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”Meet the winners of the International Teenagers? Competitions”

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 Урок в 7классе

М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева

по теме:”Meet the winners of the

International Teenagers? Competitions”

         Учитель иностранного языка: Луничкина  Т.П.

МОУ СОШ  №4 г. Ртищево. Саратовской области.

Основная задача: Тренировать уч-ся в развитии коммуникативных умений в устной речи, в чтении, письме. Развитие общих и специальных учебных умений: работать с книгой и справочной литературой. Закрепление языковых знаний в формировании навыков: фонетических, орфографических, лексических и грамматических.

Воспитательная задача: Развитие социокультурной компетенции(сведения социокультурного характера – умение выделять общее и специфичное в культуре родной страны и стран изучаемого языка).

Оборудование: презентация к уроку, проекты уч – ся.

Ход урока:

Учитель:Today we are having a lesson in the form of the conference. The topic of the conference is  «Meet the winners of the International Teenagers Competition.» The winners represent the English speaking countries and Russia. Meet the participants  of  the  conference.The conference is taking place in Moscow. There are also some representatives from different schools from Russia.

Перед конференцией победители соревнований знакомятся друг с другом.

1.How do  you do? My name is Jess. I am from Canada. And who are you?

2.Hello. My name is Jullianna. I am  from the USA. Where are you  from?

3.I am Jennie. I am from New Zealand. And  you?

4.Nice to meet you. My name is Laura. I am from Australia.

5.Let me introduce myself. I am Polina. I  am from Russia. Pleased to meet you.

6.My name is Patricia.I am from Great Britain.

Учитель: There  is a journalist at the conference. Her name is Kate. She is going  to ask some questions.

Kate: Are you glad to become  the winner of the International  Competition?

1.Oh, yes of course. I tried my chance and was lucky to win.

Kate: Are you the first time in Moscow? What are your impressions?

2.Oh,Moscow is a very beautiful city. I saw  the                                                                                       

Kremlin, Red Square and many other places of interest. Moscow is super!

Kate: Have you ever spoken at any large meeting?

3. Yes, I have.

Kate: When was it?

3. At the end of the school year. It was a meeting with exchange partners  from the USA.

Kate: Did you speak English or Russian?

3. I spoke English and it was not easy.

Kate: Good luck.

3. Thank you.

Kate: And you? Have you ever spoken at the International meeting?

4. No,I have never been  at any International meeting before.

Kate: So, it is the  first time you are going to speak at the International  conference today?

4. Yes, it is.And I am a little nervous.

Kate: Everything will be O.K.

4. Thank you.

Учитель:  It is time to begin the conference.

Победители соревнований рассказывают о своих странах, представляя свои проекты.о Великобритании, США, Новой Зеландии, Австралии, Канаде, России.

Учитель: The journalist has some more questions for the winners.

Kate: Was it interesting for you to take part in the conference?

5. Yes, of course. I learned many interesting things about many countries. I made a lot of friends here. It is great.

Kate: And what are your impressions?

5. It is exciting. I like everything. Yesterday we made an excursion about Moscow.  I like  all the historical buildings and the City of course. And I got acquainted with  Moscovites. They are sociable, friendly and kind.

Kate: Are you from Great Britain?  What did you like best of all?

6. Everything was O.K. I learned many interesting things about  Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and  New Zealand.

Kate: Thank you.

Учитель: Our role game has finished.  You learned  many new things about English speaking countries.  What country would you like to visit and why?

 Ученики говорят какую страну они хотели бы посетить и почему. 

 Учитель:.  English is  the main  language in the English speaking countries and the  international language in the world. Let s discuss the reasons for learning  English.

The reasons for learning English:

(уч –ся  пишут причины  на доске)

the  means of communication

the language of politicians

to travel to the English speaking countries

for business

to take part in the international competitios

to use Internet

to read literature

to listen to English  songs

to watch videos and films

Учитель:      Find  out  and  prove from the text ex.44. p.42 what you have written.

Уч-ся читают текст и находят подтверждения в тексте.

Учитель: Why do you learn English? (отвечают на вопрос почему они изучают анг. яз.)

Учитель: In the age of new  technologies English is a good chance for you to communicate with teenagers from other countries and to take part the Teenagers competitions. Let s train  and do the tasks which were published in the Internet  last year.

“ We live on the same Planet”

The competition will be open  to anybody  over

the age of 10  up to 15.

Find it on the site :WWW. RU

Teenagers Competition.

If you

 are over the  age of 12,

like travelling,

want to make new friends,

want to improve your English

Just answer the questions!

Unesco offers 50 lucky participants the chance to visit all the English speaking countries absolutely free. So for the chance to win the tour just answer the following questions:

1.Describe yourself in 5 words.

2.How would you see yourself in10 years?

3.How would you see your planet in 10 years?

4.What is your motto?

Подведение итогов.

Домашнее задание:  подготовить проект  о России.

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«”Meet the winners of the International Teenagers? Competitions” »

Урок в 7классе

М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева

по теме:”Meet the winners of the

International Teenagersי Competitions”

Учитель иностранного языка: Луничкина Т.П.

МОУ СОШ №4 г. Ртищево. Саратовской области.

Основная задача: Тренировать уч-ся в развитии коммуникативных умений в устной речи, в чтении, письме. Развитие общих и специальных учебных умений: работать с книгой и справочной литературой. Закрепление языковых знаний в формировании навыков: фонетических, орфографических, лексических и грамматических.

Воспитательная задача: Развитие социокультурной компетенции(сведения социокультурного характера – умение выделять общее и специфичное в культуре родной страны и стран изучаемого языка).

Оборудование: презентация к уроку, проекты уч – ся.

Ход урока:

Учитель:Today we are having a lesson in the form of the conference. The topic of the conference is «Meet the winners of the International Teenagers Competition.» The winners represent the English speaking countries and Russia. Meet the participants of the conference.The conference is taking place in Moscow. There are also some representatives from different schools from Russia.

Перед конференцией победители соревнований знакомятся друг с другом.

1.How do you do? My name is Jess. I am from Canada. And who are you?

2.Hello. My name is Jullianna. I am from the USA. Where are you from?

3.I am Jennie. I am from New Zealand. And you?

4.Nice to meet you. My name is Laura. I am from Australia.

5.Let me introduce myself. I am Polina. I am from Russia. Pleased to meet you.

6.My name is Patricia.I am from Great Britain.

Учитель: There is a journalist at the conference. Her name is Kate. She is going to ask some questions.

Kate: Are you glad to become the winner of the International Competition?

1.Oh, yes of course. I tried my chance and was lucky to win.

Kate: Are you the first time in Moscow? What are your impressions?

2.Oh,Moscow is a very beautiful city. I saw the

Kremlin, Red Square and many other places of interest. Moscow is super!

Kate: Have you ever spoken at any large meeting?

3. Yes, I have.

Kate: When was it?

3. At the end of the school year. It was a meeting with exchange partners from the USA.

Kate: Did you speak English or Russian?

3. I spoke English and it was not easy.

Kate: Good luck.

3. Thank you.

Kate: And you? Have you ever spoken at the International meeting?

4. No,I have never been at any International meeting before.

Kate: So, it is the first time you are going to speak at the International conference today?

4. Yes, it is.And I am a little nervous.

Kate: Everything will be O.K.

4. Thank you.

Учитель: It is time to begin the conference.

Победители соревнований рассказывают о своих странах, представляя свои проекты.о Великобритании, США, Новой Зеландии, Австралии, Канаде, России.

Учитель: The journalist has some more questions for the winners.

Kate: Was it interesting for you to take part in the conference?

5. Yes, of course. I learned many interesting things about many countries. I made a lot of friends here. It is great.

Kate: And what are your impressions?

5. It is exciting. I like everything. Yesterday we made an excursion about Moscow. I like all the historical buildings and the City of course. And I got acquainted with Moscovites. They are sociable, friendly and kind.

Kate: Are you from Great Britain? What did you like best of all?

6. Everything was O.K. I learned many interesting things about Russia, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

Kate: Thank you.

Учитель: Our role game has finished. You learned many new things about English speaking countries. What country would you like to visit and why?

Ученики говорят какую страну они хотели бы посетить и почему.

Учитель:. English is the main language in the English speaking countries and the international language in the world. Let s discuss the reasons for learning English.

The reasons for learning English:

(уч –ся пишут причины на доске)

the means of communication

the language of politicians

to travel to the English speaking countries

for business

to take part in the international competitios

to use Internet

to read literature

to listen to English songs

to watch videos and films

Учитель: Find out and prove from the text ex.44. p.42 what you have written.

Уч-ся читают текст и находят подтверждения в тексте.

Учитель: Why do you learn English? (отвечают на вопрос почему они изучают анг. яз.)

Учитель: In the age of new technologies English is a good chance for you to communicate with teenagers from other countries and to take part the Teenagers competitions. Let s train and do the tasks which were published in the Internet last year.

We live on the same Planet”

The competition will be open to anybody over

the age of 10 up to 15 .

Find it on the site :WWW. RU

Teenagers Competition.

If you

are over the age of 12,

like travelling,

want to make new friends,

want to improve your English

Just answer the questions!

Unesco offers 50 lucky participants the chance to visit all the English speaking countries absolutely free. So for the chance to win the tour just answer the following questions:

1.Describe yourself in 5 words.

2.How would you see yourself in10 years?

3.How would you see your planet in 10 years?

4.What is your motto?

Подведение итогов.

Домашнее задание: подготовить проект о России.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

”Meet the winners of the International Teenagers? Competitions”

Автор: Луничкина Татьяна Петровна

Дата: 16.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 225489

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