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Tours you will never forget (9 класс)

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Theme: Tours you will never forget
Aim of the teaching:

 Explain the new theme.

Talking about tours.

 Revise the Gerunds.

 Translate the text.

 Making texts using the diagrams.
Type of the lesson: New lesson

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«Tours you will never forget (9 класс)»

Form 9 «А»

Theme: Tours you will never forget
Aim of the teaching:

 Explain the new theme.

Talking about tours.

 Revise the Gerunds.

 Translate the text.

 Making texts using the diagrams.
Type of the lesson: New lesson
I. Organization
- Good afternoon, pupils!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- Who is on duty today?
- I’m
- Who is absent?
II. Check - up the home task
- What was your home task?
- Exercise 11
III Presentation.
Ex 1 what do travel brochures advertise?

Do you think travel agencies help tourists?
Ex 2 Read. What do travel agencies advertise? Do you think travel agencies help tourist?

Ex 3 Talk to your partner 

Speak about travel agencies using the diagram.

What else do travel agencies organize? 

Ex.4 make these questions.
1. agency, is, kind of business, what, travel, a
2. does, arrange, who, it, for, tour
3. money, does, where, come, from
Ex. 5 read the titles. You will never forget this tour! More than just a tour! Write down 2 nouns,3 adjectives and 3 verbs you expect to see in the main text.

NOUNS                          adjectives                         verbs

__________             ___________________             _____________________

__________            ____________________             ______________________

                                   ____________________            ______________________

Ex7   Read the text ” More than just a tour! ”
Ex 8 Read the words. Put noun, verb, and adjective near each word.
Night - club
Wildlife park
b) Make sentences with them

Example. Enjoy our tropical island!

You will never forget our wildlife parks.

Relax by the pool, forget your problems.
Ex9 Choose the correct word
This that
These those
Here there
Come go
1 I’d like to come/go away for a holiday again soon.
2You must come /go and see us again one of these days.
3 Let’s all come/go and Harry this weekend.
4. I’ve found something very strange. Come/go and have a look.
5. I’m afraid Mrs. Barnes is busy just now.
Could you come/go back tomorrow morning?
6 Do you know Africa?
- No, I’ve never been here/there.
- This/ that is my first visit!
7 I’ll never forget this/that morning, 20 years ago, when I first saw Mrs. Newton.

VII Result of the lesson
VIII Home task. Ex.2 (b) p.18 (WB)
IX Put marks

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Tours you will never forget (9 класс)

Автор: Сисянгужина Мира Жумагужиевна

Дата: 25.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 395459

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