Виховна:інтерес до зарубіжних творів та письменників.
Обладнання: відео, P.B., фото, картки для роботи у парах.
Тип уроку: Ознайомлення з новим матеріалом
Хiд уроку:
I. Пiдготовка до сприйняття iншомовного мовлення
Органiзацiйний момент 1хв.
Hello my pupils. I am glad to see you. I am very glad to see you. Are you ready for the lesson? Who is absent today?
Повiдомлення теми та мети уроку 1 хв.
Today we will talk about the famous English writer, read one of his story, learn new words, make up the sentences with new words, answer the questions, play.
Мовна хвилинка(відео) 2хв.
Let us train our tongues. Look at the TV-set.(Video-rap)
Перевiрка домашнього завдання 4 хв.
II. Основна частина уроку
Бесіда про письменника Марка Твена (фото) 5 хв.
Today we will talk about one famous author. Look at the TV-set. Do you know who is he? What his famous stories do you know? He is a famous English writer - Mark Twain. His real name is Сэмюэл Ленгхорн Клеменс. He was born on the 30th of November in 1835. He died in 1910. He is from Florida America. He had a mother, a father and he had many brothers and sisters. He was the sixth child in the family. Mark Twain likes to go to school very much. He liked to travel very much. He visited Greece, France, Turkey, Krimea, and Odessa. Mark Twain wrote many interesting and funny stories for children. His famous books are: Tom Soer, Prince and the Pauper, Простаки за границей…
Відповіді на питання(мікрофон)
1)What is his name? 2) Where was he born? 3) What is his real name? 4) When he was born? 5)Did he like to travel? 6) What countries did he visit?
Today we will read his famous story “The prince and the Pauper”. Do you read this story in Russian? Do you like this story? But first of all we need to learn new words. Look at the blackboard.
Ознайомлення з читанням та перекладом нових ЛО
Читання слів з перекладом за вчителем хором\командами
«Мозговий штурм» складання своїх речень з новими словами
Фізична хвилинка (відео) Open\Close 2 хв.
Робота з текстом (CD) 10 хв.
Open your PB at page 76. What can you see? What is the prince wearing? Where do you think he live? Has he got much money? What does he do every day? Is he happy? Now listen and follow to the story please. Then you will answer the questions. 1) Where did the prince live? 2) Did the prince have a lot of money? 3) Where did Tom live? 4) Did Tom have a lot of money? 5) Was the prince happy? 6) Why did he want to change his clothes with Tom.
Самостійна робота 5 хв.
P.B. p.77 Glossery
Гра Зіпсований телефон 1 хв.
III . Заключна частина уроку
Пiдсумок уроку 1 хв.
Дiти, що ми робили сьогоднi на уроцi? Що вам сподобалося найбiльше? Вашi пропозицii до наступного уроку? Що нового ми вивчили на уроці?
Оцiнювання 2 хв.
You were so active today. You are the best pupils. Your answers were excellent.