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The UK and Northern Ireland

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Development pupils’ skill in reading, auding and speaking

Development lexical skills and habits in oral speech

Development pupils enlarging world outlock

What is the official name of Great Britain?

How many parts does the U.K. consist of?

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«The UK and Northern Ireland»

The theme of the lesson: The UK and Northern Ireland

Утесинова С.Ж

Ы.Алтынсарин орта мектебі

Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Objectives: Development pupils’ skill in reading, auding and speaking

Development lexical skills and habits in oral speech

Development pupils enlarging world outlock

III. Forms: group, individual

IV. Visual aids: 1) the flag, the symbol of the country

2) interactive board, a map

3) stars

4) the level questions

V. The type of the lesson revision. (Competition)

The procedure of the lesson


Good morning, children!

Good morning the teacher?

What’s the day today?

What’s the date today?

What’s the season now?

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

VI. Dear boys and girls, guests you are welcome to our competition lesson. Today we gathered here to show our knowledge on History, Geography and everyday life of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. It’s a competition lesson, that’s why we choose the jury. We shall listen to your answers carefully and use the colored stars to mark them. If your answers is good, your stars is yellow, if it is better, you will receive the green star, if it is the best, your star is red. Do you understand me?

Now, you choose the caption of the teams and introduce with their members of the teams.

Let’s begin our lesson.

At first I’ll introduce with the plan of the competition.

Point 1. The first task is to represent your country. Say as many interesting facts about your country as possible.

Point 2.Do you remember.Answer the level questions.

Level 1. It is easy question, you must answer without preparation.

For the team “Engl0and”

What is the official name of Great Britain?

How many parts does the U.K. consist of?

For the team “Scotland”

What are their capitals?

Where does the U.K. lie?

For the team “Wales”

What are the main islands?

What are the rivers of Great Britain?

For the team “Northern Ireland”

What kind of country is United Kingdom?

Who is the officially head of the state in the U.K.?

Level 2

For the team “England”

What color the flag of England?

What is the national emblem of England?

For the team “Scotland”

What is the national song of Scotland?

What is the national emblem of Scotland?

For the team “Wales”

What color the flag of Wales?

What is the national emblem of Wales?

For the team “Northern Ireland”

What color the flag of Northern Ireland?

What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland?

Level 3

For the team “England”

Who makes laws in the U.K.?

Who signs the laws?

When did Elizabeth II become Queen of Britain?

For the team “Scotland”

What large cities of Scotland do you know?

Do the scots wear their national dress ever day?

What are the main political parties in the U.K.?

For the team “Wales”

What is the national song of Welsh people?

Where is Wales situated?

What is the name of the anthem of the U.K.?

For the team “Northern Ireland”

Where did “O” in a surname come from?

What industry is important in the Northern Ireland?

Who is the author of the anthem?

Let’s continue our game. And now each representative of your team should give a sentence (maybe an interesting fact about your country).

England: London is the world’s seventh biggest city.

Scotland: The Edinburg military tattoo takes place every August and September and is known throughout the world.

Wales: Welsh is Celtic language, stand it is very difficult to learn it. It has a very musical intonation, and difficult sounds.

Northern Ireland: Belfast is the commercial and financial centre.

V. “Captain’s” Competition. Quizzing game.

“Who wants to be a millionaire?”

Alya you are the captain of the 1st team that’s why you will be the 1st participant of our guessing game. Alya you are welcome to our studio. We have got some interesting questions for you today. And now listen to the rules of our game. You have got 5 questions and only 1 help this is the help of your friend. You should answer questions consistently, you can’t miss the questions, you can’t stop the game. Is it clear for you? Be careful. Are you ready?


Big Ben is …

A clock

A horse

An animal in the zoo;

The name of the Palace where the queen lives is…

The Tower of London

The White House

The Buckingham Palace;

What can you see in Trafalgar Square?

Nelson statue

King memorial

Queen memorial

The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are…

The cats

The squirrels

The ravens

When can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace?

When she is out

When she is abroad

When she is at home;

Where is London’s zoo?

Regent’s park

Hyde park

Central park;

Sir Christopher Wren built…

St. Paul’s Cathedral

The Tower of London

Westminster Abbey;

Where can you see everything you want?

Regent’s park

Hyde park

Central park

Westminster Abbey is…

The chapel

The monastery

The famous Royal Church

Who is the head of England?

The Queen

The Prince

The Princess

Where can you see pelicans and ducks?

Hype park

St. James’s park

Central park;

Where are the tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people?

In the Tower of London

In the St. Paul’s Cathedral

In the Westminster Abbey

The British Parliament is in…

In the Buckingham Palace

In the Houses of Parliament

In the Tower of London;

The Princess Diana was the wife of…

Prince John

Prince Robert

Prince Charles

What is the Tower of London now?

A prison

A museum

A house

What is a Piccadilly Circus?

A circus

A square

A street

The changing of guard happens every day at…

12.30 a.m.

12 o’clock

11.30 a.m.;

Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of…

Four streets

Six streets

Five streets

The oldest University in Great Britain is…




They celebrate Halloween on the…

December 25

April 1

October 31

VI. Conclusion.

What have you done at the lesson?

What have you learnt?

You are the winner of our programme. My congratulations to you.

That’s all for today. So, the final score of our competition. Let’s congratulate the winners. Thank you for your good work at the lesson. You know everything about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Your answers are wonderful. At home you will prepare the composition on the theme United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

The lesson is over.

Good bye, ch

Good bye, the T.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

The UK and Northern Ireland

Автор: Утесинова Сулушаш Жанабаевна

Дата: 16.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 294395

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