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Project work "A famous traveller"

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The theme of the lesson: Project work “A famous traveller”

The aims of the lesson: - to develop pupils grammar skills and habits of oral speech;

                                       -to encourage pupils to give reasons and participate  in the discussions

                                       -to enouble pupils exchange  ideas

The equipments of the lesson: books, table with new words and photos of travellers.

I Organization moment:

-Good morning, pupils!

- Good morning,teacher!

- How are you?

-We are OK!

-Who is on duty today?

-I am on duty today.

-OK,what date is it today?

- The 22nd October.

-You are right. What is the weather like today?

- The sun is shinning, but it’s cold.

-Who is absent?

- All are present.

-What was your home task for today’s lesson?

- Ex.11,12

II Warm-up

Swam, swam over the sea.

Swim, swan, swim1

 Swan swam back again.

Well swan, swan !

III Checking up the h/t: Ex.11,12.

IV Main part

I think everybody likes travelling so, during our lesson  we will talk about travelling.

Now, I’d like  you to answer the questions  “Why  do people travel?”

  • What are the reasons of travelling?
  • People travel to discover new places.
  • People travel to learn  a languages.
  • People travel to see the sights.
  • People travel to enjoy beautiful places.
  • People travel to make a new friends.

Project work Ex.9p38

Read the short information about 3 famous travelers from the exercise.

Can you guess whom the text is about?

Ex10page 39

What other  information do you know about these people?

Do you like reading books about famous travelers?

Do you know any other travelers?

Would you like to become a traveler?








Ex12 Adj-nouns






V Conclusion part. Marking.

Giving the h/t: To speak about travelers.

The lesson is over. You are so hard-working! Good bye!

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«Project work "A famous traveller" »

The theme of the lesson: Project work “A famous traveller”

The aims of the lesson: - to develop pupils grammar skills and habits of oral speech;

-to encourage pupils to give reasons and participate in the discussions

-to enouble pupils exchange ideas

The equipments of the lesson: books, table with new words and photos of travellers.

I Organization moment:

-Good morning, pupils!

- Good morning,teacher!

- How are you?

-We are OK!

-Who is on duty today?

-I am on duty today.

-OK,what date is it today?

- The 22nd October.

-You are right. What is the weather like today?

- The sun is shinning, but it’s cold.

-Who is absent?

- All are present.

-What was your home task for today’s lesson?

- Ex.11,12

II Warm-up

Swam, swam over the sea.

Swim, swan, swim1

Swan swam back again.

Well swan, swan !

III Checking up the h/t: Ex.11,12.

IV Main part

I think everybody likes travelling so, during our lesson we will talk about travelling.

Now, I’d like you to answer the questions “Why do people travel?”

  • What are the reasons of travelling?

  • People travel to discover new places.

  • People travel to learn a languages.

  • People travel to see the sights.

  • People travel to enjoy beautiful places.

  • People travel to make a new friends.

Project work Ex.9p38

Read the short information about 3 famous travelers from the exercise.

Can you guess whom the text is about?

Ex10page 39

What other information do you know about these people?

Do you like reading books about famous travelers?

Do you know any other travelers?

Would you like to become a traveler?








Ex12 Adj-nouns






V Conclusion part. Marking.

Giving the h/t: To speak about travelers.

The lesson is over. You are so hard-working! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Project work "A famous traveller"

Автор: Іліяс Санду?аш Ж?нібек?ызы

Дата: 02.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 246791

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