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Актуальность урока обусловлена применением интерактивных форм и методов работы с использованием мультимедийной доски. Подобраны задания, которые побуждают к общению и действию. Считаю, что интерактивная методика способствует более эффективному достижению задач урока.

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Горловский лицей №85 «Гармония»

Конспект урока английского языка с мультимедийным сопровождением по теме:

Relationships in a family


учитель английского языка

Пилипенко Л.А.

Категория высшая

Звание «Старший учитель»

Пояснительная записка

Владение иностранным языком повышает уровень филологического и гуманитарного образования обучающихся, способствует формированию плюрилингвальной личности и её социальной адаптации к условиям постоянно меняющегося поликультурного мультилингвального мира.

В программе среднего общего образования отмеченно, что основное назначение иностранного языка состоит в формировании коммуникативной компетенции, т.е способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка. Задача учителя состоит в том, чтобы создать условия для практического овладения языком для каждого учащегося, выбрать такие методы обучения, которые позволили бы каждому проявить свою активность.

План-конспект урока направлен на формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Актуальность урока обусловлена применением интерактивных форм и методов работы с использованием мультимедийной доски. Подобраны задания, которые побуждают к общению и действию. Считаю, что интерактивная методика способствует более эффективному достижению задач урока.

На уроке я предлагаю разные формы работы, что тоже делает процесс получения знаний не только полезным, но и радостным, творческим, динамичным.

Relationships in a family

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических единиц по теме ;

  • развивать умения и навыки чтения, письма, аудирования;

  • подготовить к самостоятельному высказыванию по теме урока на основе ключевых словосочетаний;

  • учить учащихся работать в группах;

  • развивать логическое мышление;

  • воспитывать уважение и любовь к семье и родителям.


  • фото семей;

  • карточки с заданиями;

  • текст для чтения;

  • мультимедийная доска;

  • фломастер.

I. Introduction.

T. Good morning, everyone. I am glad to see you.

P. Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.

T. I hope you are fine and all are ready to work hard. So let`s start our work.


1. Game. Brain storming.

T. There is a word-map on the blackboard.

People have different kinds of relations in their families. What are they?









2. How do you understand the words?

Слайд №1 (Speaking)

Cлайд №2

II. Main part of the lesson

T. So you see, people have different kinds of relationships in their families. At the lesson we`ll practice our vocabulary, read the text work in groups and discuss problems in families. You`ll tell us about the relationships in your families.

1. T. We`ll start with the Quiz about the relationships in families to find out the situation in your family.


1. Do you treat your parents in the way you`d like to be treated yourself?

a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

2. Are you genuinely interested in your parents` problems?

a) Yes, I am

b) I try

c) No, I`m not

3. Do you respect and honour your parents?

a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

4. Do you have family parties?

a) every week

b) every month

c) never

5. Do you share household chores and spend much time together?

a) Yes, we do

b) We try

c) No, we don`t

6. Do you control your emotions?

a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

7. Do you discuss problems in your family?

a) always

b) sometimes

c) never

If you have most “a” – the relationships in your family are friendly.

If you have most “b” – the situation is not bad.

If you have most “c” – you have some problems in your family.

2. Speaking

T. Now, you`ll see some photos.

What can you say about these families and their relationships?

Слайд № 3.

I think this is a happy family. They respect and love each other, trust and understand each other. They spend much time together. The relationships are good.

The atmosphere in this family is terrible. The family members don`t understand each other. They have problems and should discuss them.

3. Reading

T. We`ll read a letter where the girl asks for a help – our advices.

a) Pre-reading activity

T. Answer the questions

1. Do you get on well with your parents?

2. Do your parents trust you?

3. Do your parents understand you?

4. Do your parents let you do all the things you want?

5. Do they allow you to stay out late?

6. Do they allow you to smoke?

7. Do they allow you to use make-up?

b) Now let`s read the text. Reading. (карточки с текстом)

What should I do?

I live with my mother and father. But our relationships are not friendly. My parents do not understand me. I am 16 and I want to do things teenagers at my age do: to stay out late at night, use make-up, smoke, wear modern clothes, go to the disco and so on. We often have conflicts.

What should I do? Please, give me some advices.

c) Post – reading activity.

Write some advices to help the girl.

Let`s discuss what Ann should do


you should

  • trust your parents

  • discuss problems and find a compromise

  • spend more time together

  • obey your parents. Your parents are wiser than you are.

  • treat your parents in the way you`d like to be treated yourself

  • control your emotions.

Физ. пауза

Now let`s have a break. Exercises for your eyes.

Look up, look down, look to the left, look to the right.

Exercises for your body.

Hands up, hands to the sides.

Hands on your hips.

Bend left. Bend right.

Hands down. Sit down.

4. Writing and Speaking

Work in groups

We have 4 groups: 1 gr. – problems in families.

2 gr. – a good daughter

3 gr. – a good son

4 gr. – good parents

Your task is to present a good daughter, a good son, good parents, to show main conflicts in families.

At the end of your discussing you`ll write some advices how to avoid conflicts in our families and have a happy friendly family.

I give you 6-7 min.

1 gr. Every family is a little world. If family members have good relationships, this family is friendly. But sometimes people can`t understand each other. Such families have problems. They often argue about school and marks, staying out late, friends, clothes,doing the housework, watching TV or playing computer games, wearing make-up, smoking.

Advices: discuss problems

find a compromise

spend much time together

control your emotions

never lose your temper

2 gr. Every child wishes to have a happy and friendly family. If people are kind to each other, they have good relationships, and the family is friendly. The most important rule is to respect each other. A good daughter should honour her father and her mother, obey her parents. She should help her parents about the house. Then they will have more free time to spend together. Good traditions help the family to be a unit. All we need in our families is tolerance.

Advices: obey your parents

respect each other

help each other

honour the father and the mother.

3 gr. Our family is our life. Try to fill the house with warmth. Parents are more tolerant nowadays. Trust your parents. Respect and support each other. Love your parents and never argue. If you have a problem, try to discuss it and find a compromise. Be genuinely interested in your parents` problems. Offer any possible help to your mother and father. A good son treats his parents in the way he`d like to be treated himself.

Advices: trust your parents

support each other

love your parents

never argue

4 gr. Parents are more tolerant nowadays. They always help and support their children. They spend more time practicing to produce sweet harmony. Good parents always find time to spend with their children. They try and make the atmosphere in the house cheerful friendly. They usually keep promises. They develop a sense of responsibility in their children and praise the children. They teach their children good manners. Parents take part in all sorts of activities that can unite the family.

Advices: make the atmosphere friendly

teach children good manners

keep promises

praise the children

(Каждая группа крепит свои советы на доске)

make the atmosphere friendly trust your parents obey your parents

teach children good manners support each other respect each other

keep promises love your parents help each other

praise the children never argue honour the parents

5. Speaking.

And now describe the relationships in your family using these word combinations.

III Summing – up.

1. At the end of the lesson I would like to recite you some lines:

If there is right in the soul,

There is beauty in the person.

If there is beauty in the person,

There will be harmony in the home.

If there is harmony in the home,

There will be order in the nation.

If there is order in the nation,

There will be peace in the world.

2. “Sinkvain” (“Синквейн”) Рефлексия.

1. Family

2. friendly, happy

3. respect, love

4. my little world

5. a real treasure

3. You work hard today. Thank you.

Your home task is to prepare a story about the relationships in your family.

Слайд 3

Слайд 3.1

Слайд 3.2

Слайд 3.3

Слайд 3.4

Слайд 3.5


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Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Отношения в семье

Автор: Пилипенко Людмила Алексеевна

Дата: 26.01.2018

Номер свидетельства: 452725

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