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“T h e U S A”

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The theme of the lesson:Lesson 16

                                    Revision lesson.

The aim of the lesson: 1) to practice past material and remember it.

                                     2) to develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.

                                     3) Revising the grammar material: “The Past perfect tense”

Visual aids:activeboard,textbooks,activity books;

The type of the lesson:revision lesson.

                                                   The procedure of the lesson.

I.Organization moment:

a)Test “The USA”(to make right choice)

II.Phonetic drills:

  1. the new words.
  2. the means of the words.
  3. to translate the sentences.
  4. retelling the text.

III.Doing exercises:

  1. in orally.
  2. in written form.
  3. Associaton.
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«“T h e U S A” »


T h e U S A”

The theme of the lesson:Lesson 16

Revision lesson.

The aim of the lesson: 1) to practice past material and remember it.

2) to develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.

3) Revising the grammar material: “The Past perfect tense”

Visual aids:activeboard,textbooks,activity books;

The type of the lesson:revision lesson.

The procedure of the lesson.

I.Organization moment:

a)Test “The USA”(to make right choice)

II.Phonetic drills:

  1. the new words.

  2. the means of the words.

  3. to translate the sentences.

  4. retelling the text.

III.Doing exercises:

  1. in orally.

  2. in written form.

  3. Associaton.

IV.Giving homework.

V.Giving marks.

VI.The end of the lesson.

T:Good day,boys and girls!

Cl:Good day,teacher!

T:I’m glad to see you.Sit down,please.

Who is on duty today?

P1:I’m on duty today.All are present.

T:Dear,students,today we have got many guests.They are our teachers.We say them welcome to our lesson.I wish you good luck.. Now, if you are ready let’s begin our lesson.

- What was your homework?

P1:Our homework was to learn the new words, good reading and retelling the text.

T:Thank you, sit down.

Now, students, you already know some facts about the United States of America and is its people. So look at the activboard and make right choice.



T:Thank you for your answers.

I.What is the English for:

1)күшті- 7)шынжыр-

2)тұру,көтерілу- 8)тартымдылық-

3)созылу,керілу- 9)биік ғимарат-

4)жағалау- 10)аралас-

5)жағажай- 11)еру-

6)шһл 12)әр түрлі нәсілдер тұратын жер-

II.What does it mean?



-a skyscraper


-a melting pot

-a mixture

-a desert


III.T:Now, students, express the same in English:

-Атлант күшті мұхит.

P1:-The Atlantic is a mighty ocean.

T:-Ол қолын созып алманы алды.

P2:-He stretched out his arm and get the apple.

T:-Біз көлдің басқа бір жағасында бірнеше ұзын талдарды көре алдық.

P3:-We could see some tall trees on the other shore of the lake.

T:-Жағажайлардың кейбірі өте ластанған.

P4:-Some of the beaches are badly littered.

T:-Робинзон Крузо бірнеше жылдар бойы шөлді аралда өмір сүрген.

P5:-Robinson Crusoe lived for many years on a desert island.

Т:-Нью-Йорк биік ғимараттардың қаласы.

P6:-New-York is a city of skyscrapers.

T:-Оның жүрегі жылап жатқан қызды көріп еріп кетті.

P7:-His heart melted when he saw the crying girl.

T:-Thank you, students.

Look at the active board and what can you say about these famous

American symbols?

  1. The American flag. (P1)

  2. The bald eagle. (P2)

  3. The Statue of Liberty. (P3)

T:Thank you. Now, students, open your books on page 233.Retelling the text.

“Country and people”


Answer my questions, please:

1.What is the scenery of the country? (P1)

2. What kind of mighty rivers and mountain are there in the USA? (P2)

3. What kind of holidays are there in this country? (P3)

T: Now, students, let’s go exercises.

At the last lessons we revised grammar.

Past Perfect tense.

What can you say about this tense?

P1:Pasr Perfect tense – Аяқталған өткен шақ.

Past Perfect – белгілі бір іс-әрекеттің өткен шақта басқа бір істен, қимылдан бұрын орындалғанын білдіреді.


T: Thank you, sit down. Open your books on page 215.Ex:7

Look at the picture and say what had happened before Alex came back home from school.

1.Bob had cleaned the flat, before Alex came back home from school.

2.Mother had cooked dinner.

3.Granny had bought some food.

4.Father had washed his car.

5.Fred had ridden his motorbike.

6.Caroline and Ann Had der the chickens.

7.Uncle Rodger had brought a computer.

8.Frieda had watered the flowers.

T: Dear, students, open your activity books on page 69.Ex:6

Look at the active board revise the forms of the irregular verbs and complete the table.

T: Look at the active board, please.

Put the words in the right order to make up sentences.

1)1is/2The United States/3a/4country/5young.21354





T: Now, students, look at the active board.

Open the pictures and answer and questions.

1. Who discovered America?

2. Who was the first president of the USA?

3. Where does the president of USA live and work?

4. What do people often call the American flag?

T: Thank you. Open your books on page 230.Ex:16. Use the words from

Ex:11,12(vocabulary) to complete the sentences.

T: You have got some more informations about the USA.

Let’s do the association about the USA.

Answer my questions and do the association please.

1. How many states are there in the USA?

2. How many stripes has the flag got?

3. Who was the 1st president of the USA?

4. When they celebrate their independence day?

5. What is the national symbol of America?

6. Who was the 1st man on the moon?

7. What do people call the American flag?

8. Which is the biggest state of the USA?

Now,dear students, thank you for your work.

I think you have enjoyed the lesson. The lesson is over.

Good bye!

1) is The United states a country young

2) Americans not are afraid ideas new

3) are Americans in old interested traditions

4) built they first the skyscrapers

5) like they be to modern


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

“T h e U S A”

Автор: Молдакешова Г?лнар Пернебековна

Дата: 12.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 210306

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