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Урок разработан для учащихся 7 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З.Урок обучения письменной речи. Цели урока: научить писать личное письмо, выражающую различные точки зрения; развивать способность к функционально – адекватному сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению. По степени новизны материала - комбинирование нового с ранее изученным.

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«Конспект урока»

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 7 классе

«Trouble shared»

(Делимся проблемой)


преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Липецк 2016

Цели урока:

1. Учебные: Тренировать в чтении и устной речи. Научить писать письмо,

давая совет.

2. Развивающие: Развивать способность к функционально - адекватному

сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению.

3. Познавательные: Познакомить со способом написания письма,

содержащего совет.

4. Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой


Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Т: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Т: Read and translate the words. (2 слайд)

III. Речевая зарядка.

Т:Let’s revise the second conditional. Answer the questions: (3 слайд)

1) What would you do if you missed the bus? (3 слайд-1)

2) What would you eat if you were at a café? (3 слайд-2)

3) What would you paint if you were a painter? (3 слайд-3)

4) What would you do if it were summer now? (3 слайд-4)

5) What would you do if you were a millionaire? (3 слайд-5)

6) What would you do if you had holidays now? (3 слайд-6)

7) What would you prepare for dinner if you were a cook? (3 слайд-7)

8) What would you do if your friend were ill? (3 слайд-8)

9) What would you buy if you had a lot of money? (3 слайд-9)

(Studentsown answers)

IV. Совершенствование навыков чтения.

Т: Let’s learn some new words. (4 слайд)

Т: Your friend has written you a letter explaining that her sister, Judy, spends

all of her free time in front of the computer. (5 слайд)

Т: Read the letter and put the paragraphs into the correct order.

(Keys: 1-C 2-D 3-B 4-A)

Т: Read the letter again and answer the questions.

1) What is the main topic of each paragraph?

(Keys: Paragraph 1: writer offers encouragement; Paragraph 2: suggestion -

involve Judy in outdoor activity or sport; Paragraph 3: suggestion - get to

know Judy's friends/invite them to her house; Paragraph 4: closing remarks)

3) What reasons and/or examples does the writer give to support her


(Keys: Paragraph 2: examples - team sport, bicycle, swimming;

reason - she will become more active and meet other children of her own

age; Paragraph 3: examples - organise party/invite friends to play after

school; reason - it will help her become much more sociable) .

4) Which expressions does the writer use to give advice? (6 слайд)

(Keys: If I were you, I would ... / Why don't you ... ? /

I'd also suggest... / How about... ?)

Т: There are some other expressions which we can use to give advice.

Write them down.

Т: Read the comments about the problems some people face in their

neighbourhood, and complete the table as in the example. (7 слайд)

T: Check your answers. (8 слайд)

Т: What advice would you give these people about their problems?

E.g. If I were you, I'd ask them to turn the music down.

(Suggested answers:

Why don't you ask them to keep the dog in the house when they go out?

It would be a good idea to buy earplugs.

If I were you, I'd complain to their parents.)

T: What are we going to write today? (A letter)

T: What kind of a letter? (An informal one)

T: What will the letter contain? (Advice)

T: Write down the topic of the lesson. (9 слайд)


V. Обучение написанию письма.

Т: Here is part of a letter you have received from your cousin Amy. Read the

extract and answer the questions. (Приложение:2). (10слайд)

(Keys: 1-B 2-A 3-B 4-A)

Т: What advice would you give her? (11 слайд)

(Keys: 1, 4, 6.8)

Т: Which expressions would you use to give advice?

(Keys: If I were you, Why don't you, How about, etc)

Т: Now read the writing tip. (12 слайд)

T: Now read the plan. (13 слайд)

VI. Итоги. Домашняя работа.

T: Use your answers and the plan below to write a letter to your cousin, giving

your advice. Use Joanna’s letter as a model. (100 -120 words). (14 слайд)


Dear Amy,

Thanks for your letter. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with your

new neighbours. I hope the following advice will be of some help to you.

The first thing you should do is complain about the noise. If I were you, I'd

tell my neighbours that their shouting disturbs me. This way, they might make

less noise. Also, ask them to make sure that their children turn their music off at

a reasonable hour, so you can sleep at night. You must deal with the problem of

your neighbour's dog. Why don't you ask them to tie it up? If they do that, it

won't be able to get through their fence into your garden. It would also be a good

idea to ask your neighbours to mend their garden fence, so that the dog can't get

into your garden at all.

I really hope things get better with your neighbours soon. Let me know how

it turns out.

Good luck,



6th April

Dear Louise,

A Well, I hope I've been of some help to you. Do write and let me know how everything turns out.

В I’d also suggest that you get to know her friends yourself. Why don’t you ask them over to your house? How about organising a party or inviting a few of her
friends over to play after school? This will help her become much more sociable.

C I’ve just got your letter and I'm very sorry to hear you’re having problems with Judy. Don’t worry too much, though - there are several things you can do to
help her change her habits.

D If I were you, I would get her involved in some kind of outdoor activity. For instance, why don't you encourage her to take part in some kind of sport? If she
doesn't like team sports, buy her a bicycle or suggest she takes up swimming. In this way, she’ll become more active and will also meet other children of her own age.



Приложение 2

... As you know, we've just moved into a new house. Well, ever since the first day, we've had problems with our neighbours. For one thing, they can’t seem to do anything quietly. The parents are constantly shouting at one another and don't seem to care about their children playing loud music late at night. What’s more, they have a dog that barks all day long and keeps getting through their fence into our garden. It has already destroyed the few flowers I planted. I really need your advice because I don't know what to do...

Использованные материалы:

I. Интернет ресурсы: (15 слайд)

1) http://womanbook.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/deti-v-internete.jpg– изображение девочки за компьютером

2) http://www.zd100.ru/images/articles/60/1326194663.jpg – изображение людей у ограды дома

3) http://afanaseva.ucoz.ru/tvorchestvo/f_49b524-1-.jpg – изображение художника

4) https://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=be9109b238266c9f953ba2843a6b76bc&n=33&h=190&w=220– изображение людей, бегущих к автобусу

5) http://img.espicture.ru/11/professii--v-kartinkah-9.jpg – изображение повара

6) http://s7.postimage.org/58zmo08yj/image.jpg– изображение больного

7) https://content.schools.by/novsad7/library/det_menu.jpg – изображение детей в кафе

8) http://centr-olifirenko.ru/attachments/Image/mzm.rcehofye.png?template=generic&.png– изображение мешка с деньгами

9) http://www.gunlukreklam.com/ilanlar/070220122056449352.jpg– изображение человека с мешком денег

10) http://www.stihi.ru/pics/2012/06/24/3336.jpg – изображение солнца

11) http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/AlexBannykh/AlexBannykh0901/AlexBannykh090100019/4161780-schoolboy-after-lessons.jpg– изображение школьника

II. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooly. Reading & Writing Targets 3. Student’s Book. - Blackpill: Express Publishing, 1999г.

III. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooly. Reading & Writing Targets 3. Teacher’s Book. - Blackpill: Express Publishing, 1999.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация к уроку»

Trouble shared  (Делимся проблемой)   урок английского языка, 7 класс,  У MK Биболетовой М. З.  Автор: Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна, учитель английского языка  МБОУ гимназии №19  имени Н.З.Поповичевой  г. Липецка

Trouble shared (Делимся проблемой) урок английского языка, 7 класс, У MK Биболетовой М. З.

Автор: Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна,

учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназии №19 имени Н.З.Поповичевой г. Липецка

Read and translate the words: to share  person  true  idea  offer  classmate  helpful  problem  to quarrel with  parents  bad  to help  to get along with  trouble  to call    friend

Read and translate the words:

to share person true idea offer classmate helpful problem to quarrel with parents bad to help to get along with trouble to call friend

Answer the questions.

Answer the questions.

New words: suggest - предлагать habit  - привычка involve  - вовлекать encourage - вдохновлять bark  -   лаять fence - забор

New words:

suggest - предлагать

habit - привычка

involve - вовлекать

encourage - вдохновлять

bark - лаять

fence - забор

Read the letter and put the paragraphs into the correct order.

Read the letter and put the paragraphs into the correct order.

Useful expressions: If I were you, I would ...  Why don’t you ... ?  I’d also suggest...  How about... ?    It would be a good idea to… You could also… Have you thought about…?

Useful expressions:

If I were you, I would ... Why don’t you ... ? I’d also suggest... How about... ?

It would be a good idea to…

You could also…

Have you thought about…?

I can’t stand my  neighbours. They always play loud music late at night. The heavy traffic on  the main road keeps us  awake at night. The kids in the  neighbourhood destroy  my flowers when they  play  football in the street. My neighbours’ dog  keeps barking when they  go out. It drives me  crazy. neighbours neighbours’ dog play loud music heavy traffic local children

I can’t stand my neighbours. They always play loud music late at night.

The heavy traffic on the main road keeps us awake at night.

The kids in the neighbourhood destroy my flowers when they play football in the street.

My neighbours’ dog keeps barking when they go out. It drives me crazy.


neighbours’ dog

play loud music

heavy traffic

local children

Check your answers: neighbours play loud music neighbours’ dog keeps barking when they go out heavy traffic keeps us awake at night local children destroy my flowers when they  play football in the street

Check your answers:


play loud music

neighbours’ dog

keeps barking when they go out

heavy traffic

keeps us awake at night

local children

destroy my flowers when they play football in the street

Trouble shared  (Writing a letter giving advice)

Trouble shared

(Writing a letter giving advice)

Answer the questions: 1. Who has written the letter?   A a friend of yours В  a relative  2. What kind of letter is this?   A a letter asking for advice  В a letter giving advice  3. What does the writer expect you to do?   A to explain her problem   В  to advise her on her problem  4. What style would you use in your reply to this letter?   A informal В formal

Answer the questions:

1. Who has written the letter? A a friend of yours В a relative 2. What kind of letter is this? A a letter asking for advice В a letter giving advice 3. What does the writer expect you to do? A to explain her problem В to advise her on her problem 4. What style would you use in your reply to this letter? A informal В formal

Choose the right answers: 1... ask the neighbours to tie up their dog  2... call the police  3... shout at the children whenever you see them  4... ask the neighbours to make sure that their children  turn their music off at a reasonable hour  5... report the neighbours to the local council  6... politely explain to the neighbours that their  shouting disturbs you  7... threaten to take the neighbours to court  8... ask the neighbours to mend their garden fence so  their dog can’t get through   ˅ ˅ ˅ ˅

Choose the right answers:

1... ask the neighbours to tie up their dog 2... call the police 3... shout at the children whenever you see them 4... ask the neighbours to make sure that their children turn their music off at a reasonable hour 5... report the neighbours to the local council 6... politely explain to the neighbours that their shouting disturbs you 7... threaten to take the neighbours to court 8... ask the neighbours to mend their garden fence so their dog can’t get through





TIP   When we write an informal letter giving advice we can  divide it into four paragraphs.  • In the introduction we o ffer encouragement by  saying that we understand the problem and/or that we  think we can help.  • In the second and third paragraphs we make our suggestions , giving reasons and/or examples. We write each suggestion in a separate paragraph.  • In the conclusion we write our closing remarks (i.e. ask the person to let us know what happens, say that we hope everything turns out well, etc).

TIP When we write an informal letter giving advice we can divide it into four paragraphs. • In the introduction we o ffer encouragement by saying that we understand the problem and/or that we think we can help. • In the second and third paragraphs we make our suggestions , giving reasons and/or examples. We write each suggestion in a separate paragraph. • In the conclusion we write our closing remarks (i.e. ask the person to let us know what happens, say that we hope everything turns out well, etc).

Plan  Date  Dear Amy,  Introduction  Paragraph 1:  offer encouragement (say you  understand the problem and/  or you think you can help)  Main Body  Paragraphs 2 - 3: advice/suggestions (and  reasons/examples)  Conclusion  Final paragraph:  closing remarks   Yours ,  ................... (your first name)

Plan Date Dear Amy, Introduction Paragraph 1: offer encouragement (say you understand the problem and/ or you think you can help) Main Body Paragraphs 2 - 3: advice/suggestions (and reasons/examples) Conclusion Final paragraph: closing remarks Yours , ................... (your first name)

YOUR HOMEWORK: Use your answers and the plan below to write a letter to your cousin, giving  your advice. Use Joanna’s letter as a model (100-120 words).


Use your answers and the plan below to write a letter to your cousin, giving your advice. Use Joanna’s letter as a model (100-120 words).

Использованные материалы :   I . Интернет ресурсы:   1) http://womanbook.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/deti-v-internete.jpg – изображение девочки за компьютером  2) http :// www . zd 100. ru / images / articles /60/1326194663. jpg – изображение людей у ограды дома  3) http :// afanaseva . ucoz . ru / tvorchestvo / f _49 b 524-1-. jpg – изображение художника  4) https://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=be9109b238266c9f953ba2843a6b76bc&n=33&h=190&w=220 – изображение людей, бегущих к автобусу  5) http://img.espicture.ru/11/professii--v-kartinkah-9.jpg – изображение повара  6) http://s7.postimage.org/58zmo08yj/image.jpg – изображение больного  7) https://content.schools.by/novsad7/library/det_menu.jpg – изображение детей в кафе  8) http://centr-olifirenko.ru/attachments/Image/mzm.rcehofye.png?template=generic&.png – изображение мешка с деньгами  9) http://www.gunlukreklam.com/ilanlar/070220122056449352.jpg – изображение человека с мешком денег  10) http://www.stihi.ru/pics/2012/06/24/3336.jpg – изображение солнца  11) http :// us .123 rf . com /400 wm /400/400/ AlexBannykh / AlexBannykh 0901/ AlexBannykh 090100019/4161780- schoolboy - after - lessons . jpg – изображение школьника    II. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooly. Reading & Writing Targets 3 . Student’s Book. - Blackpill: Express Publishing, 1999.  III. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooly. Reading & Writing Targets 3 . Teacher’s Book. - Blackpill: Express Publishing, 1999.

Использованные материалы : I . Интернет ресурсы: 1) http://womanbook.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/deti-v-internete.jpg – изображение девочки за компьютером 2) http :// www . zd 100. ru / images / articles /60/1326194663. jpg – изображение людей у ограды дома 3) http :// afanaseva . ucoz . ru / tvorchestvo / f _49 b 524-1-. jpg – изображение художника 4) https://im1-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=be9109b238266c9f953ba2843a6b76bc&n=33&h=190&w=220 – изображение людей, бегущих к автобусу 5) http://img.espicture.ru/11/professii--v-kartinkah-9.jpg – изображение повара 6) http://s7.postimage.org/58zmo08yj/image.jpg – изображение больного 7) https://content.schools.by/novsad7/library/det_menu.jpg – изображение детей в кафе 8) http://centr-olifirenko.ru/attachments/Image/mzm.rcehofye.png?template=generic&.png – изображение мешка с деньгами 9) http://www.gunlukreklam.com/ilanlar/070220122056449352.jpg – изображение человека с мешком денег 10) http://www.stihi.ru/pics/2012/06/24/3336.jpg – изображение солнца 11) http :// us .123 rf . com /400 wm /400/400/ AlexBannykh / AlexBannykh 0901/ AlexBannykh 090100019/4161780- schoolboy - after - lessons . jpg – изображение школьника II. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooly. Reading & Writing Targets 3 . Student’s Book. - Blackpill: Express Publishing, 1999. III. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooly. Reading & Writing Targets 3 . Teacher’s Book. - Blackpill: Express Publishing, 1999.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Trouble shared (Делимся проблемой)

Автор: Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 04.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 288411

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