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"Should parents choose friends for their children?"

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Данный урок разработан по УМК "Английский в удоволствием" Биболетовой М.З. в 10 классе. Цели урока: семантизировать лексику по теме "Семья. Конфликты и пути их решения"., развивать коммуникативную и познавательную компетенцию, критическое мышление учащихся, учить конструктивно разрешать конфликтные ситуации. Задачи: развитие навыков аудирования, поискового чтения, построения аргументированного высказывания. Форма проведения: комбинированный урок с элементами дискуссии и применением ИКТ.

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«"Should parents choose friends for their children?" »

Урок «Should Parents Choose Friends For Their Children?»

в 10 классе

УМК «Английский с удовольствием» Биболетовой М.З.

Учитель: Котова Г.С.

Цели урока:

Учебный аспект:

  • Семантизировать лексику по теме «Семья. Конфликты, причины их возникновения и пути их решения»

Развивающий аспект:

  • Развивать коммуникативную и познавательную компетенцию

  • Развивать критическое мышление у учащихся

Воспитательный аспект:

  • Формировать уважительное отношение к родителям;

  • Воспитывать толерантность к позиции, отличной от своей;

  • Учить конструктивно разрешать конфликтные ситуации

Задачи урока:

  • Развитие навыков письменной фиксации информации при прослушивании текста

  • Развитие умений построения аргументированного высказывания

Форма проведения урока:

  • комбинированный, с элементами дискуссии.



Раздаточный материал

мультимедийная презентация

Level: upper-intermediate

Competence development:

  • competence of cognitive learning,

  • social interaction competence,

  • communication competence

Skills: Listening, reading, speaking, writing

Language Focus: activating vocabulary on the topic “Family disagreements”

Combines with: videos and audio

Time: 45 minutes


  • Textbook “Enjoy English” 10

  • Handouts

  • Multi-media presentations






1 min

Lead in:

T: “Good afternoon, everybody. I am glad to see you. Today we go on speaking about family disagreements. What kinds of disagreements are they?






T: During our last lesson we studied some idioms about family. Do you remember them? Look at the photos and guess the appropriate one.



4-5 min

T: OK. Now take the card №1, read the sentences and fill in the gaps. You’ve got a couple of minutes. Your time is up. Let’s check your answers.

  • He has two daughters, both very athletic, just like their mother. It runs in the family.

  • You should take better care of your younger sister. She is your own flesh and blood.

  • They haven’t spoken to each other in two years. There is bad blood between two brothers.

  • She had looked after him for many years but he left all his money to his only son. Blood is thicker than water, you know.

  • My granddad was a very intelligent and responsible person. He became a father figure for our family.

  • She is as stubborn as her mother – a chip off the old block in the other words.

  • The people were so friendly that staying with them was just like a home from home.

  • He is a black sheep of his family and he is proud of it.


Card №1


4-5 min

Main part.

T: Now we are going to listen to the song. The boy is reading rap about some disagreements in his family Let’s listen to the song and tell what causes disagreements in this family. In the song there’ll be some idioms too. Try to find them.

Jimmy Neutron:

Boy Genius Soundtrack “Parents Just Don't Understand”


Peace out!

What? Parents just don't understand

Yeah, dub baby uh

Uh, uh

Peace out!

You know, parents are all the same no matter time or place

They don't, understand us kids are gon' make some mistakes

So to all you kids, across the land

There's no need to argue parents just don't understand

Na, na, they don't understand

They ain't gon' get it (okay)

No, no, if you feel me (feel me, feel me, feel me, feel me) (okay)

Peace out!

I remember one year my mom took me school shopping

It was me, my brother, my mom and my pop, and my little sister

All hoped in the car - and headed downtown to the gallery mall

My mom started bugging' with the clothes to chose

I didn't say nothing at first, I just turn my nose

She said, "What's wrong? This shirt costs $50!"

I said, "This shirt is whack and it's not worth a dollar"

The next half-hour was the same old thing

My mom buying me clothes from 1993

Then she lost her mind and did the ultimate

I asked her for a (?) and she bought me (?)

I said, "Mom, whatchu doin'? You ruinin' my rep"

She said, "You're only a kid, you don't have a rep yet"

So to you all the kids, across the land

There's no need to argue, parents just don't understand

Na, na, (c'mon) they don't understand (nah uh they don't understand)

They ain't gon' get it

No, no, if you feel me

Holla all you kids


Card № 2

It’s not good for you

Extremely familiar

To become crazy

Ruing my life


3-5 min

T: As you see the family life is not a bed of roses. There are some problems and disagreements. What can cause them?

What other problems do teens have?

Put down the words


3-5 min

T: Good. At home you filled the gaps in the text “Teenage Problems in a Family”. Now we’ll check you up and find out other problems of teenagers and their parents.

What is the main idea of the text?

Do you agree with the author?

Teenage Problems in a Family”.

adults – взрослые; habits –привычки; spoil – испортить; huge -огромный

Family life isn’t always easy. Today, conflicts between children and their 1 (parents) are a classic case of misunderstanding between different generations: 2(conflicts) with adults are typical in teenagers’ life. Children and their parents often 3 (argue) with each other. I would like to tell you about problems which can 4 (cause) conflicts.

One of the problems concerns teenager 5(fashion). Nowadays, in most stylish clothes you can’t find anything that 6 (looks) like normal in your parents’ mind. Your parents try to have 7 (control) over your life and choices. They don’t like things like red and blue hair, and studs and rings in different parts of your body.

And what about friends? Parents would like their child to 8 (make) friends with good boys and girls, because teenagers with bad habits can spoil their child’s character and future.

Sometimes, 9 (disagreements) become so huge that teenagers leave home. But almost always they come back, because they are not ready for 10 (independent) life.

1. a) problems b) parents c)friends d) teachers

2. a) conflicts b) parties c) reunions d) holidays

3. a) listen b) argue c) resolve d) get

4. a) prevent b) share c) support d) cause

5. a) school b) sport c) fashion d) music

6. a) helps b) looks c) likes d) lives

7. a) respect b) control c) love d) war

8. a) want b) do c) make d) understand

9. a) opinions b)relations c)agreements d) disagreements

10.a)comfortable b)successful c)confident d) independent



T: And now we’ll do ex. 85 on page 75. Read the phrases and say who the teens are speaking about. let’s check your answer.



8-10 min


Do all parents like their children’s friends? Why? Let’s listen to the Brown family taking part in the talk show FAMILY HOUR. They are discussing whether parents should choose their children’s friends.

Open your books on page 76. Ex. 86. Read up the problems. OK, let’s start listening.

Sharing ideas.

Ex.87. Listen to one more time and write down the arguments for/against parents choosing friends for their teens. Whom do you agree with? Give your opinion.


Listening to with understanding of the matter.

Speaking practice.


2-3 min

Are all parents against their children’s friends? Let’s watch a fragment of a well-known film. What can you tell about this family? Why is mom so angry with her children? Are the parents against their children’s friends?




Card № 3


Parents should/shouldn’t choose friends for their teenagers”

So it’s time for you to answer the main question of our lesson. “Should parents choose friends for their teenagers?”

I want you to give your own ideas on this topic and be ready to prove them. Don’t forget about debate rules in your textbooks ex. 88 p. 77. Now let’s start.


Card № 4


So as I can see all of you have your own opinion about choosing friends. And I want somebody to summaries all the answers.


1-2 min

Marks for the lesson

Home task

Thank you, everybody. We are short of time and I hope now you can understand your parents better.

Your home task: write down an essay.

Should parents choose friends for their children?”

Write 100-150 words. Use the following plan:

Make an introduction

Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it.


The end of the lesson

The time is flying. We have only some minutes left just to summarize our discussion and take a vote on who has had a stronger argument.

Now I want you to finish the following statements:

I was (frustrated, nervous, excited, bored, cheerful, confused, anxious and confident)

The lesson was (interesting, boring, useless, instructive, useful etc.)

It taught me how (to choose friends, to solve family conflicts, to behave in the conflict)

It made me think about (my personal problems, my friends, my family matters, my parents, myself)

Card № 5

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

"Should parents choose friends for their children?"

Автор: Котова Галина Семеновна

Дата: 20.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 133020

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