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School 35

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    Date :                                                                     Level:  7 

 The theme of the lesson

Sport and games in Kazakhstan.


To give students more information about different kinds of sport and national games inKazakhstan.


Reading,speaking,writing and  listening in English  Language Teaching..

Teaching results

Students  can speak about different kinds of sport and the most popular sports in Kazakhstan.They can speak about their favourite sport and the rules of national games.They can use new vocabulary in their speech.

Main ideas

Good health is above wealth. Sports means health.


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity.


2 minutes

Greeting .Make a dialogue.



Match the words and pictures.


Student’s book.

Exercise 1.

Pictures and words.

2 minutes.


Look at the pictures.Match them with the names of Kazakh national games.

Student’s book.

Exercise 2.

Pictures and words.




2 minutes.

Do you like sports and games? Do you like going in for  sports?                                                       Are you keen on sports?                      Can you name some popular sportsmen and sportswomen in KZ?                                                         What are the popular sports in KZ?

What kind of  Kazakh  national games  do you know?

Students will answer the questions.

Students will name  the most popular sports in Kazakhstan.

Students will name Kazakh national games.

Students will say some proverbs   on  the topic  in three languages.


Interactive board.

Showing slides on the board.

Slides number 1-4.


3 minutes

Presentation of new lexics.Pronunciation.Phonetic drill exercise.Find the new words in the dictionary.

RWCT.Read and write in critical thinking.”Look-close- say-write-check”


Students will read new words.

Repeat after the teacher.

Pronounce the new  words.

Translate into native language.

Write down on their notebooks.

Student’s book.

Exercise 3.

Showing slides on the board.

Slides number 5-7.

2 minutes



Make an association of the word “Sport in Kazakhstan”and

“Kazakh national games.”



Students will work in groups.

They will write as many words as they can on the topic.

“Sport in Kazakhstan.”

They will write as many words as they can on the topic “Kazakh national games”.

They will present their  work  to the class.


Some sheets of papers.



2 minutes

Playing  a game.Speak about sport in KZ and about sport you play and you like.


Students will play a game with a ball.They will give a small ballto each other.

Example:I like playing tennis.

              I like playing


Student’s book.

Exercise 16 on page157.



5 minutes


Divide the class into three groups by giving words on the three topic.

GroupA “Champions”

Group B “Equipments”

Group C”Games”



Work in three groups.

Group A.Read about Kyz kuu.

Group B.Read about Kokpar.

Group C.Read about Audarspak.




Student’s book.

Exercise 4.









Work with the text.Find a partner  from  other groups and swap information.Talk to your partners.


Give them 5-10 minutes to exchange information.Each group

appoints a spokesperson who reports to the rest of the class.








Student’s book.





5 minutes


Work with the text.Find a partner  from  other groups and swap information.Talk to your partners.







What’s common about these games?


They all need skill.

They all are horse –races.

They all are summer games.

One of them for girls and boys.

Two of them only for boys

They all need strength.

They have to be experienced.

They have to be good horse-riders.


Student’ book.

Exercise 7.












Write an essay about your

favourite sport.


Students will write an essay about their favourite sport.

Read their essays in their own groups.

Choose the best one in your group.Read it to the class.






ICT(Information and


 Communication  Technologies)

Slides on the interactive board.

2 minutes



Assesment.By giving gold medals,silver medals and bronze medals.

Whom will you give these medals in your group?

Students will discuss in their groups with each other who won

these medals.

Gold medals-“Excellent”

Silver medals-“Good”

Bronze medals-“Satisfactory”

A  minute

Homework:In pairs choose a famous Kazakhstan sportsman or sportswoman.Write about his/her achievments and personality. Say why you like and admire this person.Illustrate your work with photographs.

Students will find more information from internet and newspapers and magazines.

They will bring some photos of famous sportsman and sportswoman.





TV- programmes.

The latest sport  news on TV.

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«school 35 »

Date : Level: 7

The theme of the lesson

Sport and games in Kazakhstan.


To give students more information about different kinds of sport and national games inKazakhstan.


Reading,speaking,writing and listening in English Language Teaching..

Teaching results

Students can speak about different kinds of sport and the most popular sports in Kazakhstan.They can speak about their favourite sport and the rules of national games.They can use new vocabulary in their speech.

Main ideas

Good health is above wealth. Sports means health.


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity.


2 minutes

Greeting .Make a dialogue.


Match the words and pictures.

Student’s book.

Exercise 1.

Pictures and words.

2 minutes.


Look at the pictures.Match them with the names of Kazakh national games.

Student’s book.

Exercise 2.

Pictures and words.

2 minutes.

Do you like sports and games? Do you like going in for sports? Are you keen on sports? Can you name some popular sportsmen and sportswomen in KZ? What are the popular sports in KZ?

What kind of Kazakh national games do you know?

Students will answer the questions.

Students will name the most popular sports in Kazakhstan.

Students will name Kazakh national games.

Students will say some proverbs on the topic in three languages.


Interactive board.

Showing slides on the board.

Slides number 1-4.

3 minutes

Presentation of new lexics.Pronunciation.Phonetic drill exercise.Find the new words in the dictionary.

RWCT.Read and write in critical thinking.”Look-close- say-write-check”

Students will read new words.

Repeat after the teacher.

Pronounce the new words.

Translate into native language.

Write down on their notebooks.

Student’s book.

Exercise 3.

Showing slides on the board.

Slides number 5-7.

2 minutes

Make an association of the word “Sport in Kazakhstan”and

“Kazakh national games.”

Students will work in groups.

They will write as many words as they can on the topic.

“Sport in Kazakhstan.”

They will write as many words as they can on the topic “Kazakh national games”.

They will present their work to the class.


Some sheets of papers.


2 minutes

Playing a game.Speak about sport in KZ and about sport you play and you like.

Students will play a game with a ball.They will give a small ballto each other.

Example:I like playing tennis.

I like playing


Student’s book.

Exercise 16 on page157.

5 minutes

Divide the class into three groups by giving words on the three topic.

GroupA “Champions”

Group B “Equipments”

Group C”Games”

Work in three groups.

Group A.Read about Kyz kuu.

Group B.Read about Kokpar.

Group C.Read about Audarspak.

Student’s book.

Exercise 4.


Work with the text.Find a partner from other groups and swap information.Talk to your partners.

Give them 5-10 minutes to exchange information.Each group

appoints a spokesperson who reports to the rest of the class.


Student’s book.


5 minutes

Work with the text.Find a partner from other groups and swap information.Talk to your partners.

What’s common about these games?


They all need skill.

They all are horse –races.

They all are summer games.

One of them for girls and boys.

Two of them only for boys

They all need strength.

They have to be experienced.

They have to be good horse-riders.

Student’ book.

Exercise 7.


Write an essay about your

favourite sport.

Students will write an essay about their favourite sport.

Read their essays in their own groups.

Choose the best one in your group.Read it to the class.

ICT(Information and

Communication Technologies)

Slides on the interactive board.

2 minutes

Assesment.By giving gold medals,silver medals and bronze medals.

Whom will you give these medals in your group?

Students will discuss in their groups with each other who won

these medals.

Gold medals-“Excellent”

Silver medals-“Good”

Bronze medals-“Satisfactory”

A minute

Homework:In pairs choose a famous Kazakhstan sportsman or sportswoman.Write about his/her achievments and personality. Say why you like and admire this person.Illustrate your work with photographs.

Students will find more information from internet and newspapers and magazines.

They will bring some photos of famous sportsman and sportswoman.





TV- programmes.

The latest sport news on TV.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

school 35

Автор: Карабаева Айнагуль Амамбековна

Дата: 28.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 162851

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    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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