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Открытый урок на тему "A new Capital"

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1 Explaining the new theme  

             to get more about a new Capital  Acfitidy  English on the theme, talking about       

             favourite  Capital and giting  indormation about Astana.

           2 to develop the pupils abilities in listening speaking, reading, writing

     Tps of        

    the  lesson:  standard lesson

     visual aids: pictures, slides. Cards, posters

     I The procedure of the lesson

        1 organization moment gruting manes absents

  • Good morning dear children! How are you?

I am glad to see  you today at my lesson

    - Who is on duty today?

    - who is absent  today?

     - what seoson is it now?

     - what month is it today.


    Please, look at these pictures at the board and give me some information about your feeling  

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«Открытый урок на тему "A new Capital"»

Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы

,Қазығұрт ауданы,

«Комсомол» жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Абдрахманова Ұлбосын.

Theme : A new Capital

Aims: 1 Explaining the new theme

to get more about a new Capital Acfitidy English on the theme, talking about

favourite Capital and giting indormation about Astana.

2 to develop the pupils abilities in listening speaking, reading, writing

Tps of

the lesson: standard lesson

visual aids: pictures, slides. Cards, posters

I The procedure of the lesson

1 organization moment gruting manes absents

  • Good morning dear children! How are you?

I am glad to see you today at my lesson

- Who is on duty today?

- who is absent today?

- what seoson is it now?

- what month is it today.


Please, look at these pictures at the board and give me some information about your feeling

Сhecking- up the home task

What eas your home task for today?

Ex:5 page 56

Introduction of the new lesson

2 phonefic driel I can read I can write

I can speak English too

I love learning English

And what about you

Seoson Autum is yellow

Winter is evhite

Spring is green

Summer is bright!

New words

II listen and repeat

Capital- астана


Building- ғимарат

Palace- сарай

Reconcilation- татуластыру, жарастыру

certainly – белгілі, әйгілі

exciting- қоздырушы, желіктіруші

aftracfive – тартымды, сүйкімді, қызықтыратын

III . Read the text and translate new Capital

Questions 1You have been rock ever to a Consut ?

2 Thomas has just bought a new car?

3 I’ve been never reading

4 Have you long your washing machine?

Ex:5 p 56

Conclusion ойын


Home task: эcce to a report

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Открытый урок на тему "A new Capital"

Автор: Абдрахманова ?лбосын.

Дата: 16.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 294487

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