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"Теміртау ?.№4 ЖББОМ" КММ

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Date: The 12nd of November.           

Theme: Food and drink

Class: 6а, 6?, 6б, 6в, 6г                                                                              

Aims of the lesson:

  • to revise vocabulary
  • to develop speaking, reading, writing, listening skills
  • to introduce with grammar material

Move of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment:

Good afternoon, my dears. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. We will do some exercises, read the text. Are you ready to begin our lesson?

  1. Phonetic drill:

Answer my questions.

1) Who is on duty today? I am on duty today.

2) Who is absent today? Today is absent…

3) What is the date today? Today is the 12nd of November.

4) What is the weather like today? It is cloudy, cold, and snowy.

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«"Теміртау ?.№4 ЖББОМ" КММ»

Date: The 12nd of November.

Theme: Food and drink

Class: 6а, 6ә, 6б, 6в, 6г

Aims of the lesson:

  • to revise vocabulary

  • to develop speaking, reading, writing, listening skills

  • to introduce with grammar material

Move of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment:

Good afternoon, my dears. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. We will do some exercises, read the text. Are you ready to begin our lesson?

  1. Phonetic drill:

Answer my questions.

1) Who is on duty today? I am on duty today.

2) Who is absent today? Today is absent…

3) What is the date today? Today is the 12nd of November.

4) What is the weather like today? It is cloudy, cold, and snowy.

  1. Home work:

Let’s begin check-up home work. Are you ready? Open your copybook and I check –up it.

  1. Introduce of the new material:

Ok, let’s begin our lesson. First look at the blackboard. Who do you see? Yes, you see a picture about the food and drink. Next to introduce of the new words. All together repeat after me. Next say without me.

tomato [tәmә:tәu]-қызанақ

banana [bә’na:nә]-банан

potato [pә’teitәu]-картоп

coffee [k’ fi]-кофе

apple [æpl]-алма

tea [ti:]-шай

juice [dзu:s]-шырын

carrot [‘kærәt]-сәбіз

grape [greip]-жүзім

orange [‘ rindз]-апельсин

egg [eg]-жұмыртқа

biscuit [‘biskit]-печенье

bread [bred]-нан

cheese [t∫i:z]-ірімшік

rice [rais]-күріш

milk [milk]-сүт

butter [‘b tә]-сарымай

suger [‘∫ugә]-қант

  1. Do some exercises:

  2. Look at the blackboard. You see a picture. Write down what do you see.

  3. You learn new words and complete the diagram.

  4. Food and drink

  5. Exercise 1 page 42 Put these words into three groups. Give a name to each group.

    1. tomato coffee juice

    2. banana apple carrot

    3. potato tea grape

    1. Fruit

    1. Food

    1. Drink

  6. Exercise 2 page 42 Study these words with your teacher.

  7. Countable Uncountable

  8. oranges coffee

  9. apples tea

  10. Exercise 3 page 42 Complete the chart using the words in exercise 1.

    1. Fruit

    1. Vegetable

    1. Drinks

    1. Other food

    1. oranges

    1. tomato

    1. tea

    1. rice

  11. Homework

  12. Open your diaries and write down your homework. Ex 5 p 43.

  13. Marks:

  14. You were very active, your marks are….

  15. The lesson is over! Good bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Теміртау ?.№4 ЖББОМ" КММ

Автор: Мендалиева Бакытгуль Мараловна

Дата: 19.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255655

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "388271"
    ["category_seo"] => string(6) "fizika"
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