LESSON: Unit 7 Nice or Nasty | School: №136 №222 |
Date: 17.05.2016 | Teacher name: Uteulieva G, Zhamankulova Z |
CLASS: 1 grade | Number present: 12 | Absent: 1 |
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to | S3-pronouns basic words and expressions intelligibly UE5-use interrogative pronouns what, how to ask basic question L2-recognize with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly |
Lesson objectives | All learners will be able to: * name food and drinks *find pictures of them |
Most learners will be able to: * make up sentences : I like apple. It’s nice. * memorize the new words |
Some learners will be able to: * use interrogative pronouns: what, how * make up dialogues, do role playing * use article a/an * pronounce new words correctly |
Success criteria | -Can correctly pronouns basic words -can use Articles \a, an \ , some -can recognize the names of food -Can make up questions and role playing |
Previous learning 0-5 min S-S | Motivational stage.Тraining. «I like my pet» (Қатысушылар шеңбер жасап, жүргізушінің соңынан сұрақтарға іс-қимылдар арқылы жауап беріп отырады.) If you have a friend, stroke your head . If you have a cat in your house, stroke yourself. If you like dogs, hug one another. If you like birds, stretch out your hands, If you like animals, clap your hands! Animals like “Magic mirror” Have you got a pet \dog, cat, cow, fox, bear, wolf? Yes, I have\ No, I haven’t What colour is your dog? It’s black. What does monkey like to eat? What is the Kazakh for: A dog, (a cat, a bear, a monkey, a horse….)? |
Plan |
Planned timings (in minutes) | Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) | Resources |
Start 6-8-min T-S | A new lesson is started by “Signal questions”: What is it? It’s a drink, it is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. What is it? Teacher asks pupils : What about the lesson? | |
Middle 8-15min T-S 16-22min T-S S-S 22-27 S-S 28-34 S-S 35-40 | Teacher brings into class pictures with foods and introduce with the new words. Mnemonic    Presentation: Articles a ,an Teacher explains the use of Articles a, an and reads the words on the board A banana a sandwich an apple an orange milk pizza fizzy drinks chocolate Showing Video Question: how? – қалай? How is apple? It’s nice. How is fizzy drink? It’s nasty. It is nice.\It is nasty. Are you like pizza? Yes, Ido/ No,I don’t It’s yummy. It’s Yok. It’s good. It’s bad.    Group work I II III Teaher gives tasks for groups to divide nice or nasty food with smiles:  «Triangulation» әдісі SPEAKER must to explain nice and nasty food. INTERVIEWER gives questions for speaker to know more details SECRETARY controlled their activity and gives them feedback. Success criteria | Descriptor | Knowledge- comprehension (to know) Can name food’s of name and difference between nice or nasty | Picture Students can understand | Application Can say food name in conversations Can use the question | Slide Can answer the questions about food | | ICT links https:\\youtu.be\TVG-lg0lbM ICT links Cross-curricular links |
End |  | |
Additional information |
Differentiation-how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Assessment-how are you planning to check learner s learning? | Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Value links |
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| Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. |
Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1. 2. What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1. 2. What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson? |