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The Theme: The Leader of the XXI Century
The Aims: To consolidate the knowledge about Great  Britain and Kazakhstan. To develop the students’ memory, thinking habits, vocabulary. To develop willing of the young learners to study English.
The Type of the lesson: lesson-competition
Visual aids: interactive board, cards, slides & etc.
                           The procedure of the lesson
Org. moment
The main part of the lesson
Teacher: Good day, dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome to our English Party! “The Leader of the XXI Century”. Today  we will define the best leader. All the questions are about Great Britain and Kazakhstan. We have 6 participants. They are the pupils of the 5th, 6th, 7th forms. Now let’s enjoy our game. For each right answer the participants get 10 scores in rounds. After each round the participants whose scores are low should leave the game. After  all there must stay two participants with high scores and they will compete with each other and only one of them will be a leader of our school among the 5th, 6th, 7th forms. Let’s invite our participants. They are: Keldibai  Kuangali in 5th form. Dabysov Meirman  in 5th form. Bagdad Nazym in 6th form. Abu Asylai in 6th form. Abzalkyzy Raikhan in 7th form. Akkali Zhazira in 7th form. Let’s applaud our participants. They introduced themselves. Thank  you, I wish you good luck! Now I will introduce you with the process of the game. Our game consists of five rounds:
The first round is “Who is the Quickest?”
The second round is “Guess the word”.
The third round is “Magic numbers”.
The fourth round is “Polyglot”.
The fifth round is “Completing the proverbs”. 
Now, let’s begin the game. Our first round is “Who is the Quickest?”

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The Theme: The Leader of the XXI Century

The Aims: To consolidate the knowledge about Great Britain and Kazakhstan. To develop the students’ memory, thinking habits, vocabulary. To develop willing of the young learners to study English.

The Type of the lesson: lesson-competition

Visual aids: interactive board, cards, slides & etc.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Org. moment

  2. The main part of the lesson

Teacher: Good day, dear teachers and pupils! You are welcome to our English Party! “The Leader of the XXI Century”. Today we will define the best leader. All the questions are about Great Britain and Kazakhstan. We have 6 participants. They are the pupils of the 5th, 6th, 7th forms. Now let’s enjoy our game. For each right answer the participants get 10 scores in rounds. After each round the participants whose scores are low should leave the game. After all there must stay two participants with high scores and they will compete with each other and only one of them will be a leader of our school among the 5th, 6th, 7th forms. Let’s invite our participants. They are: Keldibai Kuangali in 5th form. Dabysov Meirman in 5th form. Bagdad Nazym in 6th form. Abu Asylai in 6th form. Abzalkyzy Raikhan in 7th form. Akkali Zhazira in 7th form. Let’s applaud our participants. They introduced themselves. Thank you, I wish you good luck! Now I will introduce you with the process of the game. Our game consists of five rounds:

The first round is “Who is the Quickest?”

The second round is “Guess the word” .

The third round is “Magic numbers”.

The fourth round is “Polyglot”.

The fifth round is “Completing the proverbs”.

Now, let’s begin the game. Our first round is “Who is the Quickest?” At this round you must answer my questions. For each correct answer you will get 10 points.

  1. What country do we live in? ( in Kazakhstan )

  2. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain? (on British Isles)

  3. What is Union Jack? (the Flag of Great Britain)

  4. What is the Capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

  5. How many parts does the UK consists of? (four parts)

  6. What Language is spoken in England? (English)

  7. Who is the Author of your English book? (Ayapova)

  8. Is Astana in the Western of the Country? (No, it isn’t)

  9. Who Rules the UK? (The Queen)

  10. When Akmola was renamed to Astana? (in 1997)

That’s all. Now , let’s count the points. You are welcome to enjoy in the next round. Guess the word.

A form of football. – uygbr /rugby/

The capital of England.- nodoln /London/

Favourite topic of conversation in Britain. – etherwa / weather /

The city of apples.- talmya / Almaty /

The name of world’s famous skating-rink. –uemed / Medeu /

The dying sea in Kazakhstan. – lara / Aral /

Now, let’s count the points. Unfortunately , we must say goodbye to our participants, who have less points than others. Thank you for your participation. Let’s continue our game. The third round is called “Magic numbers”. Choosing the numbers you get questions and you’ll answer them. If the answer is right your score will rise to 10,20,30. The participant whose scores are lower can choose the numbers.

10 point. What part of the country do we live in? / in the western part of the country/

10 point. Do we have underground in our country? / Yes, we have/

10 point. How many letters are there in English alphabet? /26/

20 point. What is the colour of London’s taxi? /black/

20 point. Are there special buses for tourists in England? /yes, there are/

20 point. Name the largest cities of Kazakhstan. / Almaty, Shymkent, Karaganda /

30 point. Who is Marco Polo? / a traveler /

30 point Who is Shokhan Yalikhanov? / famous Kazakh traveler /

30 point. What is one of the most familiar symbols of London? / red double- decker bus /

The fourth round is “Polyglot”. Here are some riddles you have to guess them and say the answer in English, Russian and Kazakh languages.

  1. We are four brothers living under one roof. / the legs of a table – ножки стола - үстелдің аяғы /

  2. Five cupboards but only one door. / a globe- перчатки - қолғап/

  3. What is it that never uses it’s teeth for eating. / a comb – расческа - тарақ /

  4. It lives in winter, dies in spring. / snow – снег - қар/

  5. The teacher writes on me with chalk, my face is black. / a blackboard – доска - тақта /

  6. A little old woman with twelve children:

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot. / year – год - жыл /

Let’s count the points. That pupils who has gathered less than others must leave our game. Now, let’s continue our game. The fifth round is “Completing the proverbs”. Here you have to finish the proverb.

  1. East or west, ….. . /home is best/

  2. All that glitters is ………. . /not gold/

  3. Never late ………. . /to learn/

  4. A good …. is above wealth. /health/

  5. So many … , so many customs. /countries/

Well done, -----! You are our winner. You have been very active at the end of the competition. Thank you for your game. You have shown us your knowledge

Thanks a lot to our participants for their active participation. Also thanks to our jury. And thanks a lot to our English teacher for such an interesting show.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс


Автор: Мухамедалиева Шынаргул Мухамедалиевна

Дата: 09.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 290634

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