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Theme of the lesson: “Sport”

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Theme:  Sport

Aims:     a)to learn to tell adout some sports popular in our country

          b)to learn to describe children`s preferences in sport

          c)to educate pupils in quickness

Type of the lesson:

                           The plan of the lesson:

Warming up:

Goodmorning children!

Goodmorning teacher!

How are you?

I am fine thank you!

Check up home work:

Phonetic drill:


I like football

Sport is great!


I like skating

Sport is great!


О?ушылар екі топ?а б?лінеді.

1.Та?та?а     [ck]    дыбысыны с?здер жазу.

1 group                           2group

hockey                          duck black                                                              sock

 2.Нені ?натады нені ?натпайтынын жазу.

I like  football, but I don`t like hockey.      I like skating, but I don`t like hockey.

I like  basketball, but I don`t like football.   I like hockey, but I don`t like skating. 

3.I like… I don`t like… He/she likes… He/she doesn`t like…(с?йлемдер жазу)

1 group

She likes skating. She doesn`t like football.

He plays basketball. He doesn`t play hockey.

2 group

He plays hockey. He doesn`t play basketball.

She plays chess. She doesn`t play football.

4.            SPORT

   In Kazakhstan           In England

Mountain climbing         rugby

Cycling                  tennis

Boxing                  badminton

5.Answer the question.С?ра??а жауап беру.

1) Do you play football?    Yes, I do.

2) Do you play basketball?  No, I don`t

3) Do you play hockey?    Yes, I do.

4) Do you play asyks?      No, I don`t.

6. Draw your favourite sport. Eкі топ ?здеріні? ?нататын спорт суретін салады.

Giving marks:

Giving home work:

The lesson is over.                                                                                                                             

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«Theme of the lesson: “Sport” »



Theme: Sport

Aims: a)to learn to tell adout some sports popular in our country

b)to learn to describe children`s preferences in sport

c)to educate pupils in quickness

Type of the lesson:

The plan of the lesson:

Warming up:

Goodmorning children!

Goodmorning teacher!

How are you?

I am fine thank you!

Check up home work:

Phonetic drill:


I like football

Sport is great!


I like skating

Sport is great!


Оқушылар екі топқа бөлінеді.

1.Тақтаға [ck] дыбысыны сөздер жазу.

1 group 2group

hockey duck black sock

2.Нені ұнатады нені ұнатпайтынын жазу.

I like football, but I don`t like hockey. I like skating, but I don`t like hockey.

I like basketball, but I don`t like football . I like hockey, but I don`t like skating .

3.I like… I don`t like… He/she likes… He/she doesn`t like…(сөйлемдер жазу)

1 group

She likes skating. She doesn`t like football.

He plays basketball. He doesn`t play hockey.

2 group

He plays hockey. He doesn`t play basketball.

She plays chess. She doesn`t play football.


In Kazakhstan In England

Mountain climbing rugby

Cycling tennis

Boxing badminton

5.Answer the question.Сұраққа жауап беру.

1) Do you play football? Yes, I do.

2) Do you play basketball? No, I don`t

3) Do you play hockey? Yes, I do.

4) Do you play asyks? No, I don`t.

6. Draw your favourite sport. Eкі топ өздерінің ұнататын спорт суретін салады.

Giving marks:

Giving home work:

The lesson is over.

№ 5 Орта мектеп

Theme of the lesson: “Sport”

Teacher: Пұсырманова Қ.Б.


Орта мектеп

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Theme of the lesson: “Sport”

Автор: П?сырманова ?ыз?алда? Б?кенбай?ызы

Дата: 06.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198098

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