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Cыныптан тыс шара

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5-сыныпта?ы ENJOY ENGLISH  сыныптан тыс шарасында о?ушыларды? а?ылшын ?ліпбиін ?алай ме?гергенін ж?не д?рыс жаза білу да?дысын тексеру сауатты жазу,д?рыс ауызша айта білу,?ріптерден с?здер  ж?не с?йлемдер ??рай білу,сандарды а?ылшынша атау топ басшыларыны? уа?ыт туралы са?атты а?ылшын тілінде санмен берілгенін с?збен  берілген уа?ытта тез ж?не д?рыс жазып орындау?а тапсырмалар а?ылшын тілінде топпен ?н айту,с?ра?тар?а жауап беру тапсырмалары орындалды. 

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«Cыныптан тыс шара »

Enjoy English

AIMS:To develop willing of young learners to study English.

To develop pupil’s skills of speaking, reading, writing.

Equipments: cards, letters, numbers

Өту барысы



Б) Жарыстың шартымен таныстыру

С) Топтармен таныстыру (Rose,Tulips)

Д) Әділқазы алқасымен таныстыру


The question duel.

-What is your name?

-Where are you from?

-How are you?

-How old are you?

-Which class are you in?

- What is your address ?

3.Кім ағылшын әліпбиін жақсы біледі?

Who knows the ABC letter better?

1.Кіші әріптерін жаз. Write small letters.


2.Circle the same:O,P,R,S,T.

4.Сандарды тауып,ата. Find and name the numbers.



5.Фонетикалық жаттығу.The phonetic chamber.

1. Ten years old today,

Ten years old today

It’s my birthday,

I’m ten years old today.

2.Climbing in the mountains,

Swimming in the sea

Happy,happy holidays,

For you and me.

6.Буындардан сөздер құрау.

Making up the words.

1. Sis- ,un- ,cou- ,bro- ,


2.Әріптерден сөздер құрау


c,h,i,l,d,r,e,n. f,a,t,h,e,r. a,u,n,t.

P,a,r,e,n,t,s. u,n,c,l,e.s,i,s,t,e,r.


7.Капитандар жарысы.

The captains competition.

Сөздермен жаз.

It’s 5 o’clock (It’s five o’clock)

It’s 6 o’clock( )

It’s 4 o’clock( )

It’s 2 o’clock( )

It’s 3 o’clock( )

It’s 7 o’clock( )

8.Музыкалық үзіліс.

Singing the songs.

-What’s your name?

-Good morning.


The result of the competition

Our competition is over.

English traveling adventures

Мақсаты:Үйренген тілдік білімдерді бір жүйеге келтіру,ауызекі сөйлеу тілінде жаттықтыру.

Оқушылардың әр деңгейдегі шығармашылық мүмкіндіктерін ашу,

ағылшын тіліне қызығушылығын арттыру.

Түрі:интеллектуалды марафон

Эпиграф:I’m part of the world,

And the world is a part of me. /a child rhyme/

Өту барысы

Мұғалімнің кіріспе сөзі:Dear boys and girls! Today we are having an intellectual competition among students of the 5-11 forms.This competition will pass under the slogan the’’English language travelling’’.

Let’s begin our journey.

1)Merry ABC(5th form).

A:Tell the ABC.

B:Spell the word.

C:Give the word beginning with this or that letter.

2)Home,sweet home (6th form)

A:Give the words connected with Home.

B:Translate the words connected with Home.


1.I have four legs,1234.

But I can’t walk across the floor.

(a chair)

2.It doesn’t ask questions

But it must be answered.

(A telephone)

3.This is a house with one window in it

Showing films nearly every minute.

(a TV set)

4.It is running night and day

But it never runs away.

(a clock)

D:Complete the sentences.

-There is a lift,a balcony,a chimney and a roof in the…(house)

-There is a cupboard, a plate, a chair and a table in the…(dining room)

-There is a bookcase, a calendar, a computer and a bookshelf in the…(study)

-There is a fire,a sofa,a VCR and aTV set in the…(living room).

E:Complete the sentences.

-We cook in the …(kitchen).

-We sleep in the….(bedroom).

-Wewash in the…(bathroom).

-We watch TV in the…(living room).

F:Sing a song”Home”.

Home is the nicest to be

With father and mother and me,

With Rex,the dog,and Murka,the cat.

Oh,there’s no place

Which could ever be nicer than that.

3)Chocolate Fever(7th).

A:Countable or uncountable?

B:Give rhyming words.

Grass-glass,car-(jar),dish-(fish), moon-(spoon)


-What runs without legs?(water)

-This vegetable grew as a decoration.(a tomato)

-What is red outside,white inside and with a green tail on the head?(a radish)

-A hundred shirt and all without buttons.(a cabbage)

D:Give missing rhyming words.

Hi,my name is Sam,

I like eating…(jam)

My name is Louise.

I like to eat….(cheese).

My big brother Jake

Is fond of a..(cake).

This is Lola.

She likes drinking…(cola)

4) English Jungles(8th form)

A:Name as many animals as you know.


-This animal is very timid and afraid of everything.(a hare)

-The animal which has a red bushy tail.(a fox)

-The animal that sleeps all winter in a den.(a bear).

-This animal can walk without food and water for along time.(a camel)

-It eats carrots.Ithas got long ears.(a rabbit).

-It can talk.It lives in the sea.(a dolphin).

This animal looks like a dog but it’s wild.(a wolf).

-IT can be both swim and walk.It’sgot along body and very sharp teeth.(a crocodile)

C:True or false?

-Frogs cannot live in the sea. T

-Some frogs live in Antarctica. F

-Elephants are the cleverest animals in the world. F

-The cleverest animals are dogs and horses. T

D:Finish the idioms.

As brave as…(a lion)

As busy as…(a bee)

As cunning as….(a fox)

As fast as…(a hare)

As heavy as…(an elephant)

As slow as (a tortoise)

As fat as…(a pig)

As hairy as…(a gorilla).

Poetry Break.”At the Zoo”.

5)The Poetry of the Earth(9th form).

A:Answer the questions.

-What is the center of the solar system?

-How many planets are there in the solar system?(8)

-How many continents are there on the Earth?(6)

-What are they?

-What countries do you know?

-What does every country have?(Emblem,flag,anthem,traditions and customs)

-What is the largest country of the world?(Russia)

-What is the smallest country in the world?(Vatican)

B:Name the country and its capital.

6) Sport Stars(10th form)

-What kind of sports do you know?

-What kinds of sports are popular in Kazakhstan?

-What kinds of sports are popular in Great Britain?

-Tell the names of winter sports/summer sports.

-Name as many sport stars as you can.

-What is your favourite sport and why?

7)Treasure Island(11th form)

A:Name English and American writers and their works.

II. Finish

Congratulations,giving awards to the cleverest.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Cыныптан тыс шара

Автор: Кумекбаева Рашида Алдабергеновна

Дата: 14.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 239463

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