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«Урок "Дом, милый дом"»
Form 4
Тема: Дом, милый дом/Home, SweetHome
Цель: повторить тематическую лексику темы урока, развивать
навыки поискового чтения, память, языковую догадку, повторить предлоги места, прививать любовь к родному дому и близким людям.
Ход урока
Poem-songRead the title of the song. Think of two reasons why home is «sweet». Назовите 2 причины почему мы называем наш дом милым?
https://mp3ball.ru/?mp3=Spotlight+5%2C+Songs+–+Module+3%2C+p.+SS1%2C+Ex.+2+Home%2C+sweet+home поем вместе
Home, Sweet Home
Home, sweet home I run home from school each day. I don’t want to be late. And, when I get home sweet home I always feel so great. Home is full of happiness; the perfect place for me. Home is always full of love. It’s where I want to be. When I walk through the door. I always stop and smile. All my problems disappear Just for a little while.
sweet home – милыйдом
To feel great – чувствоватьсебяздорово
Full of happiness – полонсчастья
Perfect place – прекрасноеместо
Through the door - черездверь
Disappear – исчезать
Justforalittlewhile – хотя бы на некоторое время
Read the text “MY DREAM HOUSE” and answer 6 questions
Do you dream about a big family house?
How many rooms would you like to have?
What will you have in the living room?
Do you know English and Russian proverbs?
What will you have in your own bedroom?
Do you want to have a swimming pool and
a garden near the house?
Can you draw the house of your dream?
Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse
2. Charity begins at home
3. East or West — home is best
4. Every bird likes its own nest
5. Every dog is a lion at home
Good fences make good neighbours
Home is where the heart is
My house is my castle
Name not a rope in his house that was hanged
Open not your door when the devil knocks
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
There is по place like home
13.Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones