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Pollution. Second Conditional.

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The theme of the lesson: Pollution. Second Conditional.

The aim of the lesson:

* Improving communication skills

* Ability to plan their verbal behavior

* developing the ability to provide a presentation

* systematization of previously learned material

* Mastering new means in accordance with the lesson

Visual aids: flip charts for posters, pictures for dividing into groups,

Procedure of the lesson:

1.Organization moment

a) greeting the students

b) asking the absence of the class

c) talking on the weather

2. Checking up  the home task

The theme of the lesson: Pollution. Second Conditional.

The aim of the lesson:

* Improving communication skills

* Ability to plan their verbal behavior

* developing the ability to provide a presentation

* systematization of previously learned material

* Mastering new means in accordance with the lesson

Visual aids: flip charts for posters, pictures for dividing into groups,

Procedure of the lesson:

1.Organization moment

a) greeting the students

b) asking the absence of the class

c) talking on the weather

2. Checking up  the home task

The theme of the lesson: Pollution. Second Conditional.

The aim of the lesson:

* Improving communication skills

* Ability to plan their verbal behavior

* developing the ability to provide a presentation

* systematization of previously learned material

* Mastering new means in accordance with the lesson

Visual aids: flip charts for posters, pictures for dividing into groups,

Procedure of the lesson:

1.Organization moment

a) greeting the students

b) asking the absence of the class

c) talking on the weather

2. Checking up  the home task

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«Pollution. Second Conditional. »

The theme of the lesson: Pollution. Second Conditional.

The aim of the lesson:

* Improving communication skills

* Ability to plan their verbal behavior

* developing the ability to provide a presentation

* systematization of previously learned material

* Mastering new means in accordance with the lesson

Visual aids: flip charts for posters, pictures for dividing into groups,

Procedure of the lesson:

1.Organization moment

a) greeting the students

b) asking the absence of the class

c) talking on the weather

2. Checking up the home task

Presentation of student work from each region goes to the board and attaches to map a signal icon –S.O.S. .You have to prepare presentations at home .

S1.Hello! I am Nazira .I am Arna. We came from the East Kasakhstan. We want to tell you about the Ecological problems of our region .Today it is one of the biggest ecological disasters of Kasakhstan.First of all I want to tell you about the nuclear testing site,located in our region

Though the nuclear tests have been stopped people of our region still suffer from serious

Illnesses connected with the radioactive pollution of our region.Since 1950s there were

Over 470 nuclear tests . The air of our region is also polluted by many factories and plants.

There is an unique pine -trees forest in our region but it is also destroyed by people.

They cut the forest .The water is also polluted by chemical wastes of our factories .

I think time has come . We should protect the environment from further pollution.

S.2 I am Akbayan.And this is Erkebulan .We are from the West Kasakhstan.

We also have a lot of environmental problems .As you know our region is also one of

The biggest ecological disaster not only of our country it is one of the biggest problems of the

whole world.The Aral Sea was once the fourth largest lake in the world .Now it is a dying.

The air, the land of the region are polluted by salt and dust blown from the dying sea.

People of the region also suffer from serious illnesses .The shrinkage of the Aral sea

has brought a lot of social problems .Many fishermen lost their jobs .Our region is

rich in oil .A lot of international oil-companies have been working there .

They do not care of the ecology of the region. We are sure that only we together can prevent

Our world from the ecological catastrophe.

S3.Hello! I am Abylai.I came from the Central Kasakhstan to tell about the ecological

Problems of our region .We have the same problems .The Karaganda and Pavlodar regions

are the largest centres of coal industry.That means the serious problems connected with

pollution of air ,of land.Our rivers are also polluted with the industrial wastes.

I also think that people should pay more attention to the ecology because the future of

our world is the problem of each citizen of Kazakhstan. We should solve them as soon as possible.

3.Dividing into 2 groups

I'll give students pictures of objects of the air,and water. They must think critically about these pictures,and say how can they divide into groups.

4.New theme : Air Pollution and Water Pollution. Second Conditional


  • Polution is very important problem in the world. Around us, there is lot’s of rubbish water is unhealthy and air is not clean.

  • People drop litter around and they don’t think about consequences. We should take thought about saving the environment. Because it is one of the biggest gifts of the life. We should try, to stop pollution growing.

  • One of the problem is acid rain with disastrous effects. This problem is formed of acid gas, because factories and cars throw out this in the air. What can we do? In my opinion, factories must be with filters, to made oxygen from the dioxide, also cars must be with filters, too.

  • Firstly, acid rain will destroy the plants and then we will don’t get the oxygen; secondly we will die, because we will not can breathe. In Europe, the main cause of the acid rain is caused by the release of sulphur dioxides, so little by little, in the rivers and oceans lots of fish will die.

Water provides for use in homes, for irrigation, for extinguishing fires, for street cleaning and for many other purposes. Clean and fresh water need everything, what is alive, but we don’t care about this

  • Today, many of rivers, oceans and seas become to easiest way to throw out the sewages. People think badly, that sewages will disappear. The best way is the recycle sewages, or totally destroys it.

  • We can’t bath in the sea, because in the water are chemicals, after many years we will not have a normal place to spend our holidays, or bath. What has happened in our world? We can’t bath; we can’t drink clean water... So, what should we do? Firstly, to take thought about environment, and place which will be a home for our children.

  • Today we don’t understand how important is live in the fresh air and drink clean water. But in time, we will appreciate the environment importance.

  • We will understand it, when it’s been to late, to help the nature. So, as quickly as possible, we should start thinking about the ways of solution.

And we should start from over selves controlling our behavior and taking positive actions

2.Presentation of the grammar material .Second Conditional.

3.Read the text about air pollution and the water pollution. By the method "Jigsaw"

4.Doing exercises Ex16 p.76

5.Grouping work “Talk about your poster”

About Air Pollution – for the 1-group

About Water Pollutiion – for the 2-group

6. Conclusion of the lesson.

Today we’re going to write a report on pollution. Can you help me to finish the passage? Look at the pictures and the words given in the box.

7.Playing game. "Find your pair"

8.Home task

1.Retell the texts about Air and Water Pollution

2.Write 10 sentences for the second conditional


10.The lesson is over. Good byе!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Pollution. Second Conditional.

Автор: Булкебаева Асел Аскаровна

Дата: 28.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 206493

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