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Презентация урока английского языка, разработанная по учебнику "Английский в фокусе. Spotlight-5", модуль 6b.

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Подробная презентация урока по темам: Present Continuous Tense, Top tourist attractiona and making suggestions.

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«Презентация урока английского языка, разработанная по учебнику "Английский в фокусе. Spotlight-5", модуль 6b.»

Module 6d

Module 6d



  • Present Continuous
  • Top tourist attractions
  • Making suggestions
Winter. I am running on my skis.  White and silver are the trees.  You are running after me.  Try to catch me:  One, two, three!


I am running on my skis. White and silver are the trees. You are running after me. Try to catch me: One, two, three!

Winter. I am running on my ____.  White and silver are the trees.  You are ____ after me.  Try to catch me:  One, two, three!


I am running on my ____. White and silver are the trees. You are ____ after me. Try to catch me: One, two, three!

Winter. I am running on my ____.  White and silver are the ____.  You are ____ after ____.  Try to catch me:  One, two, three!


I am running on my ____. White and silver are the ____. You are ____ after ____. Try to catch me: One, two, three!

Winter. I am ____ on my ____.  White and ____ are the ____.  You are ____ after ____.  Try to ____ me:  One, two, three!


I am ____ on my ____. White and ____ are the ____. You are ____ after ____. Try to ____ me: One, two, three!

Winter. I am ____ on ____ ____.  ____ and ____ are the ____.  You are ____ after ____.  ____ to ____ me:  ____, ____, ____!


I am ____ on ____ ____. ____ and ____ are the ____. You are ____ after ____. ____ to ____ me: ____, ____, ____!

Winter. I am running on my skis.  White and silver are the trees.  You are running after me.  Try to catch me:  One, two, three!


I am running on my skis. White and silver are the trees. You are running after me. Try to catch me: One, two, three!

Present Continuous Tense To be + V-ing

Present Continuous Tense

To be + V-ing

Present Continuous Tense 1. He (to read) ________________ a book now.  2. She (to do) _________________ her home work.  3. My mother (to sit) _______________at the table now.  4. My sisters (cry) ________________, I don’t know what to do.  5. They (to play) _________________ football.  6. It (to snow) _________________ all day.  7. We (to have) _________________ dinner now.  8. The child (sleep)________________ at this moment.  9. Why ________________ you (to talk)?  10. The girl (to draw)______________ a picture at the moment.

Present Continuous Tense

1. He (to read) ________________ a book now. 2. She (to do) _________________ her home work. 3. My mother (to sit) _______________at the table now. 4. My sisters (cry) ________________, I don’t know what to do. 5. They (to play) _________________ football. 6. It (to snow) _________________ all day. 7. We (to have) _________________ dinner now. 8. The child (sleep)________________ at this moment. 9. Why ________________ you (to talk)? 10. The girl (to draw)______________ a picture at the moment.

Top Tourist Attraction What is it? Big Ben

Top Tourist Attraction

What is it?

Big Ben

tour guide - экскурсовод above - над tourist attraction – место привлекающее туристов belfry - колокольня wide - широкий exactly - точно commissioner of works – руководитель работ hour hand – часовая стрелка every year – каждый год huge - огромный interesting - интересный know - знать landmark - достопримечательность minute hand – минутная стрелка most - большинство perhaps - возможно ton - тонна top - верхушка

tour guide - экскурсовод

above - над

tourist attraction – место привлекающее туристов

belfry - колокольня

wide - широкий

exactly - точно

commissioner of works – руководитель работ

hour hand – часовая стрелка

every year – каждый год

huge - огромный

interesting - интересный

know - знать

landmark - достопримечательность

minute hand – минутная стрелка

most - большинство

perhaps - возможно

ton - тонна

top - верхушка

Top Tourist Attractions

Top Tourist Attractions

  • Every  year , millions of tourists come to London to see and  listen  to Big Ben. But, what exactly is Big Ben?
  • Most people think that Big Ben is the  tall  clock tower that stands above the Houses of Parliament.
  • Well  no ! Big Ben is not the  clock tower . It is one the four huge  bells  inside the tower. Its name comes  from  the bell’s commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben.
Top Tourist Attractions

Top Tourist Attractions

  • The  tower  is 98 meters high. The bell inside the tower is 14  tons . The clock on the tower is also  huge . Each of the four clockfaces is 7 meters wide. The  hour  hands are about 3 meters long and the minute  hands are about 4 meters long.
  • Perhaps one day you can go to London and see this amazing tourist  attraction .
Ex. 3 p.81 C

Ex. 3 p.81 C

  • Big Ben is in London .
  • Big Ben is the name of a huge bell .
  • The tower is 98 metres high.
  • Each hour hand is 3 metres long.
Top tourist attaractions   Every day , millions of tourists come to London to see and dance to Big Ben. But, what exactly is Big Ben? ____ year _ ___________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ listen tall Most people think that Big Ben is the short clock tower that stands above the Houses of Parliament. Well yes! ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ no

Top tourist attaractions

Every day , millions of tourists come to London to see and dance to Big Ben. But, what exactly is Big Ben?

____ year _ ___________________________





Most people think that Big Ben is the short clock tower that stands above the Houses of Parliament. Well yes!





Big Ben is not the clock.It is one of the four huge columns inside the tower. Its name comes to the bell’s commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben. The bell is 98 meters high. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ tower from tower  The bell inside the tower is 14 kilos. The clock on the tower is also short. Each of the four clockfaces is 7 meters wide. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ tons huge

Big Ben is not the clock.It is one of the four huge columns inside the tower. Its name comes to the bell’s commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben. The bell is 98 meters high.









The bell inside the tower is 14 kilos. The clock on the tower is also short. Each of the four clockfaces is 7 meters wide.







hour ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________  The minute hands are about 3 meters long and the hour hands are about 4 meters long. Perhaps one day you can go to London and see this amazing tourist guide. minute attraction







The minute hands are about 3 meters long and the hour hands are about 4 meters long.

Perhaps one day you can go to London and see this amazing tourist guide.



Famous Landmarks

Famous Landmarks

What is it? The heart of Moscow The Kremlin

What is it?

The heart of Moscow

The Kremlin

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

The Eiffel Tower   France, Paris

The Eiffel Tower

France, Paris

Statue of Liberty   USA, New York

Statue of Liberty

USA, New York

Making Suggestions (ex.1 p.82) Make a suggestion (S) Respond to a suggestion (R) How about going tomorrow? Sure, that’s a good idea. Why don’t we go jogging in the park? Sounds great! Sorry, I’m busy this afternoon. Let’s go shopping! How about going for a coffee ?

Making Suggestions (ex.1 p.82)

  • Make a suggestion (S)
  • Respond to a suggestion (R)

How about going tomorrow?

Sure, that’s a good idea.

Why don’t we go jogging in the park?

Sounds great!

Sorry, I’m busy this afternoon.

Let’s go shopping!

How about going for a coffee ?

Ты свободен днем? Are you free this afternoon? I’m busy. Я занят(а). Конечно, хорошая идея. Sure, that’s a good idea. Я очень устал(а). I’m very tired. Звучит отлично (отличная идея) Sounds great!

Ты свободен днем?

Are you free this afternoon?

I’m busy.

Я занят(а).

Конечно, хорошая идея.

Sure, that’s a good idea.

Я очень устал(а).

I’m very tired.

Звучит отлично (отличная идея)

Sounds great!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Комбарова Екатерина Андреевна

Дата: 03.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 397604

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  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(97) "Урок английского языка “The Alaskan Climate” по УМК “Spotlight” "
    ["seo_title"] => string(62) "urok-anghliiskogho-iazyka-the-alaskan-climate-po-umk-spotlight"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "221806"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1435588824"

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