Good afternoon children! How are you? I am fine too Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is today? Who is absent? What was your hometask? II. Let`s check up your home task. Ok! Come to the blckboard please and choose the cheets of paper and I’ ll divide you into 2 groups. The first groups last lesson we passed good manners becouse first groups name good manners, the second groups school subjects because second groups name Schedule. Speech drill Let’s start with a short poem: Math and kazakh English and Russian, PE, Music and Art, We study at school, That’s great and cool! Listen and repeat line by line III.introducing with new theme. Today we have new your copybooks and write down today is date and new theme “School shedule”. School schedule translate it into in kazakh «Мектеп сабақ кестесі» -Ok.Open your books at page 36 and look at the blackboard listen and repeat after video ok?! A schedule [sedju:l] кесте To remember[ri:membә]есте сақта To forget [fә`get] ұмыту Math [m æӨ]математика Music[mju:zik]Ән сабағы Art[a:t]бейнелеу өнері Kazakh [kә`za:k]қазақ тілі Russian[rΛSn]орыс тілі English [`ingliS] ағылшын тілі Labor training[lәbour treiniŋ]еңбекке баулу Knowledge of the world [nɒlidƷ Ͻf ðә wз:ld] дүниетану Self-knowledge [self nɒlidƷ]өзін-өзін тану PE Д/ш Listen and read roleplay and translate your scheduleand answer. For example When do you have Music? I have Music on Tuesday. Learn to read. Phonetic drill Silent letter. Sillent letter is W. WR [R] For example write, wrong, wrap, wrist,wrinkle -ok! I give you cards you must choose the words about phonetic drill IV.Practice Look at the blackboards.Here you can see puzzle.Your task find the words Who wants to? Task 2I give you schedule you must complete your schedule with the word: PE, Kazakh, Russian, English,Art,Music,Math. V. Production. -Ok children.Thank you. You were very active today.Its time to conclude our lesson. . Listen to the descriptions of the subjects 1. At this subject you can run, jump, play football or tennis. (PE) 2. At this subject you can paint your favourite pictures. (Art) 3. At this subject you can count and write figures. (Maths) 4. At this subject you can learn to speak, to read, to write in foreign language. (English)and (Russian) 5. At this subject you can sing a song. (Music) 6. At this subject you can speak to our national language(Kazakh) Yes you are very nice! VI. Giving homework. Your homework exercise 4at page 31. Write when you have these subjects: and lern by heart short poem VII. Giving marks. Your marks for today …. are excellent ….are good ….are satisfactory. All are stand up and song Good bye! All together! The lesson is over. Good bye !