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Save the Nature \Word\

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In this work I will demonstrate the ways how to save the nature. Each people should protect, save, take care of their nature

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«Save the Nature \Word\»

School-gymnasium 17 by Ataturk

Lesson plan

Theme: “Save the Nature”

Worked-out by: Mannapova A


The theme of the lesson: Save the Nature.

The aims of the lesson:

1) Educational: To activate their background knowledge in order to help them predict likely vocabulary in a given authentic text;

2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills;

3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English, Ecology

The type of the lesson: presentation, integrative

Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction

The equipment of the lesson: interactive board, diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters, computers, interactive board.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  1. Greetings

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

  1. A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

c) A talk about the weather?

-What day is it today? -What season is it now?

-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

  1. Phonetic drills

Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning dear Teacher

We are glad to see you!

  1. The Presentation of the new theme

Dear boys and girls, today is a wonderful day and the weather is perfect. We certainly like enjoying the smell of fresh air, and the smell of hope and joy of life. But there are many problems which threaten it. And the main question we are going to discuss today is the environmental problem. Today we must pay attention to the most serious problems our planet suffer from and find the way out. At this lesson we will go to the expedition to save our planet. You won’t be students today, but ecologists, biologists, geographers, who want to save the Earth.

Slide 2.

Now we are going to the expedition which will be interesting and useful for everybody, I think. And the route of our expedition consists of 6 stations.

  1. Preparing the expedition

  2. Visiting the experts

  3. Forests are in danger.

  4. Listening to the text.

  5. Giving some advice

  6. Our suggestions

Phonetic Drill.

Slide 3.

But first of all, let’s remember the words on this topic. Repeat after me, please.

Protect, protect from pollution, protective clothing, waste, chemical waste, waste paper, pollute, to be polluted by, sea pollution, air pollution, antipollution laws, environment, to protect the environment, the pollution of the environment, environmental problems, an international disaster, a lot of litter, to drop litter, rubbish , to solve a problem, to be empty of fish, alarming predictions, to disappear, to cut down more trees, to be polluted by power stations and factories, prohibit, prohibition, recycle, recyclable, recycled paper, recycling, packaging, to throw away, to buy packaged goods, drugs , breaking human rights, endangered animals, dangerous technologies, dangerous diseases

Well, now try to pronounce the words, I’ll show the sound.





Slide 4.

T: Here you can see two columns of words. First, read and translate these words, then match the words to make up word expressions.

Protect clothing

Air waste

Protective water

Environmental environment

Pollute paper

Waste problems

Chemical pollution

Now use these expressions in the sentences of your own.



Slide 5.

T: Well, thank you. And now I’d like to ask you what ecological problems do you know?

P: Acid rain, water pollution, air pollution, cutting down trees, chemical waste, nuclear waste, endangered animals.

T: What is the most important problem? What do you think about it?

P1: There are a lot of ecological problems in the world. In my opinion, the most serious ecological problem is air pollution.

P2: I think, the most important problem is water pollution because many chemical plants pour their chemicals into the rivers.

P3: As for me, the most serious ecological problem is acid rain.

T: As far as I know, people have always polluted their countries. Some years ago it was not a serious problem. But now it has become more serious. What are the reasons for it?

P1: I think, people throw away too much litter.

P2: Cars and factories pollute the air with harmful gasses.

P3: Industrial plants and factories throw away their chemical waste into the seas and rivers.

P4: People cut down more trees.

T: Oh, I see you can give us many reasons. Thank you.

Slide 6.

Now, let’s listen to the first expert. Your presentation is about the most serious environmental problems in the world.

1st group: “The most serious problems in the world”

T: Have you any questions?



T: Now we continue. Let’s pass over to the next expert. Your report is about the crucial problems in order of their importance.

T: Have you any questions?



T: The next presentation is connected with the ecological situation in our Republic.

3d expert:

T: Have you any questions?



Slide 7.

T: Do you know some facts about endangered animals?

Giant Panda 
Population: There are approximately 2,000 giant pandas living in their natural habitat 
Lifespan: 20-30 years 
Location: Central China 
Threat Level: Endangered
Endangering Factors: Loss of habitat, low birth rates, and excessive poaching are all significant factors that have contributed to classify the giant panda as one of the most critically endangered species.

Polar Bear 
Population: There are an estimated 20,000 - 25,000 polar bears left on the earth 
Lifespan: 20-25 years 
Location: Canada, Denmark, Alaska, Norway, Russia, & the Artic Circle 
Threat Level: Vulnerable [3] 
Endangering Factors: Global climate changes and pollution from oil & gas development are the two main contributing factors to the decline of mother nature's largest land carnivore.

Population: Estimates put the tiger population at less than 2,500 
Lifespan: 10-15 years 
Location: India, China, & Southeast Asia 
Threat Level: Endangered  

Endangering Factors: Poaching for their fine fur mixed with a large destruction of their natural habitat have caused a steep decline in the number of tigers left in the world

Population: There are only between 5,000 and 7,000 snow leopards left in the world 
Lifespan: 15-18 years 
Location: Central and south Asia (Russia, China, India, Pakistan, etc.) 
Threat Level: Endangered  
Endangering Factors: An unbalanced mountain ecosystem along with excessive deforestation are causing a decline in the snow leopard population.

T: Let’s have a rest. Listen to the sounds of rain, singing birds … )

Listen to the dialogue twice and tick the boxes if you think the statements are true or false.

Slide 8.

T: Let’s continue. The theme of our lesson is “What can we do to save the Earth?” Boys and girls, how can we help our planet? We live near the forest. Every spring and summer we go to the forest and pick up wild flowers, make a fire when we go for picknick and some of us lives a fire burning…we drop cans and bottles in the forest. Some times we frighten birds and animals. Although forests and woods in Chuvashia cover about half of the territory, it is necessary to protect them. All of you know that forests are called “the lungs” of the planet because trees can transform carbon dioxide into oxygen to breathe. And all the forest visitors should keep to some rules to protect forests and woods.

Slide 11.

Now look here and think of the rules, these pictures help you.



Slide 12.

T: Look at these pictures. Do you like them? Imagine what the characters are saying to each other. Let’s make up dialogues.

Slide 11.

Slide 13.




T: Thanks. But what would you do if you were in his place?

P1: If I were in his place I would…


Slide 14

T: Now complete these sentences.



Slide 15.

T: At the end of the lesson I’d like to ask you the most important questions. Can we help to save the planet? What should we do to help our planet?



T: And now let’s relax. Listen to the music and relax.

Thank you. Our lesson is over. I’m sure that you are real friends of our planet.

Your marks are…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Save the Nature \Word\

Автор: Маннапова Аида

Дата: 09.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 398530

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