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"The USA!"

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Цели урока:

Обучающие цели:

  1. ) Увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц,
  2. развитие умений использовать лексические единицы в устной речи,  развитие умения понимать логические связи между членами  предложения и отработка выполнения заданий в формате ГИА.
  3.  формирование навыков общего понимания текста, извлечения  нужной информации
  4. расширение страноведческих знаний об Америке и совершенствование навыков устной речи

Развивающие цели:

      1) Развитие навыков устной речи по теме с использованием лексических    единиц урока

      2) Формирование лексических навыков чтения.

Воспитательные цели:

  1. Воспитание уважения к законам, строю, традициям и культурным ценностям стран изучаемого языка

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал по теме

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«"The USA!"»

План-конспект урока английского языка

Цели урока:

Обучающие цели:

  1. ) Увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц,

  2. развитие умений использовать лексические единицы в устной речи

  3. формирование навыков общего понимания текста, извлечения нужной информации

  4. расширение страноведческих знаний об Америке и совершенствование навыков устной речи

Развивающие цели:

1) Развитие навыков устной речи по теме с использованием лексических единиц урока

2) Формирование лексических навыков чтения.

Воспитательные цели:

  1. Воспитание уважения к законам, строю, традициям и культурным ценностям стран изучаемого языка

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал по теме

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Org.moment. Greeting.

- Good afternoon, children. Sit down, please. How are you?

2. Brain-storming. (Presentation 1) Look and say what you think of this picture/image/the White House

P: This the White House, the place where the president lives

T: Where is it situated? Country? City?

T: The 2nd picture is the photo… What is he?

T: Can you guess what the theme of our lesson is?

P- The theme of our lesson is politics, “Political system of the USA”.

T: What are we going to learn about? / president, political parties, ministers, the Senate, the Congress, the constitution…

-And by the end of our lesson I hope you will be able to say 4-5 sentences about it.

3.Warming up.

-You know that Americans are very proud of their country

Let’s listen to the song “Аmerica, the beautiful”- and sing along (ex.14,p.239)

4. Look at the pictures and say your opinion of the USA beauty.

1)The Grand Canyonevokes(вызывает) a mixture of surprise and admiration. It is 1 mile deep and 200 miles long

2) The Mississippi…(is called the father of waters, it stretches for 6400 km

3)Yosemite Valley…( is one of the main tourist attractions

4) Yellowstone national park..(is one of the most famous places, that Americans tried to save, where you can enjoy the beauty and power of wild America

5)Alaska’s glacier(ледник)…

6)The Niagara Falls…is the place where you can always see a rainbow!

4. Work on lexics

Match the words and their definitions: /cards /

The Constitution is

a system when people can be bought and sold

The Congress is

group of important ministers

TheSenate is

believing in God

The Cabinet is

a large meeting of people from different parts of the country

The press is

one of the houses in the US Congress

Religion is

a period of time between two elections of a president

Slavery is

the main law of the country

An amendment is

all the newspapers published in a country

A term is

the changes in the Constitution


Project of the future law

A bill is

People who live in the country or state

5.Give antonyms:

To vote for the president – To fight against Russia – To pass a bill –

The right decision – To start the discussion - To obey the law –

6. Word building . Презентация 2

Affixation:the words are built with the help of suffixes and prefixes

e.g. govern(править)- government (?)

Judge – judgement (?) Declare –declaration Decide – Elect - … Represent – representative

Senate – senator But: Congress – congressman, congresswoman

Use the given words in the correct form:

  1. The colonies in America won the War of ________________(depend).

  2. They needed one strong national ______________(govern).

  3. The states sent their _____________(represent) to Philadelphia.

  4. There are 100___________( senate) in the Senate.

  5. A ________(senate) term is 6 years.

  6. The Supreme court is made up of 9 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________(judge).

  7. The Vice President helps the president to make __________(decide).

  8. The 13th amendment ended _______(slave).

  9. The Bill of rights guarantees people important rights and ______(free).

  10. American Constitution was ___________(write) 200 years ago.

7. Check up ex.12.p.238 – the use of prepositions.

8. Reading of the text Who Rules the Country?

a) phonetic drill: ex.15 p.239 – in chorus

b) read the 1st paragraph and say what the problem was after the revolutionary war.

c) (o 62) listen to the 2ndparagraph and say

- what the trunk is … people -what is the 1st branch… the Congress

-what is the 2nd branch… the President -what is the 3d branch… the Supreme Court

9.Presentation 3: a tree.

Say what you can about American political system looking at these key-words.

10. Рефлексия. Now you have learnt some more facts about the political system of the USA… - What was quite new for you?

11. Look at this wall dish. It represents the political landmarks of America, doesn’t it?

(The White House and the Capitol are the two main buildings where American politics is made up.) We shall continue at the next lesson.

Thank you for your work. Your marks …

  1. Home work: ex.16, p.240-242, ex.22

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

"The USA!"

Автор: Новенькова Любовь Николаевна

Дата: 22.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308692

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