Разработка урока для 6 класса по теме "Health is above wealth", цель урока - развитие лексических навыков устной речи.
Просмотр содержимого документа
«Здоровье дороже золота.»
Урок по теме «Health is above wealth».
Цель: развитие лексических навыков устной речи.
Ход урока:
I. 1. Приветствие
Good afternoon, nice to meet you!
2. Работа с пословицей
Look at the proverb: Health is above wealth.
What Russian equivalent can you give?
Чтение вслух. Учитель стирает несколько слов, ученики повторяют пословицу. Затем убираются все слова, ученики повторяют по памяти.
II. 1. Работа над орфографией
At home you should learn how to write words on the topic. You were given the cards. There are words with missing letters. Put the correct letters.
Pres…ribe, sne…ze, seri…us, ex…ite, t…ro…t, ex…m…ne, s…allo…, ton…ue, temp…rat…re, n…d, med…c…ne, p…ti…nt, co…gh.
2. Инсценировка диалога “At the Doctor’s”
Patient: May I come in?
Doctor: Yes, you may. Good morning!
P.: Good morning. Oh, Doctor, I feel bad.
D.: I see. I would like to listen to your heart and lungs.
P.: Yes, Doctor. And I have a terrible headache.
D.: You should take your temperature.
P.: Doctor, it’s high!
D.: Don’t worry. I think you have a cold.
P.: What shall I take for my cold?
D.: Take this medicine 3 times a day.
P.: Shall I drink warm milk?
D.: You should drink warm milk with honey or butter.
P.: Thank you.
D.: You are welcome.
3. Физкультминутка
4. Устная речь. Повторение should/shouldn’t
Look at the picture and make sentences with modal verb should (shouldn’t). Answer the question what we should or shouldn’t do to be healthy?
Should: do morning exercises, clean teeth, eat healthy food, wash hands before meal
Shouldn’t: smoke, eat much sweets, drink too much coffee.
5. Словообразование
На доске написаны слова в виде схемы
Head- ache
Back- [eik]
Make up compounds. Guess what the word ache means?
Make other words like the words on the blackboard ( toothache, heartache).
III. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание, оценки.