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The theme: “The leader of the 21st century”

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формирование казахстанского патриотзма, развитие познавательной и творческой активности, расширения кругозора.

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«The theme: “The leader of the 21st century”»

Баранова Е.Н., учитель английского языка Пригородной СШ

The theme: “The leader of the 21st century”

Цель: формирование казахстанского патриотизма; развитие познавательной и творческой активности учащихся; расширение кругозора учащихся.

Оборудование: плакат «ХХІ ғасырдың лидері», «Лидер 21-ого века»,табло-экран, номера участников.

Форма проведения: интеллектуально-познавательная игра.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our English party. The students of 11 grades will be taking part in the actual game “The leader of the 21st century”.I want to introduce you with the members of juri. You are welcome, The Leaders, Students of 11 grade.

Leader 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils and guests! We are glad to see you. Welcome to our party. Our competition is called “The leader of the 21st century”. I hope you will get more information from our party.

Leader 2: Good day, pupils! You are welcome to our party. It will be interesting and I hope that you will be enjoy it. So let’s begin our party. Now, please introduce yourself.

Leader 1: Our 1st round is called “Baiga”. Now, listen to me, I shall explain the rules. There are 16 questions. You must answer them. If your answer is right, you will get 10 scores. Is everything clear? So let’s start.

  1. What is the greatest river in Great Britain? (The Thames)

  2. What is the national sport in America? (Baseball)

  3. Who discovered America? (Columb)

  4. Who was the first president of the USA? (Washington)

  5. What is the capital of the USA?

Leader 2: The 2nd round is “Poliglot”. In this round we’ll read some riddles and you must answers them, then write the answers on the sheets of paper in Russian and Englishдевицавтемнице. After in you should pronounce the answers. If you give 1 translation, you’ll get only 10 scores; if you give 2 translations, you will get 20 scores. Is everything clear? Let’s begin.

  1. Арқалап бірін қоймай көтергеннің, аяғы еш уақытта талғаны жоқ. (знание, білім, knowledge)

  2. Сидит девица в темнице, а коса на улице. (морковь, сәбіз, carrot)

  3. Сылдырсуық су емес, ішсең сусын қанады, ақ болса дар қар емес, шешуін кім табады? (сүт, молоко, milk)

  4. Сидит дед во сто шуб одет, кто его раздевает, тот слезы проливает.

  5. Өмірде өлмейді, ешкімнен сұрамай, тіліңді алмайды, тетігін бұрамай.

Leader 1:The 3rd round is called “Kokpar” . Here we’ll put 5 questions from 4 school subjects and you have to answer them. You’ll get 10 scores for every right answer. So, let us start.

  1. Kazakh Literature 10 20 30 40 50

  2. Russian Literature 10 20 30 40 50

  3. English 10 20 30 40 50

  4. Sport 10 20 30 40 50

Leader 1: Вопросы казахской литературы – Қазақ әдебиетінің сұрақтары

  1. Жасымда ғылым бар деп ескермедім. (А. Құнанбаев)

  2. Қазақстан Республикасының әнұранының авторы кім? (Жұмекен Нәжімеденов, Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев)

  3. Бірінші қазақ хрестоматиясының авторы кім? (Ы. Алтынсарин)

  4. Батыр Әлия әнін жазған автор? (Бәкір Тәжібаев)

Leader 2: Вопросы русской литературы

  1. Кто является автором басни «Волк и Ягнёнок»? (И.А. Крылов)

  2. Белеет парус одинокий,

В тумане моря голубом.

Кому принадлежат эти строки? (М.Ю. Лермонтов)

  1. Из какого произведения эти строки: «Человек – это великолепно! Человек – это звучит гордо». (М. Горький. Пьеса «На дне»)

Leader 1: English subject

  1. When is St. Valentine’s day celebrated? (14th of February)

  2. What are the biggest cities of the United States of America? (New York, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles)

  3. When was Mark Twain born? (1835)

Leader 2. Sport

  1. What sports are popular in the Republic of Kazakhstan? (football, tennis, hockey, boxing, e.t.c)

  2. What famous sportsmen of Aktobe do you know?

  3. Who was the first champion of chess?

Beg №2

  1. Our 4th round is called “Zhorga”.

In this round we’ll rut 10 questions for every team and you must answer them.

(1 minute)

We will give you 1 minute for every question. If you don’t know the answer, you may pass to the next question.

  1. How many oblasts are there in KZ? (14)

  2. What is the national language in KZ? (

  3. When was the 1st constitution adapted in KZ? (1993, 28th January)

  4. When did the World War II begin?

  5. What is the main religion in KZ? (islam)


  1. Where is Kazakhstan situated? (in the centre of Euro-Asia)

  2. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

  3. What was the 1st capital of KZ? (Orynbor)

  4. Who is the 1st President of KZ?

  5. When was the new Constitution adapted in KZ? (1995, 30 August)

So let’s count the scores of our teams. The leaders count the scores.

You are the leaders of the 21st century our congratulations.

Our competition is over. Thank you for your coming. Good-bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

The theme: “The leader of the 21st century”

Автор: Баранова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 23.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 394882

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