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Материалы к открытому уроку по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме "Образование в Великобритании"

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Тема открытого урока "Образование в Великобритании". Материалы включают в себя:1. конспект урока, 2. презентация, 3. файл с тестами, 4. аудиоматериал. Урок для общеобразовательной школы, для 7 класса. Английский язык изучается по УМК Биболетовой М.З.  Интересные аудио и видео материалы и информация странноведческого характера повышают мотивацию к обучению английскому языку и расширяют кругозор учащихся.

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Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
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Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«конечный тест для открытого урока.»


(№ 146 упр. 2) Choose True or False:

1. Sharon goes to a secondary school. (T/F)

2. Sharon hasn’t classes on Saturday. (T/F)

3. Sharon doesn’t wear a uniform. . (T/F)

4. After school Sharon doesn’t play grass hockey. (T/F)

5. She likes listening to music and skating. (T/F)








Complete the sentences with the words:

Strict, free, state(2), private, school uniform, expensive, compulsory

1. There are ( ) and ( ) schools in the UK.

2. Most students attend the ( ) schools in the UK .

3. In private schools the education is very ( ).

4. In state schools the education is ( ).

5 In British schools the discipline is ( ).

6. In British schools the students must wear a ( ) ( ).

7. There are ( ) subjects in British school.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«конспект открытого урока»

Конспект открытого урока учителя английского языка

ГБОУ СОШ № 281

Моисеевой Галины Викторовны

Цель: Введение и первичное закрепление новых ЛЕ по теме «Школьное образование».

Задачи: 1)Обеспечить использование лексики по темам «Schooleducation» в серии речевых упражнений.

2) Развивать умение сочетать лексические единицы, принадлежавшие к различным лексико-грамматическим классам слова.

3) Практиковать учащихся в чтении с извлечением основной информации и передаче ее в устной форме на английском языке.

4) Развивать языковую и контекстуальную догадку при чтении.

5) Развивать умение кратко высказываться в связи с предложенной ситуацией. Отвечать на вопросы о прочитанном.

6) Расширять кругозор учащихся. Повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Оснащение урока:

Компьютер, проектор, презентация по теме “Schools in Britain”

Урок подготовлен и проведён для учащихся 7 класса (6-ой год обучения), изучающих английский язык по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. “Enjoy English”

Конспект урока:

  1. Организационный момент - приветствие, Дата, присутствующие;

  2. Вступительная часть. Фонетическая зарядка – упр. 62 стр. 74

  3. Речевая зарядка – упр. 64 стр. 75;

  4. Проверка домашнего задания – сбор тетрадей;

  5. Основная часть. Слайды «Тема урока», новые Л.Е.;

  6. Учебник упр. 69 стр. 77;

  7. «Аудирование»; Делают письменно. Задание на раздат. матер.;

  8. Все слайд шоу – читают, переводят, ищут новые Л.У. в текстах слайдов;

  9. Ответы на вопросы по слайд шоу, с упором на сводную таблицу;

  10. Выполнение теста. Дополнить предложения данными выше словами.

  11. Заключительная часть: Сбор листочков с тестовыми заданиями;

  12. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

Вопросы после слайд шоу:

  1. What types of schools are in the U.K.?

  2. What schools do most students attend? Why?

  3. At what age do students go to a secondary school in the U.K.?

  4. Are nursery schools compulsory in the U.K.?

  5. What schools are compulsory in the U.K.?

  6. What schools are free in the U.K.?

  7. Do students wear a school uniform at schools in the U.K.?

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

1.Организационный момент.

  1. Hello, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let's begin our lesson. Answer my questions.

    • What date is it today?

    • What day of the week is it?

- What season is it?

  1. Вступительная часть.

  1. Основная часть урока:

Постановка целей и задач.

2. Look at t the board.

1) Read the transcr.,

2) Read the words.

3) Match the transcr. And the words

. ……………………………………….Yes, you are right.

3. Then answer my questions. …………………………....

    • (Example) This pen belongs to me. Whose pen is this?

    • The pen is mine.

- This textbook/bag, pencil box/copybook belongs to him/her/you/them/us. Whose ……………… is this?

- This …………is…………..….. ..

4. Now I‘ll collect your copybooks with your homework.

Please, help me.

-5. What is the topic of our lesson? (Education)

Yes, you are right. Thank you.

Look at the slide. Today we will speak about schools and educational system in Great Britain.

Now let's begin to work.

4. Разные формы работы с новым лексическим материалом.

Look at the slide. Repeat after me.

6. Open the textbook p. 77 ex. 69.

Match the words. More than one word is possible…………………………..

7. Now take the paper from your desk. Write down your name.

Read the task. Read and translate the sentences. Listen to the type and fill the table. Are you ready? Let's begin………………………

The work is over.

Are you ready? Let's check.

8. The next task for you will be to read the texts from the slides, translate and find new words (from ex. 68 p. 76.)


5. Обобщение пройденного материала в таблице и ответы на вопросы с опрой на таблицу.

  1. Now, you see the summary table with the main information from the texts.

Look at the table and answer my questions.


Thank you. Well done.

Дети делятся своими идеями.

6.Заключительная работа Тест – дописать рассказ об образовании в Великобритании.

10. Take you papers and make the task.

You have only five minutes to do the task. Then we will collect it.

Дети работают в группе и составляют кластеры по выбранной теме. Они могут пользоваться лексическим материалом, который у них остался с прошлых заданий.

7.Заключительная часть. (физкультминутка по необходимости)

Now I see that you are a little bit tired. Let's relax and do some exercises.

Please, stand up!

Point to the teacher, point to the door,

Look at the window, look at the floor,

Stand on your left leg, stand on your right,

Now sit down, touch something … white!

Дети встают и выполняют действия.

9. Рефлексия.

Thank you for your work. So, at the end of our lesson tell me, did you like our lesson?

What was the most interesting?

Would you like to study in British school?

Do you like to wear the uniform?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя и делают выводы.

Дети берут карточки с символами и вешают их на доску к той школе, в которую они хотели бы ходить. ☼

  1. Итог урока.

Домашнее задание

And now your marks for the lesson. Write down your home task.

Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye!


1. Ex. 32 p. 95

2. Ex. 31* p. 95

3. Ex. 68 p. 76 (словосочетания выписать в словарь с переводом, учить перевод.)


Урок является первым по теме "School education" и содержит в себе задания по введению и первичному закреплению новых Л.Е. Во время урока велась , что предполагает групповую и фронтальную работу. Также задания для групп спланированы на достижение одной цели различными способами (дифференцированный подход).
Во время урока цели и задачи, поставленные к уроку, были достигнуты. Контакт с учащимися был установлен, урок прошёл в дружеской атмосфере. Дети помогали друг другу при выполнении заданий. Даже те дети, которые на уроках особенно не проявляли инициативу, проявили интерес и активное участие. В целом урок удался.


  1. УМК "Английский с удовольствием"/ "Enjoy English" для 7 класса авторов Биболетовой М. З., Трубанёва Н. Н., 2012, издательство "Титул"

  2. www.metodisty.ru

3) www.menobr.ru


The happiest days of your whole life

(So all the grown-ups say),

But I would never go to school

If I could have my way.

My pencil point is broken,

My pen’s run out of ink

My head’s just filled with sawdust

And with sawdust you can’t think.

The happiest days of your whole life

(So all the grown-ups say),

But I would never go to school

If I could have my way.


Просмотр содержимого презентации
«schools_in_britain - копия»

February, 13-th Thursday Classwork Look at the board and read the transcription. Ex. 62-64 p. 74-75

February, 13-th



Look at the board and read the transcription.

Ex. 62-64 p. 74-75

Schools in Britain

Schools in Britain

Key vocabulary:  Education – образование, to educate – давать образование.  Primary - начальное 3.  Compulsory – обязательное 4.  Secondary – средняя 5.  Private –частная 6.  State –государственная 7.  Free /not free – бесплатная / не бесплатная 8.  To attend - посещать (a school, classes, meeting)
  • Key vocabulary:
  • Education – образование, to educate – давать образование.
  • Primary - начальное
  • 3. Compulsory – обязательное
  • 4. Secondary – средняя
  • 5. Private –частная
  • 6. State –государственная
  • 7. Free /not free – бесплатная / не бесплатная
  • 8. To attend - посещать (a school, classes, meeting)
Chose True or False: 1.  Sharon goes to a secondary school.(T/F) 2.  Sharon hasn’t classes on Saturday. .(T/F) 3.  Sharon doesn’t wear a uniform. .(T/F) 4.  After school Sharon doesn’t play grass hockey. .(T/F) 5.  She likes listening to music and skating. .(T/F)

Chose True or False:

1. Sharon goes to a secondary school.(T/F)

2. Sharon hasn’t classes on Saturday. .(T/F)

3. Sharon doesn’t wear a uniform. .(T/F)

4. After school Sharon doesn’t play grass hockey. .(T/F)

5. She likes listening to music and skating. .(T/F)

Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5 and 16.

Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5 and 16.

Nursery schools or Playgroups of age 3-5 Not compulsory.

Nursery schools or

Playgroups of age 3-5

Not compulsory.

Primary schools

Primary schools

Primary education lasts for 6 years:  1. infant schools  (pupils from 5 to 7 years old)  2. junior schools  (pupils from 7 to 11 years old).

Primary education lasts for 6 years:

1. infant schools

(pupils from 5 to 7 years old)

2. junior schools

(pupils from 7 to 11 years old).

In infant schools children don't have real classes.  They mostly play and learn through playing.

In infant schools children don't have real classes.

They mostly play and learn through playing.

When students are 7, real studying begins.  They do a lot of things in class. 40% of time — English 15% - Physical Education 12% - Art and Technology  They also do Mathematics, Geography and History.

When students are 7, real studying begins.

They do a lot of things in class.

40% of time — English

15% - Physical Education

12% - Art and Technology

They also do Mathematics, Geography and History.

Secondary schools

Secondary schools

After six years of primary education children take exams in compulsory (core)  subjects and go to a secondary school.  It begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years.  Most children go to state schools.  The education is free.

After six years of primary education children take exams in compulsory (core) subjects and go to a secondary school.

It begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years.

Most children go to state schools.

The education is free.

Secondary school children study English, Mathematics,  Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign  language and have lessons of Physical training and  Religious.  English, Mathematics and Science  are called

Secondary school children study English, Mathematics,

Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign

language and have lessons of Physical training and


English, Mathematics and Science

are called "core" (“compulsory”) subjects .

At the age of 7, 11 and 14 students take examinations

in the core subjects.

After five years of secondary education, students take  GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)  examination.  60 % of children leave school and go to colleges  for further education.

After five years of secondary education, students take

GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)


60 % of children leave school and go to colleges

for further education.

There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain. Education in such schools is very expensive, that's why only 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend them.  The most famous British private schools are  Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain. Education in such schools is very expensive, that's why only 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend them.

The most famous British private schools are

Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

Prince William, the Queen’s grandson studied in Eton College.

Prince William, the Queen’s grandson studied in

Eton College.

School uniform  Most schools in Britain require children to wear a school uniform.

School uniform

Most schools in Britain require children to wear a school uniform.

A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best schools. But it isn’t always true.  In fact, uniforms first came to schools for poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms. It include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves , a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazer’s pocket.

A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the country’s best schools. But it isn’t always true.

In fact, uniforms first came to schools for poor because they were cheaper.

Today a lot of British schools have uniforms. It include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves , a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazer’s pocket.

School tie – у англичан есть выражение  ”To be true to your school tie” -  “ Быть верным своему школьному галстуку ”. Это означает, что и через много лет выпускники сохраняют верность своим школьным друзьям и всегда готовы помочь им.  Для выпускников престижных частных школ такой галстук является не только символом дружбы и взаимопомощи, но и пропуском в общество самых известных и влиятельных людей страны.

School tie у англичан есть выражение ”To be true to your school tie” - “ Быть верным своему школьному галстуку ”. Это означает, что и через много лет выпускники сохраняют верность своим школьным друзьям и всегда готовы помочь им.

Для выпускников престижных частных школ такой галстук является не только символом дружбы и взаимопомощи, но и пропуском в общество самых известных и влиятельных людей страны.

Compulsory education ends at 16. . Some people leave secondary school and go to colleges for further education. Some choose to stay at secondary school for two years more and prepare for a higher education.

Compulsory education ends at 16. .

Some people leave secondary school and go to colleges for further education.

Some choose to stay at secondary school for two years more and prepare for a higher education.

Complete the sentences in the tests with the need words.

Complete the sentences in the tests with the need words.

Many British children attend a nursery school from the age of 3, but it is not compulsory.  In nursery schools they learn numbers, colours, and letters.  Most of time babies play, have lunch and sleep there.

Many British children attend a nursery school from the age of 3, but it is not compulsory.

In nursery schools they learn numbers, colours, and letters.

Most of time babies play, have lunch and sleep there.

40 % of pupils study for 2 more years for

40 % of pupils study for 2 more years for "A' (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects which is necessary to get a place at one of British universities.

Gap year Пункт 3  Young people in Britain usually take a gap year when they are about eighteen years old, before going to university. Most of young people use this year for travelling.

Gap year

Пункт 3

Young people in Britain usually take a gap year when they are about eighteen years old, before going to university. Most of young people use this year for travelling.

Universities usually select students basing on their A-level results and an interview.  The best universities are The University of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, London Imperial College, London University College.

Universities usually select students basing on their A-level results and an interview.

The best universities are The University of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, London Imperial College, London University College.

School year    The school year begins in September. It never begins  on Monday. The English don't think it is good to start  a new thing on Monday, so school usually begins on the  first Tuesday of September.  There are three terms in a school year. When the term  is over, schoolchildren have holidays:  Christmas holidays - 2 weeks  Easter holidays — 2 weeks  Summer holidays — 6 weeks

School year

The school year begins in September. It never begins

on Monday. The English don't think it is good to start

a new thing on Monday, so school usually begins on the

first Tuesday of September.

There are three terms in a school year. When the term

is over, schoolchildren have holidays:

Christmas holidays - 2 weeks

Easter holidays — 2 weeks

Summer holidays — 6 weeks

School day  Pupils usally have five lessons five days a week.  At four o'clock classes are usually over and pupils go home.  Schools offer after school activities such as sports club (swimming, football, netball, etc.) ITC (Information Technology) classes, book clubs, art clubs, drama and music.

School day

Pupils usally have five lessons five days a week.

At four o'clock classes are usually over and pupils go home.

Schools offer after school activities such as sports club (swimming, football, netball, etc.) ITC (Information Technology) classes, book clubs, art clubs, drama and music.

There is a long lunch break in the afternoon after the third lesson.  Most children bring their own packed lunch from home. A packed lunch usually consists of sandwiches, fruit, a drink and a packet of crisps.

There is a long lunch break in the afternoon after the third lesson.

Most children bring their own packed lunch from home. A packed lunch usually consists of sandwiches, fruit, a drink and a packet of crisps.

Marks  A – 90-100 - excellent  B – 80-89 - good  C – 70-79 - satisfactory   D – 60-69 - bad  E – 0-59 - poor Sometimes «+» (plus) and «-» (minus) are added.


A 90-100 - excellent

B 80-89 - good

C 70-79 - satisfactory

D 60-69 - bad

E 0-59 - poor

Sometimes «+» (plus) and «-» (minus) are added.

Sport  Sport is important in British schools. Sports culture is very strong in private schools in the United Kingdom.  The most popular sports are football, basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby.


Sport is important in British schools.

Sports culture is very strong in private schools in the United Kingdom.

The most popular sports are football, basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby.

School rules   Every British school has its rules.

School rules

Every British school has its rules.

What is bad behaviour? • not coming to school without permission from parents • smoking, swearing, hitting • not doing homework • cheating in exams • calling a teacher or another pupil bad names (bullying) • not listening or not paying attention in lessons • wearing unsuitable clothes for school

What is bad behaviour?

not coming to school without permission from parents

smoking, swearing, hitting

not doing homework

cheating in exams

calling a teacher or another pupil bad names (bullying)

not listening or not paying attention in lessons

wearing unsuitable clothes for school

Punishments in UK schools: • Exclusion: a pupil is excluded from the school and cannot come back. • Suspension: pupil cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about his case. • Detention. This means he or she is asked to stay at school at the end of the school day. • Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times (100 times) on a sheet of paper.

Punishments in UK schools:

Exclusion: a pupil is excluded from the school and cannot come back.

Suspension: pupil cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about his case.

Detention. This means he or she is asked to stay at school at the end of the school day.

Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times (100 times) on a sheet of paper.

Check yourself 1. Education is compulsory between the ages:  a) 4 and 15 b) 5 and 16 c) 5 and 18 2. Prince William went to:  a) Eton b) Harrow c) Winchester 3. Boarding school means that:  a) It is abroad b) Students live there c) There are only boys there. 4. Core subjects in secondary schools are:  a) English, History, Art b) Art, Technology, PE c) English, Maths, Science. 5. There are … terms in a school year:  a) 3 b) 4 c) 5

Check yourself

1. Education is compulsory between the ages:

a) 4 and 15 b) 5 and 16 c) 5 and 18

2. Prince William went to:

a) Eton b) Harrow c) Winchester

3. Boarding school means that:

a) It is abroad b) Students live there c) There are only boys there.

4. Core subjects in secondary schools are:

a) English, History, Art b) Art, Technology, PE c) English, Maths, Science.

5. There are … terms in a school year:

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5

Check yourself   Age Type of School 3-5 5-7 7-11 11-16 16-18

Check yourself


Type of School






Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Моисеева Галина Викторовна

Дата: 23.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 221137

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