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Творческий проект "Clothes and Fashion"

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Тема проекта: «Одежда и мода.  Clothes and Fashion».

Обоснование проблемы:  стремительные изменения в мире моды.

Актуальность проблемы:  дефицит информации для подростков об изменениях моды и правильности выбора одежды.

Цель проекта: привлечь внимание одноклассников к изучению английского языка, показать необходимость его изучения в современном мире;

расширить лингвистический, филологический и общий кругозор школьников – сверстников, развить их познавательную активность; умение общаться на языке, использовать язык как инструмент международного общения.

Задачи проекта: «разговорить» одноклассников;

выработать у них эмоциональное личностное отношение к проблемам моды в современного мира.

Тип проекта:  информационно-творческий.

Форма проекта: индивидуальный.

Предметно–содержательная область:  межпредметный.

Область исследования: английский язык, технология для девочек (моделирование, конструирование и пошив одежды).

В проекте участвуют: учитель иностранного языка; учитель информатики; ученики 7-9-х классов, изучающие английский язык;

В проекте используется: самостоятельный поиск учащимися информации; индивидуальная работа учащихся по заданию выбранной «миссии»; обсуждение полученной информации в рамках круглого стола и групповая работа по созданию слайд - шоу.

По окончании проекта учащиеся сдают: реферат-сочинение по своей «миссии»;  или презентацию на слайдах.

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«Творческий проект "Clothes and Fashion" »

МОУ – средняя общеобразовательная школа с. Карпёнка

Краснокутского района Саратовской области

учитель английского языка Еськова Елена Леонидовна


Тема проекта: «Одежда и мода. Clothes and Fashion».

Обоснование проблемы: стремительные изменения в мире моды.

Актуальность проблемы: дефицит информации для подростков об изменениях моды и правильности выбора одежды.

Цель проекта: привлечь внимание одноклассников к изучению английского языка, показать необходимость его изучения в современном мире;

расширить лингвистический, филологический и общий кругозор школьников – сверстников, развить их познавательную активность; умение общаться на языке, использовать язык как инструмент международного общения.

Задачи проекта: «разговорить» одноклассников;

выработать у них эмоциональное личностное отношение к проблемам моды в современного мира.

Тип проекта: информационно-творческий.

Форма проекта: индивидуальный.

Предметно–содержательная область: межпредметный.

Область исследования: английский язык, технология для девочек (моделирование, конструирование и пошив одежды).

В проекте участвуют: учитель иностранного языка; учитель информатики; ученики 7-9-х классов, изучающие английский язык;

В проекте используется: самостоятельный поиск учащимися информации; индивидуальная работа учащихся по заданию выбранной «миссии»; обсуждение полученной информации в рамках круглого стола и групповая работа по созданию слайд - шоу.

По окончании проекта учащиеся сдают: реферат-сочинение по своей «миссии»; или презентацию на слайдах.


  1. Introduction……………………………………....p. 3
  2. The main part “Clothes and Fashion”…………p. 4-10

2.1. Fashion. What is it?................................................p. 4-5

2.2. Fashion, Modern, Beautiful……………………...p. 6

2.3. Are all fashionable things beautiful?..................p. 6

2.4. School uniform…………………………………...p. 7

2.5. From the history of British fashion……………..p. 8-10

  1. Conclusion…………………………………………p. 11

  2. The list of literature…………………………….....p. 11

  1. Introduction.

Good afternoon dear friends!

We have to discuss “Fashion problems” today.

Why I have chosen such theme? Fashion is supposed to be interesting

only for women. But I think it is a mistaken opinion. Fashion is one of the most amusing things in the world, because fillings, experiences, excitements are connected with it. Particularly it is so when we speak about Russia, France and the UK. Fashion is interesting for men and for teenagers.

There are a lot of fashion problems not only in Russia but in the whole world. What are they?

  • What is fashion?

  • Do you think you ought to keep up with fashion?

  • What can help a person to be fashionable?

  • Are all fashionable things beautiful?

  • Styles in fashion.

  • School uniform.

  • From the history of British fashion.

Our project is open for every person who cares about fashion problems and for those who studies English.

  • You want to know much more about fashion

  • You want to make your stile of clothes

  • You want to know English well

  • You want to speak English not only about what you studied but also about the problems that really touch you

  • Or you care about neither of these but you like to work with computer

Then our project is for you—join us!!!

II. Main part. Clothes and Fashion.

2.1. Fashion. What is it?

We all pay much attention to fashion. But what is it? Everybody understands it in his own way. Generally, this is our appearance that helps us to be attractive and to differ from others. Every generation has its own fashion and rules, and every generation is sure that only it looks smart.

For example, our great-grandmothers wore long, black skirts with high-laced boots. As a rule, the women’ hair at that time was in a bun above their high-necked blouse. They never went out without two petticoats: one flannel and one sheer cotton. Then, appeared some other rules: “Women with brown eyes can’t wear blue”, or “the pocketbook and shoes must always match”.

Now women like jeans and trousers, although most men prefer to see them in dresses and skirts. They like curly hair and admire seductive women, but at the same time they are always sorry for the time spent by women in front of the mirror and have a horrified feeling with curling process.

Nowadays young people’s main rule is: the fewer clothes, the more bright colours, the more I differ from others-the better. I am sure that everybody from young generation has hundreds of his own rules and develops a set of personal fashion trend is more definite and individual that any other one. The main thing is: it helps them to feel their importance and be interesting.

Of course women worry about the clothes much more that men. They can spend hours dressing to go somewhere trying to find a look that follows the rules of fashion. This is too short, that doesn’t go with that, that looks teen-age, and this looks too matronly. This makes me look fat, that makes me look too pale and so on.

But there are strict rules that we obey for years. Only white for brides, only black for funerals. Clothes should not have holes and should not be visibly dirty. Your clothes must always be clean; it must show the dignities of your figure and soften your defects. If you keep there simple rules, you would always look well and attract people.

2.2. Fashion, Modern, Beautiful.

Fashion, as you know, is the way or style in which clothes or other things are made at a particular time. It is also the way of making or doing something.

All people, especially young ones, like to look modern. But there is always the question of what fashionable and what is beautiful. This question is also discussed when we speak about our clothes, about how to wear different things. We discussed it when we speak about those items of our dress which could make much impression on other people.

2.3. Are all fashionable things beautiful?

Fashion and beauty are connected with each other. Fashion has a standard in itself – the same tastes, dress, hair style. However culture helps a person to work out his or her own attitude to fashion. Only culture can teach you to choose what suits you best out of what fashion offers. At the same time fashion helps people to be modern in many ways.

And here is a question. Is everything offered by fashion beautiful? Of course not.

Fashion changes almost every year. And it is difficult to keep up with it.

However, it is necessary to keep up with fashion; only we must do it reasonably. Jeans are worn not only by young people. They are comfortable and practical for every day.

Fashion helps you to show your individuality. It helps to show that each person is different from all other people. But it is necessary to orientate oneself in fashion.

2.4. School uniform.

Nowadays they speak about school uniform. But that is the problem. Teachers, parents hope that it will be done. Pupils don’t want to wear a school uniform. In our project I and my classmates suggest some kinds of school uniform.

2.5. From the history of British fashion.

Now let’s speak about the origin of some clothes names. Do you know any pieces of clothing whose names come from the English language? These pictures will help you.


I’d like to tell you about the most popular clothes of the 20th century – jeans. These are trousers made of very strong cotton cloth with back patch pockets with a double stitch. They are very popular in the whole world both with adults and children. This name comes from the English corruption of the name of the Italian city of Genoa. In the middle ages very strong cotton cloth for sails was made in that city. In the middle of the 19th century an American manufacturer, Levi Strauss, bought a lot of such cloth and went to the west of the USA. He wanted to sell it to cowboys and gold diggers for tents. But tents were not needed them and Levi Strauss decided to sew strong, comfortable and practical trousers. They were a great success and from then on jeans have been very popular with people of different ages all over the world.

They are comfortable and practical for every day.

You can do everything you like – climb trees and mountains, run and jump, play different games, lie on the ground near the fire, go to the institute. They keep you warm. Wear jeans and jacket and you’ll look very smart and have no problems.

A blazer.

This name comes from the English verb “to blaze” (светиться). It is a long jacket of classical design with patch pockets. The buttons are of metal and blazing. Blazers appeared in England first where some members of different clubs wished to differ from the members of other clubs. So members of various English clubs began to wear jackets of special design, they had their own colour, buttons and stripes. Nowadays sportsmen or umpires in Russia wear blazers for special occasion.

A jumper, a sweater, a pullover.

Nobody knows all the differences between them but there are some. The word “jumper” comes from the English verb “to jump” (прыгать). At first it was an item of sport wear and looked like a knitted jacket with a short fastening at the throat.

A knitted jacket without any fastening with a little cut was called “pullover” from the English word “to pull” (тянуть вверх), that means to take something off or put on over the head.

A sweater is a warm knitted jacket without a fastening and a cut with a high collar. This name comes from the English verb “to sweat” (потеть). That shows that a sweater is a very warm piece of clothing.

A mackintosh.

It is a kind of coat or raincoat of loose-fitting design. It is usually made of waterproof material. This piece of clothing got its name from the Scottish chemist Charles Mackintosh who invented waterproofing. Nowadays coats or raincoats of loose-fitting design are very popular with so-called “new Russians”.

A mini-skirt.

It is very light. It is very short. You wouldn’t be hot in a mini- skirt.

It is very comfortable. Besides, you look very beautiful in it.

III. Conclusion.

At the end of my course paper I want to make a short review of what I have already written.

Having written my course paper I think that I have told only small part of this theme. Especially fashion is a very interesting theme concerning Russia, the United Kingdom and the whole world. Of course, I couldn’t illustrate all of fashion style, but which I’ve still done reflects the main trends of it.

  1. The list of literature.

  1. Новиков А.В. Устные темы по английскому языку для школьников. Книга для чтения на английском языке. – М.: «Лист Нью», 2001. 352 с.

  2. Островский Б.С. Английский язык: Факультативный курс: Учебное пособие для 10-11 кл. сред. шк. – М.: Просвещение, 1990. – 192 с.

  3. Научно-методический журнал «Иностранные языки в школе», №2, 2001 г., стр.30-34.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Творческий проект "Clothes and Fashion"

Автор: Еськова Елена Леонидовна

Дата: 12.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 219391

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