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Business English

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Cценарий конкурса « Business English», который был проведен  на 2-х курсах в группе У-22.

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«Business English»

Business English

Уже около столетия английский язык считается языком международного общения. Причем, не только для простого общения ( говорят на нем примерно 1,5 миллиарда человек), но и для делового. Знание языка позволяет чувствовать себя уверенно в любой ситуации.

Вы можете быть в курсе всех последних экономических и политических новостей, а также новостей культуры и науки.

Английский язык –инструмент для эффективного решения бизнес задач и основа комфортного путешествия , потому что именно английский язык поможет найти вам взаимопонимание с окружающими , сможет помочь вам подняться по карьерной лестнице и достичь личностного роста.

Изучение делового английского включено в программу для всех специальностей 2-х курсов технического колледжа . Цель этих занятий- обучить основам делового общения в устной и письменной форме в типичных ситуациях( Устройство на работу, анкета; в командировке; прибытие в страну, на фирме, знакомство с фирмой; обсуждение планов работы)

Наиболее используемая литература для этих целей- учебник « Бизнес-курс английского языка» под редакцией Богацкий И. С., Дюканова Н.М.

К сожалению, отводится ограниченное количество часов на изучение делового английского. Поэтому изучение любой программной темы может быть продолжено во внеурочной деятельности.

Очень важно во внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку обеспечить разнообразную коммуникативную деятельность и постараться организовать ее таким образом, чтобы учащиеся испытывали удовлетворение, осознание успеха и чувство гордости от достигнутых результатов.

Именно соревновательные формы внеурочной деятельности ( игры и конкурcы) дают умения ориентироваться в реальных жизненных ситуациях, проигрывать их неоднократно, развивают умения строить свои отношения в вымышленном мире; дают психологическую устойчивость; вырабатывают активное отношение к жизни и целеустремленность в выполнении поставленной цели.

Для закрепления навыков делового общения в различных ситуациях, совершенствования разговорной речи в проведении переговоров, составлении контрактов и т.д. я использую специальные ролевые игры, конкурсы.( позволяющие эффективно овладеть навыками как устной, так и письменной речи).

Предлагаю один из сценариев конкурса «Деловой английский», который был проведен на 2-х курсах в группе У-22.

Цель: Развитие языковой компетенции в деловой сфере.

Задачи: 1.Формировать и развивать навыки и умения делового общения средствами иностранного языка в коммуникативных ситуациях.

2.Формировать навыки диалогической и монологической речи.

3.Развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и творческие способности учащихся.

4.Расширить представление об окружающем мире.

5.Совершенствовать словарный запас учащихся.

6.Воспитание культуры речи, общения на иностранном языке.

Форма проведения: деловая игра-конкурс.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный экран,карточки с заданиями.

Оформление: высказывания об иностранном языке:

1.Who doesn’t know a foreign language doesn’t know his own. V.Goethe

2.Tell me and I’ll forget

Show me and I’ll remember,

Involve me and I’ll learn. Chinese proverb.

3.Everybody, who lives in Kazakhstan must know first off all his own native language- Kazakh, Russian and English.

N.A.Nazarbaev- at the forum of delegates of the World community

4.The more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being.


A: Let’s read and translate some quotes and proverbs about the foreign languages.

B: The importance of foreign languages and foreign cultures is growing nowadays. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange between people on our planet .

Although there are 300 languages on the Earth, English is the most universal and widely spread. It is the languages of science and technology, trade and cultural relations and business.

It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping, sports and medicine.

English is the official language in nearly forty countries. It is spoken by more than 350 mln. people and also spoken as a second language in many parts of the world. Besides, mln. of people study English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.


C.: Our meeting will be held in the form of competitions between our 2 independent teams.

These teams are the representatives of different companies.

The first team will represent the British company.

The second team will represent the Kazakhstan company.

We are sure you will demonstrate your creative and entrepreneurial abilities, your elementary professional skills and knowledge.

Let us introduce to you the jury for our competition.

Our competition consists of 5 levels.

I. Revision of the vocabulary.

II. Introduction of yourself and of the company.

III. Introduction of the staff.

IV. ». Meeting at the airport. Homework of the Kazakhstan company.

At the office” Homework of the British company.

VI. Employment.

The I level: Revision of the vocabulary

Translate the words from English into Russian :

Kazakhstan company

1. engineer-инженер

2. prestigious job-престижная работа

3. well-paid job-высокооплачиваемая работа

4. employee-наемный работник

5. employer-работодатель

6. businessman-бизнесмен

7. state-employed-государственный служащий

8. white-collar worker-работник умственного труда

9. blue-collar worker-работник физического труда

10. skilled worker-квалифицированный работник

11. unskilled worker-неквалифицированный работник

12. experienced worker-опытный работник

13. to be hired for a job-быть нанятым на выполнение работы

14. to look for a new job (work, position)-искать новую работу

15. application for a position of- заявление на какую-либо должность

16. buyer-покупатель

17. sales trainee-стажер отдела сбыта

18. customer- потребитель

19. producer-производитель

20. salesman-продавец

British company.

1. resume-резюме

2. C.V. curriculum vitae-автобиография

3. to be fired-быть уволенным

4. to retire-уходить на пенсию

5. to be unemployed-быть безработным

6. Chief Executive Officer-исполнительный директор

7. Director General-генеральный директор

8. staff-сотрудники, персонал

9. sales manager-менеджер по сбыту

10. export-import manager-менеджер по экспорту и импорту

11. lawyer-адвокат, юрист

12. driver-водитель

13. Director of Personnel-директор по кадрам

14. seller-продавец

15. supplier-поставщик

16. production manager-менеджер по производству-

17. secretary-секретарь

18. receptionist-администратор

19. salary-оклад

20. wages- зарплата работника

The II level: Introduction of yourself and of the company.

The representative of the company should introduce himself :

1) his name, surname and his position at the company.

2) inform: about activities of the company; how many departments at the company; what is the turnover of the company; how many people are employed at the company.

3) name the chairman of the company; inform about the business contracts of his company.

1. Kazakhstan company.

I am Shatchkovskaya Valya from Schutchinsk Company. I work as a Sales manager. Our company consists of 4 departments: Sales, Financial, Credit, Personnel. The Chairman of the company is Mr. Momynov. Our company deals with the Sales of cosmetic goods. Currently we employ about 1000 people. Our turnover is more than $ 300 mln. We have the extensive contacts with the different countries: Germany, Russia, Turkey and Hungary. Even the Business – ladies from China buy cosmetic goods we sell. Now our company is going to change their activities. We would like to establish business contacts with the British company and to help them to sell and advertise their cosmetics products. This work will produce us a lot of profit.

«Schutshinsk» Company

Chairman.(Momynov A.)

Chief executive officer(Shayakhmetov S.)

Sales Financial Personnel Chief of

department department department credit

(Shatchkovskaya V.) (Korkytova Zh.) (Melnik V.)(Nurmaganova A.)

Secretary (Lazzat)

1000 employees

2. British company.

I am Jane Robbins from British company. I am a Director General. Our company produces cosmetic goods. It consists of 6 departments: Production, Sales, Export, Financial, Personnel. The Chairman of the company is Mr. Clark. About 1000

people are employed in our company. Our turnover is more than $300 mln. Our cosmetic products are well-known in such countries as French, Germany, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland.

We also have 2 subsidiary companies in Sweden, Finland.

Our company provides the high technologies of the production goods.

Avon” Company

Chairman (Clark R.)

Director General (Robbins J.)


Export-Import. Production. Sales. Advertise. Financial. Personnel.

(Smith I) (North K)(Cartwright S)(Robertson A)(Simpson A)(Brown O)

2000 employees

The III level: Introduction of the staff.

Both companies introduce their staff.

1.Kazakhstan company.

I am V.Melnik. I am a Staff manager. My occupation is a banker. I work at this company for more 5 years. I hire the employees for a job. May I introduce our Sales manager Mr. Sh. …. to you.

Sh; Glad to meet you, dear friends! Welcome to…..

  • Do take a seat. Would you like something to drink?

  • Yes, We’d like a cup of coffee.

  • Lazzat, could you make coffee for us, please?

Lazzat: Certainly, sir. How would you like your coffee, Mr. ….., black or white? With sugar?

  • No, thanks.

Sh: My occupation is an accountant. I had been working at this company for 10 years. I manage the work of all the departments and the questions concerning with Sales, Financing, Credit, Employment. Our staff is a team of energetic, creative people.

May I introduce our staff to you!

-This is miss Valentina Ivanova . She is a Sales manager.

  • This is miss Zhibek Altynsarina . She is a Financial manager.

  • This is miss Aytzhamal Ibrayeva . She is a Chief of Credit department.

  • This is miss Lazzat Begalina . She is a Secretary.

  • This is miss Malika Seydahmetova. She is a Computer Operator.

  • Our Chairman is Mr. Momynov . He is abroad in USA on a business trip.

2 . British company.

I am Jane Robbins. I am a Director General.

May I introduce the Staff of our company:

Our staff consists of 6 departments. Our production manager is miss North.

Our Sales manager is ms(mr) Cartwright.

Our Export manager is ms (mr) Smith.

Our Financial manager is miss (mr) Simpson.

Our advertising manager is miss (mr) Robertson.

Our Personnel manager is miss Brown.

In general in our company 1000 employees are employed.

The IV level: «Meeting at the airport». Homework of the Kazakhstan company.

At the office” Homework of the British company.

«Meeting at the airport». The representative of the Kazakhstan company meets the representative of the English company.

He should:

1) adress him in English and find out if this is that person they need.

2) introduce himself (say his name, surname, what company is he from)

3) apologies his being late.

4) ask him about his flight.

5) suggest him to go to his car.

6) ask him to help to take his suitcase.

1) Excuse me! Are you (mr.) miss ……..

2) I am ……… from …….. company.

3) Excuse me! I am late.

( not all all).

4) Did you have a good trip?

Headache, airsick?

( I was a bit airsick, but now I am O’K)

5) My car is outside the airport. My driver will take your suitcase. Let’s go to my car.


At the office” .

1) Director General of the British company should inform about the aim of the arrival.

2) The British company would like to establish the business contacts with the Kazakhstan company.

3) The Kazakhstan company should help the British company in selling of its goods and in spreading of its advertising and it aims to create advertising department.

1) Cartwright: Our company produces cosmetic goods. We export our cosmetic goods to… countries: Germany, French, Russia, Poland.

We would like to expand our activities and to establish personal contacts with your company.

We would like to export our goods to your country.

Did you investigate our business proposal?

( Yes, we investigated your …)

Cart. : What is your decision?

Will you help us to sell our cosmetic goods and to advertise our products?

(Yes, we shall help you to sell your cosmetic goods and to advertise your products)

Cart. : At first we would like to create a subsidiary advertising

department in your company.

Careers in advertising may involve working in media, supplies and special services.

In a new department is required a manager.

We shall look for a person for this new position.

This person must have all the main strengths of the entrepreneur.

( Fine. We are interested in your proposal. And for the new position of a manager we have a candidate. Miss … can do the work of both departments: credit and advertising)..

Cart. : Let’s make the Draft contracts and conclude the contract with you.

The V level: Employment. British company is required a new manager in a new department.

1.The Employer of the British company should receive the following information about the new manager :

1) name and surname.

2) work-experience.

3) position.

4) reasons of the leaving the company.

5) language skills.

6) main business strenghs.

7) references from the previous work.

2. Inform about:

1) the main activities of the advertising manager.

2) the salary.

3) the date of starting the work.

O: 1)Good morning. Come in. Please take a sit. You will have to excuse me a moment while I finish signing these letters. Now I can concentrate on you, miss ……………….

2)What is your surname?

3) Tell me how long have you been in your last job with ……..company?

Kaz : 4 years.

4)Why did you decide to work as an Advertising manager?

Kaz : Because of the crisis in the country and on the whole of the crisis in all the world, the work in my department is reduced.

All staff in my department is fired.

5)What languages do you speak? Are you good at English?

Kaz: I speak English not fluent.(I speak Russian) I am not good at English.

But I shall try to study English.

6)What are your three main strengths?

Kaz: Reliability, loyality, energy.

7)Do you work well under pressure?

Kaz: I work well under pressure.

8)Are you a leader, an entrepreneur by nature?

Kaz: I am a leader, an ……………..

9)All right. You have excellent references from your previous job.

We carefully studied your materials and decided to accept your proposal.

Kaz: What are my obligations?

10) The specialist must develop advertising programs, place them in the media;

Must be interested in advertising research and fact gathering; Should know both statistics and consumer psychology; should be responsible for the supplies and special services.

11) We have concluded the contract about the developing of our negotiations with the…….. company. You will travel very much.

12)You will start on $ 450 and if you do well, we will review it after 3 months. (The hours are from 9 to 5 thirty with an hour for lunch and a fortnights holiday).

Does that suit you?

Any questions?

Kaz: What about travel? Where will I go and for what length of time?

13) Mostly to England for not longer than a month.

14)You can start working from the 20 of April.

Kaz: No problem. Thank you very much. Goodbye. I will be very glad to work in your company.



Dear guests, our competition is over. Let’s look at our results. We would like to finish our competition by the proverb:

.“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Никто не может вернуться назад и начать все с начала, но любой может начать сегодня и создать новое окончание.

Thank you for your attention!

I wish you success and luck. See you soon, goodby.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Business English

Автор: Ильясова Сауле Ибраевна

Дата: 11.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 357951

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