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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 4 четверть в 8 классе

 «Английский язык» Афанасьева О.В. по теме «Пассивный залог» (6 раздел)

I вариант

1) Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (passive voice).

1. Beautiful flowers (to plant) here next month.

2. This play (to write) by a famous dramatist.

3. Oranges (to grow) in warm countries.

4. My father’s car (to wash) yesterday evening.

2) Make up questions with these words.

1. was, Moscow, built, when, Kremlin?

2. potatoes, to, brought,  were, when, Europe?

3. America, discovered, was, when?

3) Change the sentences in the active voice into passive.

1. Mary cut the cake into small pieces yesterday.

2. They cleaned the living room an hour ago.

3. People grow oranges in Italy.

4. Ann won’t forget your help.

4) Make the sentences passive.

1. You must write a letter to granny.

2. I can give you the answer at once.

3. Tomorrow I should organize the tour of the Kremlin.

4. You have to bring this box tomorrow.

5) Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences.

1. John always gives very interesting lectures. They are well listened _________.

2. Such jokes are usually laughed ________.

3. My cat is always looked _________ when I’m away.

4. Ann  is not very punctual. She is always waited _______.

5. They arrived _______ Kiev at 6 p.m.

II вариант

1) Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (passive voice).

1. English (to speak) all over the world.

2. When I was young, such problems never (to discuss) in front of the children.

3. The plan (to show) to the director tomorrow.

4. Her new book (to devote) to her parents.

2) Make up questions with these words.

1. invited, were, to, the, party, children, the?

2. painted, was, when, “A girl with peaches” ?

3. nylon, was, when, invited?

3) Change the sentences in the active voice into passive.

1. She will do it next Saturday.

2. Kate won’t clean the carpet tomorrow.

3. They translate the Harry Potter books into many languages.

4. Barbara took these pictures while traveling in Africa.

4) Make the sentences passive.

1. You must make the bed at once.

2. They can do the shopping today.

3. Tomorrow we should water the plant.

4. I have to wash the dress tomorrow.

5) Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences.

1. This famous writer is much spoken ______.

2. The manager will be sent _______.

3. Mrs. Ascott will be spoken ______ and I’m sure she will agree to your plan.

4. When I go away, my pet is well looked ________.

5. This joke is always laughed _____. 

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе »

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 4 четверть в 8 классе

«Английский язык» Афанасьева О.В. по теме «Пассивный залог» (6 раздел)

I вариант

1) Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (passive voice).

1. Beautiful flowers (to plant) here next month.

2. This play (to write) by a famous dramatist.

3. Oranges (to grow) in warm countries.

4. My father’s car (to wash) yesterday evening.

2) Make up questions with these words.

1. was, Moscow, built, when, Kremlin?

2. potatoes, to, brought, were, when, Europe?

3. America, discovered, was, when?

3) Change the sentences in the active voice into passive.

1. Mary cut the cake into small pieces yesterday.

2. They cleaned the living room an hour ago.

3. People grow oranges in Italy.

4. Ann won’t forget your help.

4) Make the sentences passive.

1. You must write a letter to granny.

2. I can give you the answer at once.

3. Tomorrow I should organize the tour of the Kremlin.

4. You have to bring this box tomorrow.

5) Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences.

1. John always gives very interesting lectures. They are well listened _________ .

2. Such jokes are usually laughed ________.

3. My cat is always looked _________ when I’m away.

4. Ann is not very punctual. She is always waited _______ .

5. They arrived _______ Kiev at 6 p.m.

II вариант

1) Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the verbs in brackets (passive voice).

1. English (to speak) all over the world.

2. When I was young, such problems never (to discuss) in front of the children.

3. The plan (to show) to the director tomorrow.

4. Her new book (to devote) to her parents.

2) Make up questions with these words.

1. invited, were, to, the, party, children, the?

2. painted, was, when, “A girl with peaches” ?

3. nylon, was, when, invited?

3) Change the sentences in the active voice into passive.

1. She will do it next Saturday.

2. Kate won’t clean the carpet tomorrow.

3. They translate the Harry Potter books into many languages.

4. Barbara took these pictures while traveling in Africa.

4) Make the sentences passive.

1. You must make the bed at once.

2. They can do the shopping today.

3. Tomorrow we should water the plant.

4. I have to wash the dress tomorrow.

5) Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences.

1. This famous writer is much spoken ______.

2. The manager will be sent _______.

3. Mrs. Ascott will be spoken ______ and I’m sure she will agree to your plan.

4. When I go away, my pet is well looked ________.

5. This joke is always laughed _____.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 25.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 191481

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