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Typical Kazakhstan plants

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П?н м??алімі





Купешова С

А?ылшын тілі

8 «Б»


Typical Kazakhstan plants.

Жалпы ма?саты

О?ушылар?а еліміздегі  ?сімдіктер ?лемінен м?лімет беру,?йрену

К?тілетін н?тиже

О?ушылар елімізді?  ?сімдіктері  жайлы а?ылшын тілінде айта алады.


8-сынып о?улы?ы,


?лестірмелі таратпалар, формативті ба?алау


Ж?пты? ж?не жеке ж?мыстар,топты? ж?мыстар

Кейінгі о?у


М??алімні? жазбасы

The outline of the lesson

(time:45 minute)

Teacher’s role

Pupil’s activity


(7 minute)

v    Greeting

v    Absence

v    Checking up the homework

v    Home task

v    Greeting

v    Pupil on duty gives a report

v    Pupils divided into groups by pictures

v    Give a lot of questions about family


(10 minute)

o       Exercise:1.

o       Exercise:2. New words

Vocabulary (flora, green, forestgreenpeace) and pronunciation

o       Listen and Read

o       Listen and learn new words

o       Answer the questions

Main part

(16 minute)

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

 Group work

Describe to the posters

Individual work


Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1.   Jane. at six every day, but today she. late.

a) is finishing, is working

b) is finishing, works

c) finishes, is working

d) finishes, works

2.   They. to Madrid at five yesterday evening.

a) flew

b) were flying

c) had flown

d) have flown

3.   I. he is a very good singer.

a) am not thinking

b) wasn't thinking

c) don't think

d) doesn't think

4.    How many cars. ?

a) has your family got

b) your family has got

c) has got your family

d) does your family have got

5.   . where you live?

a) do she knows

b) do she know

c) does she knows

d) does she know

6.    Please, phone later. James. a bath.

a) has

b) is having

c) has got

d) had

7.   I. anything to eat since the early morning.

a) didn't have

b) haven't got

c) haven't had

d) hadn't had

o       Circle the correct word

o       Write the tests


(2 minute)

 The skeleton dance

o       Pupils  dance together


(10 minute)

o      Group work

o      Work with posters

o       It`s my country

o       Put the missing letters. Match and write


(1 minute)

Formative and summative assessments for groups and to each pupil

o       A Traffic light

o        Two stars and one offer.


(2 minute)

What have you got acquainted with during today’s lesson?

o       Pupils write their opinions on the copy book

Home work

(1 minute)

 To make slide show on the theme “Typical Kazakhstan plants”

П?н м??алімі





Купешова С

А?ылшын тілі

8 «Б»


Typical Kazakhstan plants.

Жалпы ма?саты

О?ушылар?а еліміздегі  ?сімдіктер ?лемінен м?лімет беру,?йрену

К?тілетін н?тиже

О?ушылар елімізді?  ?сімдіктері  жайлы а?ылшын тілінде айта алады.


8-сынып о?улы?ы,


?лестірмелі таратпалар, формативті ба?алау


Ж?пты? ж?не жеке ж?мыстар,топты? ж?мыстар

Кейінгі о?у


М??алімні? жазбасы

The outline of the lesson

(time:45 minute)

Teacher’s role

Pupil’s activity


(7 minute)

v    Greeting

v    Absence

v    Checking up the homework

v    Home task

v    Greeting

v    Pupil on duty gives a report

v    Pupils divided into groups by pictures

v    Give a lot of questions about family


(10 minute)

o       Exercise:1.

o       Exercise:2. New words

Vocabulary (flora, green, forestgreenpeace) and pronunciation

o       Listen and Read

o       Listen and learn new words

o       Answer the questions

Main part

(16 minute)

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

 Group work

Describe to the posters

Individual work


Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1.   Jane. at six every day, but today she. late.

a) is finishing, is working

b) is finishing, works

c) finishes, is working

d) finishes, works

2.   They. to Madrid at five yesterday evening.

a) flew

b) were flying

c) had flown

d) have flown

3.   I. he is a very good singer.

a) am not thinking

b) wasn't thinking

c) don't think

d) doesn't think

4.    How many cars. ?

a) has your family got

b) your family has got

c) has got your family

d) does your family have got

5.   . where you live?

a) do she knows

b) do she know

c) does she knows

d) does she know

6.    Please, phone later. James. a bath.

a) has

b) is having

c) has got

d) had

7.   I. anything to eat since the early morning.

a) didn't have

b) haven't got

c) haven't had

d) hadn't had

o       Circle the correct word

o       Write the tests


(2 minute)

 The skeleton dance

o       Pupils  dance together


(10 minute)

o      Group work

o      Work with posters

o       It`s my country

o       Put the missing letters. Match and write


(1 minute)

Formative and summative assessments for groups and to each pupil

o       A Traffic light

o        Two stars and one offer.


(2 minute)

What have you got acquainted with during today’s lesson?

o       Pupils write their opinions on the copy book

Home work

(1 minute)

 To make slide show on the theme “Typical Kazakhstan plants”

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«Typical Kazakhstan plants »

Пән мұғалімі





Купешова С

Ағылшын тілі

8 «Б»


Typical Kazakhstan plants.

Жалпы мақсаты

Оқушыларға еліміздегі өсімдіктер әлемінен мәлімет беру,үйрену

Күтілетін нәтиже

Оқушылар еліміздің өсімдіктері жайлы ағылшын тілінде айта алады.


8-сынып оқулығы,


Үлестірмелі таратпалар, формативті бағалау


Жұптық және жеке жұмыстар,топтық жұмыстар

Кейінгі оқу


Мұғалімнің жазбасы

The outline of the lesson

(time:45 minute)

Teacher’s role

Pupil’s activity


(7 minute)

  • Greeting

  • Absence

  • Checking up the homework

  • Home task

  • Greeting

  • Pupil on duty gives a report

  • Pupils divided into groups by pictures

  • Give a lot of questions about family


(10 minute)

  • Exercise:1.

  • Exercise:2. New words

Vocabulary (flora, green, forestgreenpeace) and pronunciation

  • Listen and Read

  • Listen and learn new words

  • Answer the questions

Main part

(16 minute)

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

Group work

Describe to the posters

Individual work


Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)

1. Jane ... at six every day, but today she ... late.

a) is finishing, is working

b) is finishing, works

c) finishes, is working

d) finishes, works

2. They ... to Madrid at five yesterday evening.

a) flew

b) were flying

c) had flown

d) have flown

3. I... he is a very good singer.

a) am not thinking

b) wasn't thinking

c) don't think

d) doesn't think

4. How many cars ... ?

a) has your family got

b) your family has got

c) has got your family

d) does your family have got

5. ... where you live?

a) do she knows

b) do she know

c) does she knows

d) does she know

6. Please, phone later. James ... a bath.

a) has

b) is having

c) has got

d) had

7. I... anything to eat since the early morning.

a) didn't have

b) haven't got

c) haven't had

d) hadn't had

  • Circle the correct word

  • Write the tests


(2 minute)

The skeleton dance

  • Pupils dance together


(10 minute)

  • Group work

  • Work with posters

  • It`s my country

  • Put the missing letters. Match and write


(1 minute)

Formative and summative assessments for groups and to each pupil

  • A Traffic light

  • Two stars and one offer.


(2 minute)

What have you got acquainted with during today’s lesson?

  • Pupils write their opinions on the copy book

Home work

(1 minute)

To make slide show on the theme “Typical Kazakhstan plants”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Typical Kazakhstan plants

Автор: Купешова Салтанат Базарбаевна

Дата: 08.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198756

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