Презентация "Такой не знала Родина беды..." ко дню чернобыльской АЭС
Презентация "Такой не знала Родина беды..." ко дню чернобыльской АЭС
В ночь с 25 на 26 апреля 1986 года на Чернобыльской АЭС произошла крупнейшая ядерная авария в мире.
Радиационному излучению подверглись более миллиона людей, сотни тысяч потеряли здоровье и кров, свою малую родину В результате аварии были захоронены сотни мелких населенных пунктов.
26 апреля – Международный день памяти жертв радиационных аварий и катастроф.
В честь 25-й годовщины аварии на атомной станции в г. Липецке состоялся памятный митинг, на котором в часовню Георгия Победоносца была передана икона «Чернобыльский Спас», написанная с благословения Блаженнейшего Владимира, митрополита Киевского и всей Украины.
На «Чернобыльском Спасе» изображены чернобыльцы – живые и мертвые, изображены с Богом, Судьею и Спасителем. Бог спасает души, чернобыльцы-ликвидаторы спасли землю и жизнь, дарованную Богом. Изображенные на иконе люди – это Божья людская рать. До этого никогда людей с Богом на иконах не изображали. Чернобыльцы заповедь Бога «не убий» выполнили, чужой крови не пролили, а своей не пожалели.
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You can easily customize this template to create your own Jeopardy game. Simply follow the step-by-step instruc-tions that appear on each slide.
Такой не знала Родина беды…
Slide 1-Title
This slide begins the game. When you first start the presentation, the screen appears all blue. When you click the mouse button, the Jeopardy theme song plays, and the title and “Hosted by” text slowly move into place.
To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:
Print the notes for slides 1 through 3 by doing the following:
Under File select Print… In the section entitled Print Range, click the radio button for Slides and in the box to its right, type in 1-3 . Under Print what: , select Notes Pages .
Under File select Print…
In the section entitled Print Range, click the radio button for Slides and in the box to its right, type in 1-3 .
Under Print what: , select Notes Pages .
At this point, the Print pop-up should look like the picture at the right.
At this point, the Print pop-up should look like the picture at the right.
Click OK
Click OK
Учитель начальных классов
МБОУ лицей №4 г. Данкова
Липецкой области
Кузьменко Лариса Павловна
2. Now that you have printed instructions for tailoring the game, you can make the needed changes to each slide by moving into Slide View. Simply double click the blue slide above .
Change Slide 1:
Double click on the word Subject , and type in the subject you want in its place (e.g., Math). Double click on the word Teacher in the bottom right of the slide, and type over it with your name (e.g., Mr. Link).
Double click on the word Subject , and type in the subject you want in its place (e.g., Math).
Double click on the word Teacher in the bottom right of the slide, and type over it with your name (e.g., Mr. Link).
After doing this, the new slide will look something like this:
After doing this, the new slide will look something like this:
4. Go on to the next slide.
Slide 3-Question/Answer (Cat1, $100)
This slide is the first Question/Answer slide. It corresponds to Category 1 for $100. Once you have followed the instructions on Slide 2 to replace category name placeholders with your actual categories, the text “Cat1” on this slide will be replaced with your 1 st category name.
When you click on Category 1 for $100 on the main slide, this slide opens automatically, with the Question appearing at the top. (Note: On TV Jeopardy, the contestant is actually shown an
answer and is asked to offer a related question. Since this concept is sometimes difficult to understand and implement, this PowerPoint version shows a question followed by the corresponding answer.)
One way to play the game in class is to set up three teams. For each round, have one person from each team stand up as contestants. Have one pick the category and dollar value; click on that box and then ready the question that appears. Call on the first contestant that raises his or her hand for the answer. If they are correct, their team gets corresponding points or dollars (e.g., 1 point for each $100). If the first contestant misses the question or does not answer quickly enough, his or her team loses the corresponding points. Then, offer the question to the remaining two contestants in order of their raised hands. After the question has been answered correctly, or after all three contestants miss it, or after no contestant wants to try, return to the main slide by clicking on the yellow arrow. The current contestants then sit down, and the game moves to the next round.
Note that this Jeopardy game does not have a Double Jeopardy question.
В ночь с 25 на 26 апреля 1986 года
на Чернобыльской АЭС произошла
крупнейшая ядерная авария в мире
To tailor this slide, follow these instructions:
You are now ready to put in your questions and answers, but you might want to go ahead and save this file first, using Save As and giving it a new name—one that makes sense for this particular Jeopardy game (e.g., Fractions Jeopardy ).
If your Question is short, simply double click on the word “Question” and type in your specific question (e.g., “50% of 150” or “Capitol of France”). If the text you enter will not fit on one line, there’s room for two lines at this font size. If you need more room, reduce the font size by triple clicking on the text and using the Font Size selector in the toolbar. In some cases, your question may need a drawn figure or graphic. You can use PowerPoint features to draw the figure you need or to insert graphics. A few examples are show below.
Double click on the word “Answer” and type in your answer in the same way.
Do the same steps to tailor the remaining Question/Answer slides, remembering to make questions of higher dollar value more difficult. Also remember to save your work.