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World's famous markets

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Разработка урока 6 класса на тему "Famous markets"

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«World's famous markets»

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: K. Baiseitova RSSMBS for gifted children

Teacher name: Balgazyyeva Zhazira

Date: 12.04.2022


Number present:


Lesson title

8е Markets around the world

Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to (link to the
Subject program)

5. L. 2.5.1 understand most specific information and detail of short,supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

5. R .4.2.1 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5. S. 3.4.1 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Understand, translate the information of text, be able to answer the questions about it

Levels of cognitive skills (Bloom's Taxonomy)

Understanding, applying

Assessment criteria

Students demonstrate understanding and follow the instructions


  • Students understand the whole text and answer all 4 questions of the attached exercise

  • Students understand the 75 % of the text and can answer 3 questions of the attached exercise

  • Students understand 50% of the text and can answer 2 questions of the attached exercise

  • Students understand 25% of the text and can answer 1 question of the attached exercise

Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

Neighborhood and places

Plan of the lesson


  • Doing a 5 minute activity, matching the pictures with the right definitions

  • Watching the video (text) and translating it

  • Doing an exercise about the text

  • Doing the crossword (a team task)


Greetings and warming up (5-7 minutes)

Teacher starts the lesson with a short activity, pupils divide into two teams. Each of them take a piece of paper, where the name of the team is written and so children divide and sit with their team.

Then the teacher gives two sheets of paper for each team with the five minute activity on theme Food. They have to fulfill it in 5 minutes. For each right answer the teacher gives a candy.

The activity sheet is attached below.


  • Introducing today's text, working with the new words

(Online flashcards with the new words that pupils can see on the whiteboard) (2-3 minutes)

  • Watching the video about two markets with subtitles, the teacher stops the video and students should translate what they have listened https://youtu.be/DkOsucSBe2A (5-7 minutes)

  • Students do the exercise 2, they should fill in the given words, there are words on the blackboard, pupils should attach a correct words to make a phrase (2-3 minutes)

  • A team task. The teacher gives a sheet with the crossword on «Food» theme, pupils should find and fill the words in 5 minutes. Then which team found all the words correctly gets a candy. (5-7minutes)

  • A team task «write about your team name». Teams should write and present five sentences about the name of their team. For example, Pizza (I'm very delicious. I can be with mushrooms, pineapple, tomato, etc. And so on...) (6-8 minutes)

  • Playing a video game on youtube. The teacher switches on the game on YouTube called «Top quiz» about food. Teams should write their points and the winner will be the team which has more points. (6-8 minutes) What place am I?!




Resuming the watched text, counting candies and announcing the winner team, giving reflection on the lesson (3-4 minutes)


Summary evaluation

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

World's famous markets

Автор: Балгазыева Жазира Келдьбаевна

Дата: 03.06.2022

Номер свидетельства: 608751

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