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Revision Travelling

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On your desks you have the same sheets of paper. Now I want you to work in groups of four and try to predict what professional skills a travel agent MUST possess, what skills he NEEDS and SHOULD to have. Some of the words may seem unknown to you? Let’s read them and translate. WORDS: skills - умения, budget- бюджет, to master - совершенствовать.

(учащиеся работают в группах, соотносят качества с модальностью и у доски заполняют 

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«Revision Travelling»

Lesson 18.

Grade or class name 6.

Date 11.03.15

The theme – Revision Travelling

The equipment-student’s book, chalk ,blackboard, cards, hand outs.

Objectives-recall the theme Travelling

Org. moment- Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Warming-up activity

OK. It is very good for you. So, planning a holiday is a very important task. It includes a number of steps, which should be followed only in the correct order. Have a look at the slide, you see some of these steps, try to arrange them in the correct order.

  • Arrive in the place of destination;

  • Plan holiday activities;

  • Go to the station or to the airport;

  • Visit a travel agency;

  • Enjoy the vacation;

 (учащиеся выстраивают логическую последовательность шагов по планированию путешествия)

  1. Do you always follow these steps planning your trip?

Yes, we always plan our trip according to this plan. We go to the travel agency, plan our holiday activities, book tickets, make a hotel reservation, go by train or by plane, arrive to the place of destination and enjoy our vacation, visit sighs, go on excursions, make new friends.

Today we’ll discuss one of the most important steps in your planning a vocation. I offer you to guess it. Watch the video file and answer the questions after it.

  1. Where does the conversation take place?

The conversation takes place at a travel agency.

  1. What are the speakers?

The speakers are a travel agent and a holidaymaker.

(учащиеся знакомятся с вопросами, смотрят видео файл и отвечают на вопросы)

So, today we’ll visit a travel agency, study some peculiarities in the job of a travel agent and try ourselves in the role of travel agents.

(учитель сообщает план урока)

Stages of our work.

  1. Home task checking. (history of travel agencies)

  2.  Grammar rules revision. (modal verbs MUST, SHOULD, NEED to)

  3. Listening comprehension. (professional qualities of a modern travel agent)

  4. Speaking (dialogues on the topic)

  1. Совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением детальной информации. (проверка домашнего задания)

At home you’ve  read the text about the history of travel agencies. Let’s summarize the information , answer my questions and speak about the importance of travel agencies in the life of holidaymaker in all the times. Have a look at the slide.

  1. Who is the person on the photo?

It is Thomas Cook. He organized first travel agencies.

  1. When and where did the first travel agencies appear?

The first travel agencies appeared in 1841 in England.

  1. Were they popular?

Yes, they were. More than 30 travel agencies were organized by Thomas Cook.

(учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту домашнего чтения, обобщают информацию)

5.Совершенствование навыков аудирования с извлечением детальной информации

As you can see travel agencies have always been very popular.

  1. Do you plan your trip in travel agencies?

Yes, we do. We always plan our trip in travel agencies.

  1. How do you think, is it easy to become a travel agent?

I think it is not easy.

  1. Does this job need particular professional skills?

Yes, it does. I think a good travel agent must be a pro in his job.

Pre-listening task (повторение грамматики- модальные глаголы must, should, need to)

Let’ s revise grammar rule, our listening task is based on.

Modal verb




Строгое долженствование, обязанность


(Вы ) должны

(-) нельзя


Совет, рекомендация

(Вам) следует


Наличие или отсутствие необходимости делать что-либо

(Вам) нужно/не нужно

Have a look at the slide. You see a table. There are modal verbs in the left column and there are professional skills of a travel agent in the right one.

Task 1  (identify professional qualities of a travel agent )

A travel agent MUST


  1. balance client dreams with real budget;

  2. coordinate the customers’ schedule;

  3. have good interview, telephone, computer skills;

  4. sell airline tickets;

  5. master many kinds of information: geography, visa regulations, ecotourism;

  6. experienced help.

A travel agent NEEDS 

A travel agent HAS

A travel agent SHOULD

On your desks you have the same sheets of paper. Now I want you to work in groups of four and try to predict what professional skills a travel agent MUST possess, what skills he NEEDS and SHOULD to have. Some of the words may seem unknown to you? Let’s read them and translate. WORDS: skills - умения , budget- бюджет, to master - совершенствовать.

(учащиеся работают в группах, соотносят качества с модальностью и у доски заполняют схему, проговаривая свой выбор)

  1. I think a travel agent must…..

  2. We think a travel agent should ……

  3. We think that a travel agent must…..

While-listening. Now let’s listen to the tape and find out if we were right. You will listen to the tape twice. Put on the ear-phones.

(учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и соединяют профессиональные качества турагента  с модальными глаголами)

After- listening task. (учащиеся сравнивают свою таблицу на доске с результатами аудирования и обобщают информацию)

Now let’s check your predictions.

A travel agent MUST

  • balance client dreams with real budget;

  • have good interview, telephone, computer skills;

A travel agent NEEDS 


  •  coordinate the customers’ schedule;

  •  sell airline tickets;

  • experienced help.

A travel agent HAS


  • master many kinds of information: geography, visa    regulations, ecotourism;

A travel agent SHOULD


So, as you see to be a travel agent is rather difficult and responsible job.

  1. Would you like to become a travel agent?

Yes, I would.

  1. Why would you like to become it?

This job gives me a chance to travel a lot, learn many interesting facts about other countries, learn foreign language, make new friends.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Revision Travelling

Автор: Смагулова Жанель Болатовна

Дата: 21.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308441

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