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Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Субкультуры"

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Данный урок проводится на завершающем этапе изучения темы "Субкультуры" в 10 классе по учебнику английский язык под редакцией Кузовлева. На уроке решаются следующие задачи:

- Формирование навыков чтения.

- Формирование лексических  навыков говорения.

- Совершенствование грамматических навыков (предлог like и cоюз as). 

На уроке используются мультимедийные средства обучения: презентации, видеоматериал

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«разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Субкультуры"»

Тема урока: Субкультуры

Конспект урока

Цели и задачи урока:

Учебный аспект :

- Формирование навыков чтения.

- Формирование лексических навыков говорения.

- Совершенствование грамматических навыков (предлог like и cоюз as).

Социокультурный аспект:

Знакомство с реалиями и понятиями молодежных субкультур.

Развивающий аспект:

Развитие оперативной памяти; развитие способности к сравнению и обобщению.

Воспитательный аспект:

Формирование уважительного отношения к представителям различных групп.


Экран для показа презентации, презентация, компьютер, проектор; раздаточный материал, учебник,

газетные и журнальные статьи.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Today I suggest you to discuss about different youth movements in Russia and abroad. We’ll review and summarize everything you know about it.

II. Работа с лексикой

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary. (на доске)

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков.

Teacher: Can you tell me how much teenagers in Russia are like teenagers in Britain and in any other countries? (Уч-ся вставляют в предложения предлог like или союз as). (карточки)

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

III. Speech drill. Работа по теме «Субкультуры»

1) Определение «Субкультуры»

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about things which are very familiar and interesting for you. We’ll discuss pros and cons of different subcultures. You know that a lot of people belong to different subcultures. At previous lesson we have determined that the subculture is…

What is a subculture? (презентация)

Pupil 1: A subculture is a group of people within a complex culture who have interests that are different from those of the mainstream culture.

2) Главные черты субкультур

Teacher: So what are the main features of any subculture?

Pupil: Image, ideas, music. (презентация)

3) Почему люди создают различные субкультуры?


The people join different subcultures ...

to express their own identity.

to show off.

Why do people join different subcultures? (уч-ся используют в ответах опоры) (карточки)

to change the world to the best.

to reject everything..

to protest against the society.

III. Работа по теме «Субкультуры»

1. T: You see that Russia’s and Britain’s young people have many similar features. Subcultures in Russia and Britain are similar as well. What are the most popular subcultures? (презентация)

(уч-ся называют различные субкультуры)

2. And today we’ll speak about one of the first subcultures in Great Britain and in Russia – about hippies. Look at the following picture of hippies. Do you know anything about them? (презентация)

a) Here is the text about hippies. Your task is to read it.

The paragraphs are not in the right order. Which paragraph is the introduction? Which paragraph is a good conclusion? Put them in the right order. 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 ______ 5 _____



a. This lifestyle really shocked their parents. However, it was not only their lifestyle that shocked, their appearance did too. Both boys and girls had very long hair, often with flowers in it. They used to wear flared trousers or long skirts and sometimes went barefoot.

b. Today most hippies are hippies no longer. They live middle-class lives and worry about their children and paying the bills!

c. So what did they do? They dropped out. They left their comfortable middle-class homes and formed communes. These were often in the countryside, and there they used to grow vegetables and keep farm animals. They went to open-air pop concerts, where some of them danced naked and took drugs. They went on protest marches against war, particularly the war in Vietnam.

d. They were against many things: materialism in society, the boring routine of the jobs, ordinary family life, and war. Their slogan was ‘Make love, not war’.

e. Hippies were young people, mainly from the middle classes, who rebelled against society in the sixties and early seventies.

(Учащиеся выполняют задание по расстановке абзацев в правильном порядке: 1e, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5b).

b) Let’s speak about hippies. (Беседа по прочитанному, ответы на вопросы учителя по содержанию текста)

1) When was the hippies’ movement popular in our country?

2) What are the ideas of the hippies?

3) What was their slogan?

4) What were the activities of that grouping?

5) What was their appearance? How did they look like?

3. T: Let’s speak about other popular subcultures/ Read the texts about them. (Презентация)

4. Guess what subcultures are these texts about? (презентация)

(уч-ся читают тексты и догадываются, о какой субкультуре идет речь)

5. Teacher: You see there are a lot of different subcultures and the attitudes towards the members of these subcultures are also different. People like or dislike them, agree or disagree with their ideas. What do you think about youth subcultures and organizations for teens? Which groups do you approve or disapprove? Give your reasons. Write the composition “Belonging to a group: for and against”

(уч-ся высказывают свое отношение к различным группировкам)

IV. Заключительный этап урока.

Teacher: I think you’ve learned a lot of interesting things about the youth in Russia and abroad at the lesson Nevertheless what groupings and youth organizations do the young people belong to they must remember this:

We should think about future,

Change the planet to the best

And remember that we answer

For the generation NEXT.

Your marks are… Thank you for the participation in our discussion. The lesson is over. Good bye.

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Put the sentences in the right order. 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 ______ 5 _____


a. This lifestyle really shocked their parents. However, it was not only their lifestyle that shocked, their appearance did too. Both boys and girls had very long hair, often with flowers in it. They used to wear flared trousers or long skirts and sometimes went barefoot.

b. Today most hippies are hippies no longer. They live middle-class lives and worry about their children and paying the bills!

c. So what did they do? They dropped out. They left their comfortable middle-class homes and formed communes. These were often in the countryside, and there they used to grow vegetables and keep farm animals. They went to open-air pop concerts, where some of them danced naked and took drugs. They went on protest marches against war, particularly the war in Vietnam.

d. They were against many things: materialism in society, the boring routine of the jobs, ordinary family life, and war. Their slogan was ‘Make love, not war’.

e. Hippies were young people, mainly from the middle classes, who rebelled against society in the sixties and early seventies.

Put the sentences in the right order. 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 ______ 5 _____


a. This lifestyle really shocked their parents. However, it was not only their lifestyle that shocked, their appearance did too. Both boys and girls had very long hair, often with flowers in it. They used to wear flared trousers or long skirts and sometimes went barefoot.

b. Today most hippies are hippies no longer. They live middle-class lives and worry about their children and paying the bills!

c. So what did they do? They dropped out. They left their comfortable middle-class homes and formed communes. These were often in the countryside, and there they used to grow vegetables and keep farm animals. They went to open-air pop concerts, where some of them danced naked and took drugs. They went on protest marches against war, particularly the war in Vietnam.

d. They were against many things: materialism in society, the boring routine of the jobs, ordinary family life, and war. Their slogan was ‘Make love, not war’.

e. Hippies were young people, mainly from the middle classes, who rebelled against society in the sixties and early seventies.

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 1. Give synonyms to the words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. a young person from13 up to 19 – a) to try out

2. a group of young people having the same lifestyle – b) to reject

3. to be in agreement with – c) aggressive, violent

4. to refuse to accept – d) a teenager

5. something cruel, not friendly – e) to conform

6. to test – f) a subculture

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Exercise 2. Формирование грамматических навыков. Вставьте в предложения предлог like или союз as.

1) Russian teenagers have no rules in fashion _____ British teenagers.

2) Russian teenagers like different accessory _____ British teenagers do.

3) Teenagers in Russia have hair styles of different shape and colour ____ British teenagers.

4) Russian teenagers try to earn money ______ British teenagers do.

5) Russian teens ______ British teens listen to the music of different styles.

6) Russian teens think about their future ______ British teens do.

Put the sentences in the right order. 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 ______ 5 _____


a. This lifestyle really shocked their parents. However, it was not only their lifestyle that shocked, their appearance did too. Both boys and girls had very long hair, often with flowers in it. They used to wear flared trousers or long skirts and sometimes went barefoot.

b. Today most hippies are hippies no longer. They live middle-class lives and worry about their children and paying the bills!

c. So what did they do? They dropped out. They left their comfortable middle-class homes and formed communes. These were often in the countryside, and there they used to grow vegetables and keep farm animals. They went to open-air pop concerts, where some of them danced naked and took drugs. They went on protest marches against war, particularly the war in Vietnam.

d. They were against many things: materialism in society, the boring routine of the jobs, ordinary family life, and war. Their slogan was ‘Make love, not war’.

e. Hippies were young people, mainly from the middle classes, who rebelled against society in the sixties and early seventies.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "Субкультуры"

Автор: Проданова Ольга Сергеевна

Дата: 24.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 298424

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