Hello! Sit down, please Today I’d like to start the lesson with an episode from a film. Look at the blackboard please. Be attentive! The film http://hdfilmnova.ru/skachat_filmy-boeviki/520-terminator-terminator-26-oktyabrya-1984-bdrip-bd-remux.html So, you’ve understood from what film were these extract. What are the main heroes? Can you give some characteristics to them? Dangerous, awful, strong, mechanical, armoured So, Who can call me the topic of our lesson? “The robots of the future” And the problem is “Is it dangerous to create the robots of the future!?” We’ll discuss today is it really so? I’d like to show you not only scareful robots but useful and friendly ones. Look at the pictures of these robots. What do you think they show? What these things can be used for? (Answers) To my mind this kind of device is used for entertainment. It can play chess. It’s quiet amusing to play not on computer, but with a robot. Ролан I think this dog might be used for old people. Unfortunately many old people our days are alone. Some of them don’t have any strength to walk and communicate with friends more often they want. And this appliance can be a good pet for them. Галя First of all it’s necessary to mention that our environment is really very polluted especially forest, fields and rivers banks. This robot can clean us our environment. Юля I’m convinced that this device is used for playing music. I think it is useful in musical school to learn right playing of these or those melodies. Алина OK, at home you have read the text “Future Robots”. Now let’s read and translate. Ex.94 p.118 That’s right. Now look at the blackboard. Can you make up the word from the letters. It’s a kind of Olimpic task. Functional Dangerous Companions Require care Emotional expressions Try to make up the sentences with these words or if you can’t just read the sentences from the text. Answer my questions: 1. How are robots supposed to be used in the future? 2. Why are robots better companions than dogs? 3. Would you like to have a robot companion? Thanks Now let’s make a fishbone. Work in pairs. What robots were mentioned in the text? So, robots      ![]() ![]() C – 3PO Aibo Orio Kismat can make Robots R2 D2 people’s Lives easier.     ![]() They will Friends not require can walk show emotional helpers and Helpers care and play expressions companions music What are they used for? And now the next task. Put the sentences into correct order to make up a text. 1. Computer scientists believe that robots will be friend and helpers. 2. Other believe robots will some day be a part of everyday life. 3. They will help make people’s life easier. 4. Scientists see the next step is making robots that can feel and show emotions. 5. One day people are likely to accept robots into daily life And now get ready to listen to the advertisement about the robot Wakamaru and fill in the gaps in the summary in your workbooks p. 62 Ex. 3. You don’t have to use exactly the same words you hear on the recording. Текст на аудирование When you first see this small mechanical creature you might think of these famous robots from “star wars” by Spielberg A.I. But Wakamaru is a new device constructed and designed in Japan and got his name from a young Japanese warrior. Watching Wakamaru will give an idea of what a life in the future might look like. Wakamaru is not only friendly to people it is also useful for your life at home. The device can recognize 2 owners like parents. And up to date other people. That it can even talk to you. Wakamaru knows approximately 10000 words and can answer you quickly. It can understand the conversation and react to any situation. What is more, Wakamaru remembers your schedule and can alert you that something unusual happens. For example, when someone tries to enter the house at the unusual time, Wakamaru will make a loud sound. If nothing happens after a periods of time it will send a message informing you and even the police. Wakamaru can also act as caring family member. It moves closer to people when it speaks to and can remind them to take their medicine or make an appointment. Moreover it can ask people health related questions and get the answer for them by the e-mail . Probably Wakamaru’s most important ability is the fact that it can determine unusual human behavior and react to it. It will do everything to find out that is wrong. and then will take steps to help fix the problem. For example if you don’t wake up right time in the morning it will go to check up you and help you if necessary. This friendly robot can truly make your life more comfortable and peaceful. And now look at the blackboard and say about advantages and disadvantages of keeping this kind of robot at home: Advantages Disadvantages Smart, require care, difficult to control Reliable, incredible possibilities dangerous a highly effective tool Relaxation I’d like to show you the robot Kismat which can show personal emotion. You may relax and sit down as you like or just lie on your desks. And now sit down straight, close your eyes, write down the mark you’d like to have at the lesson. Smile. Now let’s continue our work. Look at the blackboard please. We have studied different ways of expressing future. What are they? Грамматика слайд (слайд ) To be going to – a personal intention or make a prediction about what you know/feel/see Future Simple – to express a future fact, a sudden decision, an offer, a promise especially after think, suppose, expect, doubt if. Is to/are to – to express an instruction or something arranged officially. Now make up the sentences. (слайд ) 1. I am going to study new inventions of robots. 2. Tomorrow will be the scientific conference about robots of future. 3. The scientists are to meet next month to discuss new models of robots. Let’s return to your workbooks Ex.4 p.62 Read and translate the task. So, you have only some minutes to write it down. You may work as you like: by yourselves, in pairs or in groups. Use different ways of expressing future. Who is ready? Read you essay. That’s fine. You’ve worked well today. The others will hand your essays in and I’ll check them and put the marks. So, Let’s answer the question: “Is it dangerous to create the robots of the future!?” To my mind it’s not so dangerous if they are not armoured. I think robots don’t have any mind and people can stop them anyway and anywhere. To tell the truth after such films, it’s really frightful, but I hope they will be helpers and make our life easier. Релаксация Do you like the lesson? Put the hand up who really like it. What do you like best of all? Thank you for the lesson |