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The leader of the XXI century in Kazakhstan

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     Language is the main type of means of communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world. English and Russian are the languages of an international communication, they are the languages of  Pushkin, Shakespeare, Lermontov, Byron, whom we love and respect for their poems, sonnets and novels. And Kazakh is the state language of our country.

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«The leader of the XXI century in Kazakhstan»

Date: 25.10.12.

Grade: 9 class

Theme: “The leader of the XXI century”

The aim: to develop pupils’ intellect, to practice hearing, speaking, to memorize and retain in memory the language material they have learnt.

The type: an intellectual show

Visual aids: slides, placards, markers, a computer, an interactive board, pictures.


Good afternoon, dear pupils, teachers and guests! Welcome to our intellectual show! We are glad to see you and we hope that you’ll enjoy today’s game.

Language is the main type of means of communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world. English and Russian are the languages of an international communication, they are the languages of Pushkin, Shakespeare, Lermontov, Byron, whom we love and respect for their poems, sonnets and novels. And Kazakh is the state language of our country.

With the help of the knowledge of foreign languages we can communicate with each other, through the Internet or get necessary information from it. And with the help of Russian and Kazakh we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and bring up as patriots of our motherland.

      • Well, we begin our game and let’s meet our participants.

      • ( Participants tell some words about themselves, about hobbies, favourite subjects, motto, etc.)

      • A man who knows many languages has no barriers and difficulties, especially in the 1st level “Baiga”

Answer the questions and you will get 10 points for every right answer

Well, let’s start the 1-st level

1. 1.The capital of England

2. How many continents are there in the world

3. What is the heart of London?

4. Where is RK situated?

5. The oldest university in England?

6. The biggest clock in England?

7. What holiday is celebrated in England in 25 of December?

8. The hottest continent in the world?

9. The official language of RK

10. What river is Astana situated on?

11. Who is the head of RK?

12. The population of RK?

Level 2 POLIGLOT You must complete the proverbs and guess the riddles and translate the answer into Kazakh and Russian

1.Better late than never

2. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today?

3.East or West home is best

4. All is not gold that glitters

5. There is no smoke without fire

6. No news is good news

7. Look at my face and you see somebody

Look at my back and you see nobody

8. What belongs to you but is used more by others?

9.Green and long

With many teeth.

Beautiful smile -

It`s a crocodile

10.A very long nose.

It grows and grows.

He is huge and likes fun.

It is an elephant

Level 3 What is it? You must say what buildings they are

  1. Tower Bridge

  2. Baiterek

  3. Big Ben

  4. Double decker bus

  5. Akhorda

  6. Buckingham Palace

  7. Khan shatyr

Level 4 QUIZ answer the questions

Letter A

1.The name of the fruit

2.The name of the month

3.The ocean

4.A part of the body

5.The famous Kazakh writer

6.The capital

7.The name of the school subject

8.The first letter of the alphabet

9.A stupid animal

10. The name of a Kazakh girl

Letter B

1. A little child

2. The name of the fruit

3. A part of the body

4. The second letter of the alphabet

5. The Capital City

6. The school subject

7. A lake in Kazakhstan

8. The room where we sleep

9. The member of the family

10. The name of a Kazakh boy

Level 5 ORATOR “ If I were ..”

You are offered the following situations, you must speak in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English):

1. If I were a millionaire…

2. If I were a president of Kazakhstan…

3. If I had a chance to visit The United Kingdom…

Concluding part.

So, thank you for the game.

We wish you health, we wish you joy! Good – bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

The leader of the XXI century in Kazakhstan

Автор: Агленкина Майя Алпысбаевна

Дата: 27.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 258906

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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