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Урок конференция : "We live on the same planet"

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«Урок конференция : "We live on the same planet"»

Урок – конференция

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 8

Раздел: Страноведение ( Модуль № 1 Socialising «Общение в обществе»)

Тема: “We live on the same planet”

Цели урока : 1) развитие социо-культурной компетенции;

2) формирование умений работать в группе;

3) совершенствование навыков устной речи;

4) воспитание культуры речи и толерантного отношения к культуре другой страны.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

We live on the same planet is the theme of today’s meeting. You are the participants of the international world teenagers’ competition devoted to global issues: Tolerance and living in peace.

You are going to work in three groups The first group represents a team of students from Russia. The second group represents the students from the USA. And the third group are our friends from Great Britain.

  1. Речевая разминка:

Would you like to try your chance in the international world teenagers’ competition?

( Учащиеся составляют высказывания по подстановочной таблице– Слайд )

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

  1. Закрепление изученной лексики : National characteristics.

Этапы работы:

  1. Repeat the words after the teacher (повторите слова вслед за учителем);

  2. Give the Russian equivalents (дать русский эквивалент данных характеристик);

  3. Which of them characterize your nation best of all? (Учащиеся составляют монологическое высказывание из данных лексических единиц. Ведущая интеллектуальная операция- выбор с принятием смыслового решения).

Snobbery 1) практичность

Keenness of mind 2) реалистический подход к жизни

Practicality 3) неформальное поведение

Conservatism 4) мужество

Practicality 5) открытое сердце

Realistic approach to life 6) вежливость

Courage in people’s hearts 7) консерватизм

Mighty inner dynamic 8) проницательный ум

The active sense of cooperation 9) мощная внутренняя сила

Patriotism 10) равенство

Tolerance 11) терпимость

A “can-do” spirit 12) мобильность

Equality 13) сдержанное поведение

Emotional warmth 14) патриотизм

Freedom and democracy 15) эмоциональная теплота

Mobility 16) доминирующий индивидуализм

Politeness 17) снобизм

Dominant individualism 18) свобода и демократия

Reserved behaviour 19) чувство сотрудничества

Open-heartedness 20) дух всемогущества


  1. Проверка домашнего задания

В качестве домашнего задания группам учащихся нужно было выбрать лидера своей страны и подготовить устное выступление о его достижениях и обосновать свой выбор.

Данный этап урока представляет условно-коммуникативный обмен краткими репликами в монологическими высказываниями на основе выбора.

1 группа из России представила своего лидера – Пётр I.

Peter the Great was one of the most famous tsars in Russian history. Although he was often cruel, no one can deny that he changed his country’s future forever. Peter was wild and he sometimes had bad manners. But he was bright and he wanted to learn about everything. He enjoyed hard work and building things with his hands.

Peter’s dream was to create a powerful Russian navy. He worked for 4 months in a shipyard in Holland. He learned watch making and human body. So, when he returned to Russia, he even helped doctors perform surgery. He hired hundreds of specialists, such as engineers, doctors, shipbuilders, naval officers,

He also wanted to make changes in people’s personal lives. At that time men had beards; European men didn’t. So Peter passed a law that all men had to shave off their beards.

2 группа из Великобритании представила – Принцессу Диану.

Princess Diana

The leader of our country is Princess Diana whose fate impressed us greatly.

She has done so much for her native country and was the national heroine.

Her parents were of high birth, but she worked as a nanny and as a kindergarten teacher.

When she married Charles, Diana wanted to have children and her dream came true. She had two sons, William and Henry. Lady Diana was perfect and affectionate mother, because she adored her children.

Princess Diana took part in many charities. One of them was “The Heart of Britain”, a charity organization, keeping children with heart trouble.

We all love her for her charming manners and for her beauty. This woman was close to the people in the street so she was called “The people’s princess”

3 группа

We have chosen John Kennedy because he was the youngest man ever elected president.

He was also one of the wittiest.

Лидером группы из США был избран Джон Кеннеди

Kennedy served in the Navy during World War II. He was proud of his war record but never bragged about it. When a high school boy once asked him: “Mr. President. How did you become a war hero?”, he responded. “It was involuntary. They sank my boat.”

When a torpedo boat he commanded was wrecked by a Japanese destroyer, he saved the life of one man who was wounded by seizing the end of his life jacket in his teeth and towing him to an island three miles away.

While he was President he frequently said: “ All I want them to say about me is what they said about John Adams - “He kept peace”.

  1. Презентация :”My country at a glance”.


  1. Выберите три вещи, которые вы находите символичными для своей страны.

  2. Два представителя от группы представляют работу.

  3. Подготовьте перевод для удобства восприятия текста на слух.

Each group has prepared the presentation about their homeland. And now let them present their work. Well, meet the group from Russia.

Now, the group from the UK.

And let me introduce…… a group of students from the USA.


  • The Mississippi River – named by Native Americans the “Father of the Waters” – is a sparkling place. Together with the Missouri River they form the largest river system in the world. (Слайд )

  • The Statue of Liberty is one of the tallest monuments in the USA. It stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbour. (Слайд)

  • Rushmore Mountain. History meets nature at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The famous American presidents are caved in the mountainside: Gorge Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln. And Theodore Roosevelt. Each face measures 18 metres. The noses are 6 metres long. (Слайд)

Project work

Now you’ll be given five minutes to make a short presentation of your country. Your task was to choose three things symbolical of your homeland.

Native Americans коренные американцы

A river река

Pristine чистый, нетронутый

Sparkling сверкающий

Liberty свобода

An island остров

Harbour гавань

Nature природа

Are caved in выгравированы

To measure измерять

Инструкция к выполнению задания

  1. Выберите три вещи, которые вы находите символичными для своей страны.

  2. Два представителя от группы представляют работу.

  3. Подготовьте перевод для удобства восприятия текста на слух.

The UK

  • Queen Elizabeth isthe most popular monarch in the world. Queen Elizabeth celebrated her 80th anniversary on the 21st of April. When she was asked what she wanted to get for her birthday, she answered: “The sunny day! It would be great.”. At this time she has been designing the model of her private plane. (Слайд)

  • Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British Monarchy. It has 19 state rooms, 52 royal bedrooms, 182 staff rooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. Some 450 people work in the palace and 40,000 people are entertained there every year. (Слайд)

  • The Red Double-Deckers are the famous English omnibuses because they are very high and have seat on the upper and lower decks. Some have automatic doors and you pay the driver when you go in. (Слайд)


  • The national flag consists of three stripes of white, blue and red. The colours symbolize:

white – the frankness and generosity

blue - honesty and wisdom

red – courage and love(Слайд)

  • The health resorts Kuban is the main health resort. Let’s take for example Anapa Sail Tower. Even Western Europe can feel envious of the place like this. Beaches, good for swimming, healing mud and spas, fresh sea attract many tourists who want to improve their health. (Слайд)

  • The scenery of our motherland The scenery of Russia varies greatly from region to region. There are steppes in the south, plains and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the East. (Слайд)

  1. Викторина по страноведению.

Каждой группе предлагалось ответить на 10 вопросов о своей стране.

В итоге была выбрана группа победитель, которая показала лучшие результаты.

Ниже представлены варианты заданий.

Do you remember the main facts about the USA?

  1. How many states are there in the USA?

a) 40 b) 50 c) 55

  1. Immigrants may become citizens after ____ years of residence in the USA.

a) 5 b) 2 c) 10

  1. What state did the European colonists choose to be their earliest and the most important settlement?

a) California b) South Carolina c) Massachusetts

  1. _____ started settlements in the New world?

    1. the Spanish, the French and the English

    2. the Irish, the Germans and the French;

    3. the Germans, The Dutch and the English;

  1. America was named after ____

    1. Amerigo Vesppucci, an Italian explorer;

    2. Christopher Columbus, a Spanish explorer;

  1. _____ freed all the salves.

a) George Washington b) Theodore Roosevelt c) Abraham Lincoln

  1. People from all over the world traveled to _____ in search of gold.

a) California b) South Carolina c) Massachusetts

  1. Where was the tallest skyscraper in the world “The Sears Tower” built?

a) Chicago b) New York c) Los Angeles

  1. The first flag was called_____.




  1. The symbol of this country is _____.




Do you remember the main facts about the UK?

  1. The flag of the UK is called ____.




  1. Why do the British people speak so much about the weather?

    1. It is considered to be a polite style of starting a conversation;

    2. It is an island country and that’s why the weather is very changeable;

c) The British people like talking about the weather;

  1. The heart of England is _____.

a) Midlands b) The Southwest c) the Southeast

  1. What is the national emblem of England?

a) shamrock b) thistle c) red rose

  1. How many rooms are there in the residence of the Queen in London?

a) 600 b) 25 c) 100

  1. What is the smallest country in the UK?

a) Scotland b) Wales c) England

  1. Which monarch united England and Scotland?

    1. King James I of England;

    2. Elizabeth I;

    3. Henry VIII;

  1. Which British monarch reigned for the longest period?

    1. Elizabeth I;

    2. Queen Victoria;

    3. Henry VIII;

  1. What is the family name of the present royal family?

a) Smith b) Tudor c) Stuart d) Windsor

10. What is the symbol of the country?




Do you remember the main facts about Russia?

  1. What separates the European part of Russia from Asia?

    1. The Ural Mountains;

    2. The Caucasus Mountains;

    3. The Black Sea;

  1. What time can be considered the end of the isolation of Russia from Asia?

    1. It was under the Ivan the Terrible;

    2. It was under Peter the Great;

    3. It was under Catherine II;

  1. Who founded Moscow?

    1. Alexander Nevsky;

    2. Ivan the Terrible;

    3. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky;

  1. Our land is washed by ____ seas.

a) 10 b) 3 c) 12

5. What is the symbol of the country?




6. The Russian flag is _____.




7. Peter the great adopted the flag from the National Flag of ____.

a) Netherlands

b) Great Britain

c) France

8. Which monarch ascended to the throne at the age of three?

a) Ivan the Terrible;

b) Mikhail Romanov;

c) Peter the Great;

  1. The Black sea got its name because

    1. the climate on this sea is severe;

    2. it is a turbulent stormy sea;

    3. its waters are dark and cold.

  1. Дискуссия: Tolerance and Aggression.

Инструкция к выполнению задания

  1. Просмотрите текст. Найдите в тексте факты, подтверждающие ваш ответ:

  2. Вам предлагается следующая модель высказывания для оформления ответа:

- We place on tolerance because tragic events (трагические события) evoked tolerance and courage in people’s hearts.

Scan the text.

Предлагается текст проблемного характера: “Society is becoming more and more violent” (Общество становится всё более агрессивным).

Задание: Agree or disagree with the facts given in the text. Exchange your ideas.

Scanning the text

What is hot?

Society is becoming more and more violent

Military science reveals a shocking fact about young Americans. In World War II, only 20 % of soldiers were willing to fire their rifles (ружья). In the Korean War, 50 % of soldiers were willing to shoot an enemy while, in the Vietnam war, 90 % of soldiers were willing to kill.

Social studies in this country have shown that in the late nineties, more than 40 % of young people were willing to have a gun.

These facts show that modern society is becoming more and more violent! Why? Some people think that violence on TV and in movies, plus point-and-shoot video games, make young people more violent today.

Phrases to start a discussion

My name is…

I disagree with it.

I’m afraid I can’t agree.

May I ask a question?

I have a different opinion.

Let me add.

May I make a suggestion?

I really don’t agree.

I’m absolutely positive about it.

As far as I know

In my opinion

I’m afraid I don’t really know much about it.

It seems to me that

I think that’s nonsense.

It sounds interesting (awful, unusual).

On the one hand,… On the other hand, …

I don’t really understand

Перед составлением высказывания повторим изученные ранее слова.

Tolerance and Aggression

Listen to theses words and say which of them are related to tolerance.

Cooperation prejudice confrontation

Violence conflict peace

Freedom friendship war

Solidarity exploitation democracy

Dialogue discrimination independence

Terrorism safety racism

Related to “tolerance”

Related to “aggression”

Инструкция к выполнению задания

  1. Просмотрите текст. Найдите в тексте факты, подтверждающие ваш ответ:

  2. Вам предлагается следующая модель высказывания для оформления ответа:

- We place on tolerance because tragic events evoked tolerance and courage in people’s hearts.

Подведение итогов Are you tolerant?

В конце урока мы провели социальный опрос класса. Цель опроса- формировать гражданскую позиции и повысить интерес учащихся к своей стране.

Are you tolerant?

  1. Have you ever read the Declaration of Human Rights?

  2. Is it possible to prevent all conflicts on the planet?

  3. Do you watch movies that nave a lot of violence?

  4. Are you going to fight against terrorism?

  5. Every person has the right

    • to disagree with other people.

    • have fights with other people.

    • entertain other people.

  1. Do you respect the right of other people to have ideas to be different from yours?

  2. Do you use the words that hurt?

  3. Do you agree that a beautiful person is beautiful when his/her actions are beautiful?

  4. Do you use the words that hurt?

  5. Can you resolve conflicts in a peaceful way?

  6. Somebody is wearing mismatched clothes and has a funny hairstyle.

    • you laugh at this person.

    • it doesn’t make any difference to you.

  7. Your team lost the game.

    • You blame the players.

    • You congratulate the other team on their victory.

  8. You do not agree with what your friend says:

    • you interrupt and do not listen.

    • you listen to him attentively.

  9. Somebody is telling a joke about people of a certain nationality.

    • you laugh and think it’s very funny.

    • you think that it is not fair to make fun of another group of people.

  10. You believe that …

    • preventing wars is impossible.

    • people must understand why wars happen.

Make your score.

Пояснительная записка

Данная работа представляет гуманитарное направление.

Тема урока: We live on the same planet (Мы живём на одной планете)!


Учебник для образовательных организаций “Английский язык в фокусе» 8 класс.

Авторы учебного издания: Валиулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни и др.

Москва «Просвещение», 2015 год.

Количество часов в неделю: 3 часа.

Раздел I – Socialising(Общение)

Тип урока: обобщающий урок.

Форма проведения: урок конференция.

Данное занятие призвано воспитывать культуру речи и толерантное отношение к культуре другой страны.

Данный урок проведён в 8 классе В МБОУ Лицея № 1.

Количество учащихся в группе: 13 человек.

Учащиеся данной группы способны проводить такие интеллектуальные операции, как выбор аргументов и структурирование собственного текста на иностранном языке, что необходимо для достижения реально-коммуникативной цели.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Урок конференция : "We live on the same planet"

Автор: Горбачёва Лилия Васильевна

Дата: 30.08.2016

Номер свидетельства: 341577

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