Используемые методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный; словесный; поисковый; репродуктивный.
Оборудование урока: English – 5 Pupil’s Book, English – 5 Workbook, карточки, видео “Traditional Christmas dinner”, раздаточный материал с заданиями к видео, карточки для проведения рефлексии.
Ход урока
Этап урока
Задача этапа
Содержание этапа
Педагогическая модель
Организационный этап
Обеспечить благоприятную внешнюю обстановку для работы на уроке, подготовить учащихся к предстоящему занятию и общению на английском языке
T: - Good afternoon, children!
Ch: - Good afternoon teacher!
T: - I am glad to see you! Take your places. How are you today ?
Речевая разминка
Введение в языковую атмосферу
Т: - Well, children, what is the date today? – P:-It’s the 15th of December. T: - in 10 days I’ll celebrate my favorite holiday. I celebrate it on the twenty fifth of December. What holiday do we celebrate in December? P: - Christmas.
Teacher-Pupil 1
Teacher-Pupil 2
Teacher-Pupil 3
Teacher-Pupil 4
Teacher-Pupil 5
Cards on the blackboard
Проверка домашнего задания
Проверить подготовленные дома загадки о праздниках Беларуси и Великобритании
T:-Great! I like Christmas very much. I usually decorate my Christmas tree. I put a star on the top of my tree. Also I Decorate it with tinsel, lights and baubles. I usually put a snowman under the tree. And what about you? How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
T: - I see, that your Christmas trees will be beautiful. And at Christmas time it will bring you a lot of happiness. T: - Christmas time is the topic of our today’s lesson. We’ll learn how people celebrate Christmas in Britain and in Belarus.
Pupil 1class
Pupil 2class
Pupil 3class
Pupil 4class
Pupil 5class
Pupil 6class
Pupil 7class
Pupil 8class
Работа с лексическими единицами
отработка изученной лексики
T: Our Christmas tree is nice, too. But ,what’s this? Look at this Christmas stocking. There is a letter in it. So interesting! Oh, it’s from the Tree Monsters. They ask us for help. They don’t know what information is about Britain and what is about Belarus. Let’s try to help them.
T; - Do you remember who is from Britain? Nikita, Mike? Yes, Mike is from Britain. And he invite Nikita at Christmas . Let’s listen about it.
Teacher↔Pupil 1
Teacher↔Pupil 2
Teacher↔Pupil 3
Teacher↔Pupil 4
Teacher↔Pupil 5
Задания в чулке. На доске разделить Britain\Belarus.
Работа с аудиозаписью
Совершенствование навыка восприятия на слух и понимания сообщения, содержащего в себе ранее изученные лексические единицы.
T: - Listen and answer what is Nikita doing?
T: - Well done. Listen to the text again and answer are the sentences from ex.2b true or false.
Pupils’ answers.
Teacher↔Pupil 1
Teacher↔Pupil 2
Teacher↔Pupil 3
Teacher↔Pupil 4
Teacher↔Pupil 5
Ex.2 а,b p.113 PB
Работа с грамматическими конструкциями
Развитие умения различия грамматических конструкций Present Simple и Present Continuous.
T: - In this exercise we used the construction of Pr.Countinuous. We use this tense when we speak about actions that are happening at this moment, right now. And when we speak about actions that we usually ,or sometimes do we use pr.simple.
Ex.; I usually decorate the Christmas tree at Christmas. I am decorating the Christmas tree with baubles.
T: - Well done. I see, that you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Imagine a big Christmas tree. Draw it with your eyes. Draw eight baubles. Draw a star on the top of the tree .Draw tinsel and presents under the tree. Close your eyes . open, close. Think about Christmas. Tell me please what are you thinking about at this moment? I’m thinking about Christmas dinner.
Song “last Christmas”
Работа с видео-сообщением
Совершенствовать навык восприятия на слух и понимания сообщения, содержащего изучаемые лексические единицы
T: You know, people in Britain have traditional Christmas dinner.
Pre-listening task
Let’s watch the video about it, answer. What is it? (show a paper hat).
Ps; it’s a paper hat.
T: - You are right. People put a paper hat on their heads during the Christmas dinner.
Listening activity
Watch once again and pay attention to the details, answer what do people eat for Christmas dinner?
Ps: picture number
Pupil 7class
Pupil 2class
Pupil 5class
Распечатка с едой.
Совершенствование навыков монологической речи
T; Do you like traditional Christmas dinner in Britain? And let’s speak about Belarus. Have we got Christmas dinner? Of course we have. What do you have for Christmas Dinner?
Ps: roast chicken, mashed potatoes, …
T; How do you usually celebrate Christmas?
Pupils’ answers.
T; Let’s compare our countries. Do people celebrate Christmas the same? What is the difference?
-Thank you! Great job!
Pupil 1Teacher
Pupil 2Teacher
Pupil 5Teacher
Объяснение домашнего задания
Сообщить учащимся о домашнем задании, разъяснить методику его выполнения
At home you should prepare a story how you celebrate Christmas . It’s ex
Опоры Артему на 5-6
Подведение итогов
Провести рефлексию настроения и эмоционального состояния учащихся, проанализировать работу, выставить отметки.
T: - Actually, what are your emotions at the end of the lesson. You have the green and red baubles. Choose the green one, if you are happy and pleased with your work. Choose the red one if you aren’t happy with the work. We worked hard today. And your marks for today…….