Organization moment. Greeting. Warm up. Take a piece of paper. Write what you value in the person you give it. Checking-up home task. The home work was to write an essay about your family. Competition: “The best essay” Criteria: 1. Describe the members of the family Descriptor: 1. Learners know character adjectives 2. Learners can write about the members of the family using at least 4-5 new words FA: fireworks Introduction of the new theme and the aims of the lesson.
Phonetic drill of the new lexics.( method whisper) Feedback: Learners make sentences or word combinations.
Task 1. Complete the sentences using the the new words I_____ my friend. My family___. My friend___. Sam __hang out with his friends. Real friends disagree, but they still__.
Criteria: Learners use correctly the new words Descriptor: Learners: Know the Present Simple tense Write verbs correctly
FA: orally feedback
Task 2. Read the text about teenagers’ friends. Method “Jigsaw” Criteria: Discuss Inkar’s blog Describe their friends Descriptor: 1. Each group discuss their texts 2. Groups discuss their topic FA: Groups assess each other with the method of carousel
Task 2. Write short essay about what you value. Criteria: Learners: Write what they value Read their essays Descriptor: Learners: Know the meaning of the word “values” Can use them correctly in sentences Write 4 sentences
FA: Praises, smiles
Home task: to learn by heart the new words, ex.5p.25wb
Reflection. Mr.” I Can”. Learners tell what they can after the lesson, have they achieved the aims of the lesson.