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Поурочные планы

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Unit 8: Travel

School: №19

Date: 26.04.18

Teachers name: Uteshkaliyeva Z.B.


Number present:                                                                                Absent:

Lesson title:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.L9 Recognise the spoken and listened form of familiar words and expressions

2.S1 Make basic statements related to personal information, about people, objects and classroom routines

2.UE11  use have /got + noun to describe and ask about possessions

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Understand the familiar words and expression
  • Make up simple sentences about transport
  • Make basic statements using have got+noun

Most learners will be able to:

  • Recognize the familiar words and expression
  • Make 2,3 sentences about transport
  • Describe transport using have got + noun

Some learners will be able to:

  • Recognize the spoken and listened form of familiar words and expressions
  • Make basic statements related to personal information about transport
  • Describe transport using have got + noun

Value links:

Respect, Cooperation

  1. Listening to the teacher
  2. Listening to each other

Cross-Curricular Link

Knowledge, craft

Previous learning

Students learned the words for transport and directions


Planned timings

Planned activities


5 min

Greeting, Warm Up

Greet the students. "Hello!"/"Good morning!"/"Good afternoon!"

“What`s your name? How are you?” What is the weather like today?/ what date is it today?/ How do you get to school today?

Phonetic drill:

Learners repeat after teacher and do this activity.Teachers asks learners “how do you get to school”?

We go to school by bus

We go to school by car

We go to school by bike

We go to school on foot

Turn to the right

Turn to the left

And this is my school.

-I’ll divided into 2 groups. Come up to the table and take your favourite colour. If you took colour yellow you are in the first group, the second group is a colour blue. Take your seats please…

II. Listening Activity: Now pupils what about  our new theme?Today we are going to speak about transport.

-What is your favourite transport?

-My favourite transport is plane.

-Todays new theme is “Transport”

-Do you like plane?

Picture of transport


3 min

2 min

6 min

III.1. New words:

  • Car [Ka:] - Көлік
  • Bus [b˄s] - автобус
  • Plane [plein] - ұшақ
  • Ship [ʃip] - кеме
  • Bike [baik] - велосипед
  • Train [trein] – пойыз

Physical activity 2

Learners watch a video about “Transport”

IV. Game domino, repeat last lesson

Cards of transport


5 min

V. Grammar rule Have got/Has got


5 min

9 min

VI. Speaking active 4: I’ll give them pictures each other , touch and name the objects: Use I have got…

I have got a car

I have got a plane

Ex.7p.40 A.b., Ex.3p.62 A.b.


5 min

Home work:


VII. Group working:

Make a puzzle and talk about this transport

The first group is make a puzzle of bus,car, train, the second group is make of plane,bike,ship Describe transport

Puzzle for the first group is bus. For the second group is plane

  • What is it?
  • What colour is it?
  • Have you got a plane/car?
  • Do you like a car/plane?

  New words

Cards of transport


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«Поурочные планы»

Unit 8: Travel

School: №19

Date: 26.04.18

Teachers name: Uteshkaliyeva Z.B.


Number present: Absent:

Lesson title:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.L9 Recognise the spoken and listened form of familiar words and expressions

2.S1 Make basic statements related to personal information, about people, objects and classroom routines

2.UE11 use have /got + noun to describe and ask about possessions

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Understand the familiar words and expression

  • Make up simple sentences about transport

  • Make basic statements using have got+noun

Most learners will be able to:

  • Recognize the familiar words and expression

  • Make 2,3 sentences about transport

  • Describe transport using have got + noun

Some learners will be able to:

  • Recognize the spoken and listened form of familiar words and expressions

  • Make basic statements related to personal information about transport

  • Describe transport using have got + noun

Value links:

Respect, Cooperation

  1. Listening to the teacher

  2. Listening to each other

Cross-Curricular Link

Knowledge, craft

Previous learning

Students learned the words for transport and directions


Planned timings

Planned activities


5 min

Greeting, Warm Up

Greet the students. "Hello!"/"Good morning!"/"Good afternoon!"

“What`s your name? How are you?” What is the weather like today?/ what date is it today?/ How do you get to school today?

Phonetic drill:

Learners repeat after teacher and do this activity.Teachers asks learners “how do you get to school”?

We go to school by bus

We go to school by car

We go to school by bike

We go to school on foot

Turn to the right

Turn to the left

And this is my school.

-I’ll divided into 2 groups. Come up to the table and take your favourite colour. If you took colour yellow you are in the first group , the second group is a colour blue. Take your seats please…

II. Listening Activity: Now pupils what about our new theme?Today we are going to speak about transport.

-What is your favourite transport?

-My favourite transport is plane.

-Todays new theme is “Transport”

-Do you like plane?

Picture of transport


3 min

2 min

6 min

III.1. New words:

  • Car [Ka:] - Көлік

  • Bus [b˄s] - автобус

  • Plane [plein] - ұшақ

  • Ship [ʃip] - кеме

  • Bike [baik] - велосипед

  • Train [trein] – пойыз

Physical activity 2

Learners watch a video about “Transport”

IV. Game domino , repeat last lesson

Cards of transport


5 min

V. Grammar rule Have got/Has got


5 min

9 min

VI. Speaking active 4: I’ll give them pictures each other , touch and name the objects: Use I have got…

I have got a car

I have got a plane

Ex.7p.40 A.b., Ex.3p.62 A.b.


5 min

Home work:


VII. Group working:

Make a puzzle and talk about this transport

The first group is make a puzzle of bus,car, train, the second group is make of plane,bike,ship Describe transport

Puzzle for the first group is bus. For the second group is plane

  • What is it?

  • What colour is it?

  • Have you got a plane/car?

  • Do you like a car/plane?

New words

Cards of transport


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Поурочные планы

Автор: Утешкалиева Зайнура Бекбулатовна

Дата: 11.05.2018

Номер свидетельства: 469185

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