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Schools in Other Countries This PPT provides information about the educational system of different countries

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  In Finland, children start elementary school in grade one and end in grade six.  They get textbooks instead of notebooks.  They get a hot lunch every day! They also get ice cream cones with their report cards.  The library is as big as half of the school!  The whole playground is made of wood. Even though most of the schools are huge,the classrooms are tiny.


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«Schools in Other Countries This PPT provides information about the educational system of different countries»

Schools in Other Countries This PPT provides information about the educational system of different countries

Schools in Other Countries

This PPT provides information about the educational system of different countries

   In Finland, children start elementary school in grade one and end in grade six. They get textbooks instead of notebooks. They get a hot lunch every day! They also get ice cream cones with their report cards. The library is as big as half of the school! The whole playground is made of wood. Even though most of the schools are huge,the classrooms are tiny.    By Emily S.


In Finland, children start elementary school in grade one and end in grade six. They get textbooks instead of notebooks. They get a hot lunch every day! They also get ice cream cones with their report cards. The library is as big as half of the school! The whole playground is made of wood. Even though most of the schools are huge,the classrooms are tiny.


By Emily S.

In the Netherlands, Dutch children start primary school at age four or five. They stay in primary school until they are 12 years old. Children learn Dutch; science, history and they also have art.  By Nick V.   

In the Netherlands, Dutch children start primary school at age four or five. They stay in primary school until they are 12 years old. Children learn Dutch; science, history and they also have art.

By Nick V.


In Russia, people go to school for free. They spend a long time in class. The bell rings 6 days a week and ten times in a whole month. The highest grade is grade five. They study reading writing, math, science history and geography.    By Taylor O.

In Russia, people go to school for free. They spend a long time in class. The bell rings 6 days a week and ten times in a whole month. The highest grade is grade five. They study reading writing, math, science history and geography.


By Taylor O.

   In the Czech Republic , they have 45-minute classes. In that country school starts at 8:00 A.M. They have to return their dirty dishes after lunch.    By Nathan E.


In the Czech Republic , they have 45-minute classes. In that country school starts at 8:00 A.M. They have to return their dirty dishes after lunch.


By Nathan E.

In Spain, they do interesting things. Spain’s schools have chairs and tables, not desks. They eat different food than we do. Sometimes they have a Ricio Chico Festival. School begins at 9:00 and their lunch break is at 12:30. They begin the afternoon at 3:00 and it goes until 5:00.  By Christine M.

In Spain, they do interesting things. Spain’s schools have chairs and tables, not desks. They eat different food than we do. Sometimes they have a Ricio Chico Festival. School begins at 9:00 and their lunch break is at 12:30. They begin the afternoon at 3:00 and it goes until 5:00.

By Christine M.

   In Nigeria, kids play outside. In the morning, school starts at 8 o’clock and ends at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s too hot to work in the afternoon. Classes are outside. Classes are taught in English. Students learn geography, math, science, history and sports. The most popular sport in Nigeria is soccer. Most children walk home from school.    By Nick C.


In Nigeria, kids play outside. In the morning, school starts at 8 o’clock and ends at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s too hot to work in the afternoon. Classes are outside. Classes are taught in English. Students learn geography, math, science, history and sports. The most popular sport in Nigeria is soccer. Most children walk home from school.


By Nick C.

In India, they start school at six years old. Boys and girls don’t share the classroom. It starts at 8:00 and ends at 12:00 noon. They study math history, geography and English.    By Brandon E.

In India, they start school at six years old. Boys and girls don’t share the classroom. It starts at 8:00 and ends at 12:00 noon. They study math history, geography and English.


By Brandon E.

In Germany, children go to elementary school for four years. In some schools, they go to school at 8 A.M. until 4 P.M. They start school at the age of six. The Germans invented kindergarten.    By Jordan L.

In Germany, children go to elementary school for four years. In some schools, they go to school at 8 A.M. until 4 P.M. They start school at the age of six. The Germans invented kindergarten.


By Jordan L.

In Vietnam, parents must pay to educate their children in school. The teacher is at school everyday. There are many children (50), in each class. Children ages six to eleven go to primary school.    By Carlee R.

In Vietnam, parents must pay to educate their children in school. The teacher is at school everyday. There are many children (50), in each class. Children ages six to eleven go to primary school.


By Carlee R.

   In Sweden, students who cannot speak Swedish get special instruction. There are only 21 students in each class. Everyone has to do math.    By Alexa H.


In Sweden, students who cannot speak Swedish get special instruction. There are only 21 students in each class. Everyone has to do math.


By Alexa H.

In Malaysia, school starts at 730 A.M. Their national anthem is called “ Negara-ku” or “My Homeland “. At school boys and girls are not allowed to sit on the same side of the room. They have their gym class outside. Their lunch break is at 11:00 A.M. Girls bring a drink to drink at lunch.  By Carolyn W.

In Malaysia, school starts at 730 A.M. Their national anthem is called “ Negara-ku” or “My Homeland “. At school boys and girls are not allowed to sit on the same side of the room. They have their gym class outside. Their lunch break is at 11:00 A.M. Girls bring a drink to drink at lunch.

By Carolyn W.

In Japan, they all learn the same subjects. They take photography at school. The children wear the same outfits. The school year always starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.  By Kaitlyn S.

In Japan, they all learn the same subjects. They take photography at school. The children wear the same outfits. The school year always starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.

By Kaitlyn S.

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Предмет: Всем учителям

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Schools in Other Countries This PPT provides information about the educational system of different countries

Автор: Нурканова Гулдана Аспандияровна

Дата: 25.09.2019

Номер свидетельства: 520875

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