilians. About 2000 cities were destroyed. We should be proud of our grandfathers’ victory.

Pupil: Every time we celebrate the Victory Day we remember all the soldiers and generals, children and women which fought against fascism.

There are no victories great and small,
In war there’s but one victory.
One victory there is, as one love,
A single effort of the people…

Pupil: There is a song Victory Day with very dear words in it. “ It is joy with the eyes full of tears, it is a holiday of people with grey hair on their temples”.

Pupil: On Victory Day we must not only remember the past. We must think about the future and defend piece.

Pupil: We should be grateful for all those people, who paid for Victory with their blood and very often with their lives. It is thanks to their heroism that we are able to live today and create the present and the future of our country.

Звучит песня «День Победы».

Ученики читают под музыку стихотворение о героизме солдат на войне.

Стих They did their share They defended us everywhere

On Veteran’s Day we honour Some saw combat; some rode a desk

Soldiers who protect our nation All of them did their share

For their service as our warriors No matter what the duty

They deserve our admiration For low pay and little glory

Some of them were drafted These soldiers gave up normal lives

Some were volunteers For duties mundane and gory

For some it was just yesterday Let every veteran be honored

For some it was many years Don’t let politics get in the way

In the jungle or the desert Without them, freedom would have died

On the jungle or the desert What they did, we can’t repay

On the land or on the sea We owe so much to them

They did everything Who kept us safe from terror

To produce a victory So when we see a uniform

Some came back; some didn’t Let’s say “thank you” to every wearer.

(by Joanna Fuchs)

Звучит стих «I want to live and not to die». («Я хочу жить, а не умереть»)

Pupil: I want to live and not to die.
I want to laugh and not to cry.
I want to feel the summer sun
I want to sing when life is fun
I want to fly into the blue
I want to swim as fish can do
I want to shake all friendly hands
Of all the young of other lands.
I want to work for what is right
I want to love and not to fight.

T: слайд People all over the world say “May there be always be sunshine”

Звучит песня «Пусть всегда будет солнце».

Bright blue the sky
Sun up on high
That was the little boy’s picture
He drew for you
Wrote for you too,
Just to make clear
That he drew.


May there always be sunshine
May there always be blue skies.
May there always be Mummy
May there always be me!

My little friend
Listen, my little friend
Peace is the dream of the people
Hearts old and young
Never have done
Singing the song you have sung.


May there always be sunshine
May there always be blue skies.
May there always be Mummy
May there always be me!

Учитель подводит итог. We also say «May there always be sunshine». We want no more again. We remember you. Thanks for the Victory. Our Literature and Musical Composition is over. Thank you very much. Good bye. Звучит песня “Storks”.

Библиографический список

1. Извещение о смерти Н.М. Мулгачёва.

2. И.М. Матросов, С.А. Карягин, А.И. Мефодьев «Батыревская энциклопедия», ИПК «Чувашия», 2005г.

3. Н.В.Кошелева, Т.В.Митрофанова, З.Р.Чабатова. Спецкурс по регионоведению «Батыревский район». Чебоксары, Новое время,2012г.

4. Письма с фронта Н.М.Мулгачёва.

5. Р.З. Сафиуллов, И.М. Матросов «Асăну кĕнеки. Книга памяти Батыревского района». Чувашское книжное издательство,1997г.

6. http://www.audiopoisk.com/track/marc-almond/mp3/the-storks/

7. http://www.srichinmoylibrary.com/books/0009/1/9


9. perevodpesni.narod.ru

10. http://www.pojelanie.ru/zastol/pesni/pv/2.php

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Echo of the War

Автор: Кошелева Надежда Васильевна

Дата: 26.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 148234

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