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«Web-квест в начальной школе »
Технология веб - квест в начальной школе
Выполнила: Строганова Ольга Александровна
Учитель начальных классов
МБОУ «Лицей №4»
г. Псков
Навыки 21 века:
компьютерное мышление,
творческое мышление,
виртуальное сотрудничество.
Требования ФГОС НОО второго посколения
Ребёнок может записывать, фиксировать информацию об окружающем мире с помощью инструментов ИКТ и обмениваться ею в образовательном процессе.
Ребёнок умеет осуществлять расширенный поиск информации с помощью ресурсов библиотек и Интернета.
Ребёнок может предоставлять информацию средствами ИКТ в графическом виде: таблицы, графики и прочее.
Образовательный веб – квест –проблемное задание с элементами ролевой игры, для выполнения которого используются информационные ресурсы Интернета.
Веб – квест это сайт в Интернете,
с которым работают учащиеся,
выполняя ту или иную учебную
Формирование УУД
Работа с информацией.
Самообучение и самоорганизация.
Работа в команде.
Умение находить способ решения проблемной ситуации.
Развитие навыков исследовательской деятельности.
Типы веб – квестов
Для кратковременной
Для работы
Для длительной
в мини - группах
Для работы отдельных учеников
Структура веб квеста
Порядок работы
Webquests have now been around long enough for them to have a clearly defined structure. However, this structure - whilst being unofficially recognised as the definitive schema for these activities - should only really be taken as a basic guideline and you should design your webquests to suit the needs and learning styles of your students.
There are usually four main sections to a webquest:
The Introduction stage is normally used to introduce the overall theme of the webquest. It involves giving background information on the topic and, in the language learning context, often introduces key vocabulary and concepts which learners will need to understand in order to complete the tasks involved.
The Introduction stage is normally used to introduce the overall theme of the webquest. It involves giving background information on the topic and, in the language learning context, often introduces key vocabulary and concepts which learners will need to understand in order to complete the tasks involved.
The Task section of the webquest explains clearly and precisely what the learners will have to do as they work their way through the webquest. The task should obviously be highly motivating and intrinsically interesting for the learners, and should be firmly anchored in a real-life situation. This often involves the learners in a certain amount of role-play within a given scenario (e.g. you are the school social organiser and have to organise a trip for your class to an English-speaking country...)
The Task section of the webquest explains clearly and precisely what the learners will have to do as they work their way through the webquest. The task should obviously be highly motivating and intrinsically interesting for the learners, and should be firmly anchored in a real-life situation. This often involves the learners in a certain amount of role-play within a given scenario (e.g. you are the school social organiser and have to organise a trip for your class to an English-speaking country...)
The Process stage of a webquest guides the learners through a set of activities and research tasks, using a set of predefined resources. These resources - in the case of a webquest - are predominately web-based, and are usually presented in clickable form within the task document (it's important to bear in mind that it's much easier to click on a link than to type it in with any degree of accuracy). In the case of a language based webquest, the Process stage of the webquest may introduce (or recycle) lexical areas or grammatical points which are essential to the Task. The Process stage of the webquest will usually have one (or sometimes several) 'products' which the learners are expected to present at the end. These 'products' will often form the basis of the Evaluation stage.
The Process stage of a webquest guides the learners through a set of activities and research tasks, using a set of predefined resources. These resources - in the case of a webquest - are predominately web-based, and are usually presented in clickable form within the task document (it's important to bear in mind that it's much easier to click on a link than to type it in with any degree of accuracy). In the case of a language based webquest, the Process stage of the webquest may introduce (or recycle) lexical areas or grammatical points which are essential to the Task. The Process stage of the webquest will usually have one (or sometimes several) 'products' which the learners are expected to present at the end. These 'products' will often form the basis of the Evaluation stage.
The Evaluation stage can involve learners in self-evaluation, comparing and contrasting what they have produced with other learners and giving feedback on what they feel they have learnt, achieved, etc. It will also involve teacher evaluation of the same, and good webquests will give guidance to the teacher for this particular part of the process.
The Evaluation stage can involve learners in self-evaluation, comparing and contrasting what they have produced with other learners and giving feedback on what they feel they have learnt, achieved, etc. It will also involve teacher evaluation of the same, and good webquests will give guidance to the teacher for this particular part of the process.
ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ВЕБ-КВЕСТ техническая часть
Как создать веб-квест
Шаг 1: определение темы.
Шаг 2: выбор сайта.
Шаг 3: задание.
в виде презентации;в виде текста;визуальный материал.
в виде презентации;
в виде текста;
визуальный материал.
Шаг 4:придумайте систему оценивания.
Шаг 5: найдите источники информации, которыми будут пользоваться ученики для поиска ответов.
Шаг 6: имея на листе приблизительный план и основную информацию приступайте к размещению веб-квеста на сайте.
Обзор бесплатных конструкторов сайтов с хостингом
СайтыGoogleЯндекс. Народ. Ucoz.Бесплатный конструктор сайтов
Зарегистрироваться на сайте www.google.ru
Создать аккаунт
Выбор шаблона
Веб-квест по математике «Единицы измерения длины», 2 класс Выполнила: Строганова О.А.
Методический потенциал
квестовых технологий
Развитие читательских
Тренировка и развитие
навыков информацион-ной деятельности
Способ формирования
коммуникативных умений
«Надо помогать людям эффективно учиться, вместо того чтобы передавать им ненужные знания»