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The theme: School uniform

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кілігі:        Таратпалы карточкалар

Пән аралық байланыс:           Қазақ  тілі

Сабақ барысы:


       А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгелеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is "School rules                                       

III.Білімді жан-жақты тексеру

Exercise 13 Read the conversation between an interviewer and Kate and find the questions have/ has.

How do we make question with have/ has to?

I. What are some of the good things about being a teenager, not an adult?

K. Well, you don't have to go out to work.

And you don't have to pay bills.

You can go out with your friends, go shopping, go to the cinema, sometimes to the disco.

But I always have to tell my Mum and Dad where I'm going.

Another thing is we don't have to do the housework and the washing and cleaning, which is really boring.

I. What do adults have to do?

K. Well, adults have to worry about bills and looking after their family.

They can't do what they want when they want.

I. What does your mother have to do?

K. I feel sorry for my Mum.

She doesn't have to work on Thursdays and Fridays, but she has a lot of different things to do in a day, like shopping, cooking taking my younger sister to dancing.

I. What does your Dad have to do?

K. He has to work full-time, and he drives over a thousand miles a week, but he doesn't have to do anything in the house.

I. Tell me about school. What arc some of the school rules?

K. We have to wear a stupid school uniform, and we are not allowed to wear make-up.


Exercise 14

Look at the chart. Make true sentences about you and your family. Compare your sentences as a class

My parent’s  have to go out to work.

My father doesn’t have to  do the washing up

My sister has to get up in the morning

My grandparent’s don’t have to do the washing up

My brother has to do the shopping…


Exercise 15 Talk to your partners. Work in small groups to discuss the questions

What do you have to do to help in the house?

What about your brothers and sisters?

Can you stay out as long as you want, or do you have to be at home by a certain time?

Can you go where you want?

Do you have to tell your parent’s where you are going?

VI Үйге тапсырма                                              

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«The theme: School uniform»

Отчеты о проделаннойработе за III- четверть 2016-2017 уч. годаучителяанглийскогоязыкаРустемовой Г. Д.

1 Тема методическойработы: «Новыетехнологии науроках английского языка»

2 Качествознаний

3 Публикации

4 Достижения учителя

1 Грамота заактивноеучастие в жизнисайта «филолог»

2 Диплом с 25 – летиемНезависимости РК

3 Грамота «Филологу» - 500 дней

5Достижения учащихся:

Ученики участвовали в школьной олимпиаде: Цуй П, Амангельды А,Серикбай А,Кобей Ж, Косболат А,Серикхан Г,Нажимадин А,Тугелбай А, Ережеп А

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

The theme: School uniform

Автор: Сатбаева Жайна Кылычбаевна

Дата: 24.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 418183

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