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The Museums in Kazakhstan

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Здравствуйте! отправляю Вам урок по английскому языку. Тема урока "Музеи Казахстана", которые я провела в 8 - х классах. Данным уроком я хотела передать все то что они могут увидеть в походе в музей. Ведь современная молодежь перестала ходить в музеи, в библиотеки, даже не все знают историю государства в которой сами живут. Думаю что передала все что хотела на данном уроке. Спасибо большое

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«The Museums in Kazakhstan»

The theme of the lesson: Museums in Kazakhstan Grade: 8 “a”

The aim of the lesson:
1. to develop the pupil’s ability in speaking English; to give more information about museums in KZ.
2. to consolidates studied vocabulary; to introduce the new words;
3. to bring up a well - educated person; to develop pupils interest to the lesson and bring up the feeling of love to art and museums.
Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures, cards, table cards. Methods: pair work, work with cards, pictures.
Organization moment greeting; talk with a pupil on duty.
How do you feel today? ( Please indicate which faces apply?)

2. Phonetic drill. Look at the blackboard. Pronounce the topical words correctly. I’ll read, and then you are repeat after me all together.
Academy of sciences
underground resources
geological processes
semi – precious
3. Checking homework: T: What was your homework for today? P: our homework was ex 3, on page 98 ask and answer the questions about museums and galleries in London.
2. Lets the1st group ask the questions. Please, the next group give your right answers.
4; New theme: Now open your copy books and write down today’s date and the theme of our lesson. Today’s theme is “Museums in Kazakhstan.”
5. Let’s continue our lesson. Ex: 2 p 98
The poem: Eagles.
Look at the blackboard and listen to me.
Eagles strike
And eagles size
Eagles fly
Whenever they please.
They catch the wind
And high they fly
They reach for life
And reach for more.

6: Answer the questions:
What about is the poem?
What do you know about eagles?
Are eagles strong or weak birds?
Where do they usually live?
What do eagles symbolize?

Reading and speaking.
Ex: 3 p 98. Read about museums in Kazakhstan.
I’ll divide you into 3 groups. Each group read the text and translate into kazakh.
Ask and answer the questions.
1. What can you say about Zhambyl Zhabayev’s Museum?
2. Where and when was founded the State Book Museum?
3. What collections demonstrate the geology Museum of the Academy of Science?
7. Lets write your answers in your copybooks.
1. Zhambyl Zhabayev Literary Museum was established in 1947 and to demonstrate the literature heritage of the famous Kazakh poet.
2. The State Book Museum was founded in 1977.
3. The Geology Museum demonstrates collections of natural underground resources and stones of Kazakhstan.
8. Conclusion: Now lets write the names of the famous museums in Kazakhstan and England. Who is the quickest?

9. Marking:
Well pupils today you are very active. I’ll give your marks.
10. Giving the homework: your home task is to learn by heart the poem “Eagle”.
Make your presentation one of the museums.
Museums of Kazakhstan
Information on the most interesting Kazakhstan museums
Almaty museums
The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established at the beginning of the 1930's in Almaty. The current building dates to 1985 and hosts four large exhibition halls, covering hundreds of unique Kazakh exhibits including spiritual and cultural material describing the thousand - year history of the country

The State Arts Museum named after A. Kasteyev includes over 20 thousand exhibits in its collection (painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre, and decorative art
The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

The State Museum of National Musical Instruments. The State Museum of National Musical Instruments was created in 1980. It is one of the cultural sights of Kazakhstan.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

The Museums in Kazakhstan

Автор: Кельденова Айзат Сайлаубаевна

Дата: 20.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 279631

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