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My school

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Class: 3b,g,d

The theme of the lesson. My school

The aim of the lesson:

To learn to name some premises in school6 to be able to describe one’s school.

The type of the lesson: Білімді жетілдіру

The varitey of the lesson: қайталау

Language materials: СД-ойнатқыш, интерактивті тақта, карточкалар

The procedure of the lesson:

І.The organization  moment of the lesson:

II. Greeting


Ii [ai]6 [i] ar [a:]6 or[]

New words:

Beautiful – сұлу

Classroom – сынып бөлмесі

Concert – концерт

Floor – қабат

Gym – спорт залы

Library – кітапхана

School hall – мектептің салтанат залы


Exercise1.p.28.Look at the pictures and answer.

  1. What is this text about?
  2. Who is talking about it?

Exercise2.p.28.Listen and read.

  1. This is my  school. It’s big and beautiful. There are three floors in my school.
  2. There are many classrooms in my school.
  3. My classroom is on the first floor. It’s between the classrooms 25 and 27.
  4. There is a big library in my school. There are many interesting books there.
  5. This is our gym. We run, jump, play different sports there.
  6. There is a big school hall in our school. We have concerts there.

Exercise3.p.29.Guess the word.

  1. You run, jump and play sports there.
  2. You go there every day, but not on Sundays.
  3. There are many books in this place. You can read there.
  4. You study there. You read, write and count too.
  5. It’s a big room. You have school concerts there.

Exercise4.p.29.Speak about your school. Use these clues:

  • Big\small, new\old;
  • How many floors;
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Просмотр содержимого документа
«My school»


Class: 3b,g,d

The theme of the lesson. My school

The aim of the lesson:

To learn to name some premises in school6 to be able to describe one’s school..

The type of the lesson: Білімді жетілдіру

The varitey of the lesson: қайталау

Language materials: СД-ойнатқыш, интерактивті тақта, карточкалар

The procedure of the lesson:

І.The organization moment of the lesson:

II. Greeting


Ii [ai]6 [i] ar [a:]6 or[]

New words:

Beautiful – сұлу

Classroom – сынып бөлмесі

Concert – концерт

Floor – қабат

Gym – спорт залы

Library – кітапхана

School hall – мектептің салтанат залы


Exercise1.p.28.Look at the pictures and answer.

  1. What is this text about?

  2. Who is talking about it?

Exercise2.p.28.Listen and read.

  1. This is my school. It’s big and beautiful. There are three floors in my school.

  2. There are many classrooms in my school.

  3. My classroom is on the first floor. It’s between the classrooms 25 and 27.

  4. There is a big library in my school. There are many interesting books there.

  5. This is our gym. We run, jump, play different sports there.

  6. There is a big school hall in our school. We have concerts there.

Exercise3.p.29.Guess the word.

  1. You run, jump and play sports there.

  2. You go there every day, but not on Sundays.

  3. There are many books in this place. You can read there.

  4. You study there. You read, write and count too.

  5. It’s a big room. You have school concerts there.

Exercise4.p.29.Speak about your school. Use these clues:

  • Big\small, new\old;

  • How many floors;

  • There is\isn’t a gym\ a library\ a school hall\ a classroom.

Exercise5. Learn to read.

ar [a:] car park star start shark far

or [] port sort pork lord corn

Exercise1.p.22. Do the crossword.

Exercise2.p.22. Listen and tick.


Beautiful , Classroom ,Concert ,Floor ,



School hall

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

My school

Автор: Қалабаева Гүлжайнар Жұмағалиқызы

Дата: 06.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 388373

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