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Открытый урок по теме "Мой домашний питомец"

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Dear children, today we have an unusual lesson. Many guests have come in our class. I hope you will do all your best during the lesson and show what we have learnt about the animals. The  theme of our lesson is: My pet. Your hometask was to prepare a project about your favourite pets. Today you will present your  projects.

2.Listen to me attentively and then tell the class what you have understood.

I have four pets at home- two dogs and two cats. All pets are good friends. They like to play with each other. And they like to play with my grandchildren, too. One of the dogs, Jack, is fourteen. He is a clever and merry dog. He is black with black nose and brown eyes. He lives in his dog house. He sleeps in his house. He eats meat, porridge, bread, fish. All my pets like fish and milk. Jack can jump, run and play.

3. Now try to retell this story.

The children speak about they have got to know.

4. You have heard my story. Now speak about your favourites.

The children come to the blackboard where hang their projects with  photos of  pets and tell about them.

5.Physical warm-up. Now we have some rest. Do the exercises and repeat:

One, two, three. Clap, clap, clap. Point to the window. Point to the door. Clap, clap, clap. Point to the blackboard, point to the floor. One, two, three. Clap, clap, clap.

6.Listening and reading. Listen to the text of the exercise 4, p. 73. In pairs, read the text about insects.

The pupils read the text and then ask each other questions about the insects.

7. Writing. We remember the grammar rules of how to use the Present simple.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)Elephants (eat) leaves. 2) My dog (like) milk. 3) The tiger (sleep) during the day. 4) A cobra ( can) bite people. 5) Crocodiles (swim) in rivers. 6. Koalas (clime) the trees.

8.You work well. Now it`s time to play.

Сircle the odd one out.

  1. Rhino, leave, lion, tiger.
  2. Dog, cat, peacock, book.
  3. Giraffe, neck, wings, tail.
  4. Bear, zoo, dolphin, penguin.

The teacher shows pictures of different animals and the children name wild or domestic.

9. Summarising. What did you do during the lesson?

Thank you for the work. Your marks are…

10.Hometask. Write a letter about your favourite wild animal.

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«Открытый урок по теме "Мой домашний питомец" »

Открытый урок в 5 классе по теме «Мой домашний питомец».

Разработала учитель английского языка Лобановской общеобразовательной школы I-III ступеней Джанкойского района Республики Крым Максимова Ольга Григорьевна, учитель высшей категории.

Тема: Животные. Домашний питомец.

Цели: Научить делать сообщение о домашнем животном, используя изученную лексику, воспринимать на слух короткие тексты и передавать их содержание, читать и отвечать на вопросы по прочитанному, развивать умения поискового чтения, работы в парах, закрепить употребление глаголов в 3-ем лице ед. и мн. числа; прививать любовь к живой природе. Оборудование: иллюстрации, картинки, аудиодиск, проекты, подготовленные обучающимися.

Ход урока.


Dear children, today we have an unusual lesson. Many guests have come in our class. I hope you will do all your best during the lesson and show what we have learnt about the animals. The theme of our lesson is: My pet. Your hometask was to prepare a project about your favourite pets. Today you will present your projects.

2.Listen to me attentively and then tell the class what you have understood.

I have four pets at home- two dogs and two cats. All pets are good friends. They like to play with each other. And they like to play with my grandchildren, too. One of the dogs, Jack, is fourteen. He is a clever and merry dog. He is black with black nose and brown eyes. He lives in his dog house. He sleeps in his house. He eats meat, porridge, bread, fish. All my pets like fish and milk. Jack can jump, run and play.

3. Now try to retell this story.

The children speak about they have got to know.

4. You have heard my story. Now speak about your favourites.

The children come to the blackboard where hang their projects with photos of pets and tell about them.

5.Physical warm-up. Now we have some rest. Do the exercises and repeat:

One, two, three. Clap, clap, clap. Point to the window. Point to the door. Clap, clap, clap. Point to the blackboard, point to the floor. One, two, three. Clap, clap, clap.

6.Listening and reading. Listen to the text of the exercise 4, p. 73. In pairs, read the text about insects.

The pupils read the text and then ask each other questions about the insects.

7. Writing. We remember the grammar rules of how to use the Present simple.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1)Elephants (eat) leaves. 2) My dog (like) milk. 3) The tiger (sleep) during the day. 4) A cobra ( can) bite people. 5) Crocodiles (swim) in rivers. 6. Koalas (clime) the trees.

8.You work well. Now it`s time to play.

Сircle the odd one out.

  1. Rhino, leave, lion, tiger.

  2. Dog, cat, peacock, book.

  3. Giraffe, neck, wings, tail.

  4. Bear, zoo, dolphin, penguin.

The teacher shows pictures of different animals and the children name wild or domestic.

9. Summarising. What did you do during the lesson?

Thank you for the work. Your marks are…

10.Hometask. Write a letter about your favourite wild animal.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Открытый урок по теме "Мой домашний питомец"

Автор: Максимова Ольга Григорьевна

Дата: 28.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 163310

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